Uses of Interface
Package | Description |
---|---| |
The front-end interface to the Java implementation of the SpiNNaker host
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The buffer manager and support classes.
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Classes used to describe the JSON requests to the data transfer code.
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Data specification execution interface.
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Describes a SpiNNaker machine.
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Describes IPtags and reverse IPtags.
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The messages of the EIEIO protocol.
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Model support classes for the communication messages.
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The messages of SpiNNaker Control Protocol (SCP).
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Messages sent and received by SDP (the SpiNNaker Datagram Protocol).
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Storage management.
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Storage management implementation that uses SQLite.
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How to actually talk to a SpiNNaker machine.
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description NoDropPacketContext(TransceiverInterface txrx, List<? extends HasCoreLocation> monitorCoreLocations, Gather gatherer)
Create a no-drop-packets context for a single board.NoDropPacketContext(TransceiverInterface txrx, Stream<? extends HasCoreLocation> monitorCoreLocations, Stream<Gather> gatherers)
Create a no-drop-packets context. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Constructors in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description GatherProtocolMessage(HasCoreLocation destination, SDPPort destPort, ByteBuffer payload)
Create a protocol message. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Classes in that implement HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Class Description class
Data speed up packet gatherer description.class
Extra monitor core information.class
Vertex placement information. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description SystemRouterTableContext(TransceiverInterface txrx, List<? extends HasCoreLocation> monitorCoreLocations)
Create a no-drop-packets context.SystemRouterTableContext(TransceiverInterface txrx, Stream<? extends HasCoreLocation> monitorCoreLocations)
Create a no-drop-packets context. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Classes in that implement HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Class Description class
Holding case for a CoreLocation (X, Y and P) and the recording region ID.Methods in that return HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Method Description default HasCoreLocation
HasChipLocation. getScampCore()
Get the core of the chip that will be running SC&MP.Methods in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Method Description default boolean
HasCoreLocation. onSameCoreAs(HasCoreLocation other)
Check if two locations are co-located at the core level.Constructors in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description CoreSubsets(HasCoreLocation location)
Constructor which adds a single location.RegionLocation(HasCoreLocation core, int region)
Creates the region based on a core and a region. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Constructors in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description ReverseIPTag(InetAddress boardAddress, int tagID, int udpPort, HasCoreLocation destination)
Create a reverse IP tag.ReverseIPTag(InetAddress boardAddress, int tagID, int udpPort, HasCoreLocation destination, int sdpPort)
Create a reverse IP tag. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Classes in that implement HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Class Description class
Message used in the context of the buffering input mechanism which is sent by the SpiNNaker system to the host computer to ask for more data to inject during the simulation.class
Message used in the context of the buffering output mechanism which is sent from the SpiNNaker system to the host computer to signal that some data is available to be read.Fields in declared as HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Field Description HasCoreLocation
SpinnakerRequestBuffers. core
What core are we talking about.Constructors in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description SpinnakerRequestBuffers(HasCoreLocation core, byte regionID, byte sequenceNum, int spaceAvailable)
Create an instance.SpinnakerRequestReadData(HasCoreLocation core, int sequenceNum, int numRequests, int[] channel, int[] regionID, int[] startAddress, int[] spaceRead)
Create a message instance.SpinnakerRequestReadData(HasCoreLocation core, int sequenceNum, int channel, int regionID, int startAddress, int spaceRead)
Create a message instance about a single move. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Classes in that implement HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Class Description class
Represents information about the state of a CPU.class
The contents of IOBUF for a core.Fields in declared as HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Field Description HasCoreLocation
TagDescription. spinCore
The location of the core on the chip which the tag is defined on and where the core that handles the tag's messages resides.Constructors in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description CPUInfo(HasCoreLocation location, ByteBuffer buffer)
IOBuffer(HasCoreLocation core, byte[] contents)
IOBuffer(HasCoreLocation core, Iterable<ByteBuffer> contents)
IOBuffer(HasCoreLocation core, ByteBuffer contents)
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Constructors in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description ClearIOBUF(HasCoreLocation core)
ClearReinjectionQueue(HasCoreLocation core)
GetReinjectionStatus(HasCoreLocation core)
GetVersion(HasCoreLocation core)
LoadApplicationRoutes(HasCoreLocation core)
LoadSystemRoutes(HasCoreLocation core)
ReadLink(HasCoreLocation core, Direction link, MemoryLocation baseAddress, int size)
ReadMemory(HasCoreLocation core, MemoryLocation address, int size)
ResetReinjectionCounters(HasCoreLocation core)
ReverseIPTagSet(@Valid @NotNull HasChipLocation chip, @Valid @NotNull HasCoreLocation destination, int port, int tag, int sdpPort)
SaveApplicationRoutes(HasCoreLocation core)
SCPRequest(HasCoreLocation core, SCPCommand command)
Create a new request that goes to the default port and needs a reply.SCPRequest(HasCoreLocation core, SCPCommand command, int argument1)
Create a new request that goes to the default port and needs a reply.SCPRequest(HasCoreLocation core, SCPCommand command, int argument1, int argument2)
Create a new request that goes to the default port and needs a reply.SCPRequest(HasCoreLocation core, SCPCommand command, int argument1, int argument2, int argument3)
Create a new request that goes to the default port and needs a reply.SCPRequest(HasCoreLocation core, SCPCommand command, int argument1, int argument2, int argument3, ByteBuffer data)
Create a new request that goes to the default port and needs a reply.SetLED(HasCoreLocation core, Map<Integer,LEDAction> ledStates)
SetReinjectionPacketTypes(HasCoreLocation core, boolean multicast, boolean pointToPoint, boolean fixedRoute, boolean nearestNeighbour)
SetRouterEmergencyTimeout(HasCoreLocation core, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
SetRouterTimeout(HasCoreLocation core, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
UpdateProvenanceAndExit(HasCoreLocation core)
UpdateRuntime(HasCoreLocation core, int runTime, boolean infiniteRun, int currentTime, int numSyncSteps)
WriteLink(HasCoreLocation core, Direction link, MemoryLocation baseAddress, ByteBuffer data)
WriteMemory(HasCoreLocation core, MemoryLocation baseAddress, ByteBuffer data)
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Classes in that implement HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Class Description class
Represents a location in an SDP message.Constructors in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description SDPLocation(HasCoreLocation core)
Make an SDPLocation from a core location. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Methods in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Method Description default void
BufferManagerStorage. deleteRegionContents(HasCoreLocation core, int region)
Deprecated.Currently unsupported; underlying database structure absentList<Integer>
BufferManagerStorage. getRegionsWithStorage(HasCoreLocation core)
Get a list of all regions for a particular core that have data stored in the database.Constructors in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Constructor Description Region(HasCoreLocation core, int regionIndex, MemoryLocation startLocation, int size, boolean isRecording)
Create a region descriptor. -
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Methods in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Method Description List<Integer>
SQLiteBufferStorage. getRegionsWithStorage(HasCoreLocation core)
Uses of HasCoreLocation in
Methods in with parameters of type HasCoreLocation Modifier and Type Method Description default void
TransceiverInterface. clearIobuf(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Clear the contents of the IOBUF buffer for a given core.void
Transceiver. clearReinjectionQueues(HasCoreLocation monitorCore)
TransceiverInterface. clearReinjectionQueues(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore)
Clear the packet reinjection queues in a monitor process.default void
TransceiverInterface. execute(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull File executable, @NotNull AppID appID)
Start an executable running on a single core.default void
TransceiverInterface. execute(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull File executable, @NotNull AppID appID, boolean wait)
Start an executable running on a single core.default void
TransceiverInterface. execute(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull InputStream executable, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int numBytes, @NotNull AppID appID)
Start an executable running on a single core.default void
TransceiverInterface. execute(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull InputStream executable, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int numBytes, @NotNull AppID appID, boolean wait)
Start an executable running on a single core.default void
TransceiverInterface. execute(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull ByteBuffer executable, @NotNull AppID appID)
Start an executable running on a single core.default void
TransceiverInterface. execute(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull ByteBuffer executable, @NotNull AppID appID, boolean wait)
Start an executable running on a single core.default CPUInfo
TransceiverInterface. getCPUInformation(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Get information about a specific processor on the board.default IOBuffer
TransceiverInterface. getIobuf(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Get the contents of IOBUF for a given core.ReinjectionStatus
Transceiver. getReinjectionStatus(HasCoreLocation monitorCore)
TransceiverInterface. getReinjectionStatus(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore)
Get the packet reinjection status of a monitor process.default MemoryLocation
TransceiverInterface. getUser0RegisterAddress(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Get the address of user0 for a given processor on the board.default MemoryLocation
TransceiverInterface. getUser1RegisterAddress(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Get the address of user1 for a given processor on the board.default MemoryLocation
TransceiverInterface. getUser2RegisterAddress(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Get the address of user2 for a given processor on the board.static MemoryLocation
Utils. getVcpuAddress(HasCoreLocation core)
Get the address of thevcpu_t
structure for the given core.ByteBuffer
Transceiver. readMemory(HasCoreLocation core, MemoryLocation baseAddress, int length)
TransceiverInterface. readMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read some areas of SDRAM (or System RAM) from the board.default ByteBuffer
TransceiverInterface. readMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull HeapElement element)
Read the contents of an allocated block on the heap from the board.ByteBuffer
Transceiver. readNeighbourMemory(HasCoreLocation core, Direction link, MemoryLocation baseAddress, int length)
TransceiverInterface. readNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read some areas of memory on a neighbouring chip using a LINK_READ SCP command.default int
TransceiverInterface. readUser0(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Read the user0 register of a core.default int
TransceiverInterface. readUser1(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Read the user1 register of a core.default int
TransceiverInterface. readUser2(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Read the user2 register of a core.void
Transceiver. resetReinjectionCounters(HasCoreLocation monitorCore)
TransceiverInterface. resetReinjectionCounters(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore)
Reset the packet reinjection counters of a monitor process.void
Transceiver. setLEDs(HasCoreLocation core, Map<Integer,LEDAction> ledStates)
TransceiverInterface. setLEDs(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, Map<Integer,LEDAction> ledStates)
Set LED states.default void
TransceiverInterface. setReinjection(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore, boolean reinject)
Set whether packets (of all types) are to be reinjected.default void
TransceiverInterface. setReinjection(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore, @NotNull ReinjectionStatus status)
Restore whether packets are to be reinjected to a previously saved state.void
Transceiver. setReinjectionEmergencyTimeout(HasCoreLocation monitorCore, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionEmergencyTimeout(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
Set the emergency packet reinjection timeout.default void
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionEmergencyTimeout(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore, @NotNull RouterTimeout timeout)
Set the emergency packet reinjection timeout.void
Transceiver. setReinjectionTimeout(HasCoreLocation monitorCore, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionTimeout(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
Set the packet reinjection timeout.default void
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionTimeout(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore, @NotNull RouterTimeout timeout)
Set the packet reinjection timeout.void
Transceiver. setReinjectionTypes(HasCoreLocation monitorCore, boolean multicast, boolean pointToPoint, boolean fixedRoute, boolean nearestNeighbour)
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionTypes(@Valid HasCoreLocation monitorCore, boolean multicast, boolean pointToPoint, boolean fixedRoute, boolean nearestNeighbour)
Set what types of packets are to be reinjected.default void
TransceiverInterface. updateProvenanceAndExit(@Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Tell a running application core to write its provenance data to a location where it can be read back, and then to go into theFINISHED
state.default void
TransceiverInterface. updateRuntime(@PositiveOrZero Integer runTimesteps, @javax.validation.constraints.PositiveOrZero int currentTime, @javax.validation.constraints.PositiveOrZero int syncTimesteps, @Valid HasCoreLocation core)
Set the running time information for a given core.void
Transceiver. writeMemory(HasCoreLocation core, MemoryLocation baseAddress, File dataFile)
Transceiver. writeMemory(HasCoreLocation core, MemoryLocation baseAddress, InputStream dataStream, int numBytes)
Transceiver. writeMemory(HasCoreLocation core, MemoryLocation baseAddress, ByteBuffer data)
default void
TransceiverInterface. writeMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty byte[] data)
Write to the SDRAM on the board.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, int dataWord)
Write to the SDRAM (or System RAM) on the board.void
TransceiverInterface. writeMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull File dataFile)
Write to the SDRAM on the board.void
TransceiverInterface. writeMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull InputStream dataStream, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int numBytes)
Write to the SDRAM on the board.void
TransceiverInterface. writeMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull ByteBuffer data)
Write to the SDRAM (or System RAM) on the board.void
Transceiver. writeNeighbourMemory(HasCoreLocation core, Direction link, MemoryLocation baseAddress, File dataFile)
Transceiver. writeNeighbourMemory(HasCoreLocation core, Direction link, MemoryLocation baseAddress, InputStream dataStream, int numBytes)
Transceiver. writeNeighbourMemory(HasCoreLocation core, Direction link, MemoryLocation baseAddress, ByteBuffer data)
default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty byte[] data)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, int dataWord)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull File dataFile)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull InputStream dataStream, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int numBytes)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull ByteBuffer data)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeUser0(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, int value)
Write to the user0 register of a core.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeUser0(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation pointer)
Write to the user0 register of a core.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeUser1(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, int value)
Write to the user1 register of a core.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeUser1(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation pointer)
Write to the user1 register of a core.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeUser2(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, int value)
Write to the user2 register of a core.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeUser2(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull MemoryLocation pointer)
Write to the user2 register of a core.