Class BMPWriteMemory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BMPWriteMemory
extends BMPRequest<BMPRequest.BMPResponse>
A request to write to memory on a BMP. There is no response payload.

Calls cmd_write() in bmp_cmd.c.

  • Constructor Details

    • BMPWriteMemory

      public BMPWriteMemory​(BMPBoard board, MemoryLocation baseAddress, ByteBuffer data)
      board - the board with the BMP to write the memory of
      baseAddress - The positive base address to start the write at
      data - Between 1 and 256 bytes to write; the position of the buffer must be the point where the data starts, and the data must extend up to the limit. The position and limit of the buffer will not be updated by this constructor.
  • Method Details