Messages that talk to the BMP.
Class Summary Class Description BMPReadMemory A request to read a region of memory from a BMP.BMPRequest<T extends BMPRequest.BMPResponse> The base class of a request following the BMP protocol.BMPRequest.BMPResponse Represents an SCP request thats tailored for the BMP connection.BMPRequest.PayloadedResponse<T> A BMP response that contains a payload of interest.BMPSetLED A request to alter the LEDs on a board managed by a BMP.BMPWriteMemory A request to write to memory on a BMP.EraseFlash A request to erase flash memory on a BMP.GetBMPVersion A request to read the version of software running on a board's BMP.GetFPGAResetStatus Get the reset status of the FPGAs managed by a BMP.InitFPGA A request to start an initialisation of the FPGAs.ReadADC A request for the board status data from the BMP including voltages, temperatures and fan speeds.ReadCANStatus A request for the CAN bus status data from the BMP.ReadFPGARegister A request for the data from a FPGA's register.ReadIPAddress A request for the IP address data from a BMP.ReadSerialFlash A request to read a region of serial flash from a BMP.ReadSerialFlashCRC A request to get the CRC of serial flash memory from a BMP.ReadSerialVector A request for the serial data vector from the BMP.ResetFPGA A request to perform a reset of the FPGAs managed by a BMP.SerialVector The data in the serial vector.SetPower A request for the BMP to power on or power off some boards.UpdateFlash A request to update flash memory on a BMP.WriteFlashBuffer A request to write memory to flash on a BMP.WriteFPGAData A request to upload a chunk of FPGA initialisation data.WriteFPGARegister A request to write data to an FPGA register managed by a BMP.WriteSerialFlash A request to write to serial flash on a BMP.