Enum FPGAMainRegisters

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<FPGAMainRegisters>

public enum FPGAMainRegisters
extends Enum<FPGAMainRegisters>
Main FPGA registers.
Donal Fellows
See Also:
Spio documentation
  • Enum Constant Details

    • VERS

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters VERS
      Top-level design version.
    • FLAG

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters FLAG
      Compile flags.
       {   5: chip scope,
           4: peripheral support,
           3: ring support,
           2: north/south on front,
         1-0: FPGA ID }
    • PKEY

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters PKEY
      Peripheral MC route key. (default: 0xFFFFFFFF)
    • PMSK

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters PMSK
      Peripheral MC route mask. (default: 0x00000000)
    • SCRM

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters SCRM
      Scrambler on. (default: 0xF)
       { 3: ring link,
         2: peripheral link,
         1: board-to-board link1,
         0: board-to-board link0 }
    • SLEN

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters SLEN
      Enable SpiNNaker chip (2-of-7) link. (Default: 0x00000000)
       { 0: Link 0 SpiNN->FPGA enable,
         1: Link 0 FPGA->SpiNN enable,
         2: Link 1 SpiNN->FPGA enable,
         3: Link 1 FPGA->SpiNN enable,
         ... }
    • LEDO

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters LEDO
      Override status LED. (default: 0x0F)
       { 7: DIM_RING,
         6: DIM_PERIPH,
         5: DIM_B2B1,
         4: DIM_B2B0,
         3: FORCE_ERROR_RING,
         1: FORCE_ERROR_B2B1,
         0: FORCE_ERROR_B2B0 }
    • RXEQ

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters RXEQ
      Receive equalization. (default: 0x0A)
       { 7-6: RING_RXEQMIX,
         5-4: PERIPH_RXEQMIX,
         3-2: B2B1_RXEQMIX,
         1-0: B2B0_RXEQMIX }
    • TXDS

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters TXDS
      Transmit driver swing. (default: 0x0066)
       { 15-12: RING_TXDIFFCTRL,
          11-8: PERIPH_TXDIFFCTRL,
           7-4: B2B1_TXDIFFCTRL,
           3-0: B2B0_TXDIFFCTRL }
    • TXPE

      public static final FPGAMainRegisters TXPE
      Transmit pre-emphasis. (default: 0x012)
       { 11-9: RING_TXPREEMPHASIS,
          5-3: B2B1_TXPREEMPHASIS,
          2-0: B2B0_TXPREEMPHASIS }
  • Field Details


      public static final MemoryLocation BASE_ADDRESS
      Base address of the main registers. Fixed.
    • offset

      public final int offset
      The offset of the register within the bank of registers.
    • writable

      public final boolean writable
      Whether this is a writable register.
    • size

      public final int size
      Size of register, in bits.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static FPGAMainRegisters[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static FPGAMainRegisters valueOf​(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getAddress

      public MemoryLocation getAddress()
      The address of the register in the FPGA's address space.