Interface JobProcess<P extends JobParameters>

Type Parameters:
P - The type of the parameters
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JobProcess<P extends JobParameters>
An interface to an executable job process type.
  • Method Details

    • execute

      void execute​(String machineUrl, SpinnakerMachine machine, P parameters, LogWriter logWriter)
      Executes the job.
      machineUrl - The URL to request a machine using (or null if machine is given)
      machine - The machine to execute the job on (or null if a URL is given)
      parameters - The parameters of the job
      logWriter - Somewhere to write logs to
    • getStatus

      Status getStatus()
      Gets the status of the job.
      The status
    • getError

      Throwable getError()
      Gets any errors returned by the job. If the status is not Error, this should return null
      An error, or null if no error
    • getOutputs

      List<File> getOutputs()
      Gets any outputs from the job. Should always return a list, but this list can be empty if there are no outputs.
      A list of output files.
    • getProvenance

      List<ProvenanceItem> getProvenance()
      Gets any provenance data from the job. Should always return a list, but this map can be empty if there is no provenance.
      A list of provenance items to add
    • cleanup

      void cleanup()
      Cleans up the job, removing any associated files.