Class TripleMapIterable<V>

Type Parameters:
V - class of objects to be supplied by the final iterator.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<V>, MappableIterable<V>

public final class TripleMapIterable<V>
extends Object
implements MappableIterable<V>
An Iterator for a Map or Collection of Maps of maps.

The type of the Keys of the maps is irrelevant. It is not even required that keys in each map are of the same type.

  • Constructor Details

    • TripleMapIterable

      public TripleMapIterable​(Map<?,​? extends Map<?,​? extends Map<?,​V>>> outermap)
      Creates an Iterable given a Map of Maps of Maps.
      outermap - A triple map with any type(s) as the keys.
    • TripleMapIterable

      public TripleMapIterable​(Iterable<? extends Map<?,​? extends Map<?,​V>>> outer)
      Creates an Iterable given a Iterable/Collection of Maps of Maps.
      outer - An Iterable of double maps with any type(s) as the keys.
  • Method Details