SpiNNFrontEndCommon 7.2.2
Common support code for user-facing front end systems.
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data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c File Reference

The implementation of the Data Speed Up Packet Gatherer. More...

#include <spin1_api.h>
#include <common-typedefs.h>
#include "common.h"
#include <data_specification.h>
#include <simulation.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <bit_field.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  receive_data_to_location_msg_t
 meaning of payload in first data in SDP packet More...
struct  receive_seq_data_msg_t
 meaning of payload in subsequent data in SDP packets More...
struct  sdp_msg_out_payload_t
 SDP packet payload definition. More...
struct  data_out_config_t
 The layout of the Data Out configuration region. More...
struct  chip_key_data_t
struct  data_in_config_t
 The layout of the Data In configuration region. More...
struct  dsupg_provenance_t
 The structure of the provenance region FIXME. More...


#define SDP_TIMEOUT   100
 timeout used in sending SDP messages
 the time to wait before trying again to send a message (MC, SDP) in microseconds
#define FIRST_SEQ_NUM   0
 first sequence number to use and reset to
#define MAX_CHIP_INDEX   8
 max index needed to cover the chips in either direction on a spinn-5 board
 threshold for SDRAM vs DTCM when allocating received_seq_nums_store
 flag when all seq numbers are missing
 mask needed by router timeout


enum  sdp_port_commands {
 SDP port commands relating to the Data In protocol. More...
enum  functionality_to_port_num_map { REINJECTION_PORT = 4 , DATA_SPEED_UP_IN_PORT = 6 }
 values for port numbers this core will respond to More...
 Offsets into messages. More...
 Misc constants for Data In. More...
 Counts of items in a packet. More...
 human readable definitions of each DSG region in SDRAM More...
enum  { MC_PACKET = -1 , SDP = 0 }
 values for the priority for each callback More...


static void publish_transaction_id_to_user_1 (int transaction_id)
 Writes the updated transaction ID to the user1.
static void send_sdp_message (void)
 sends the SDP message built in the my_msg global
static void send_mc_message (key_offsets command, uint payload)
 sends a multicast (with payload) message to the current target chip
static void sanity_check_write (uint write_address, uint n_elements)
 Sanity checking for writes, ensuring that they're to the buffered SDRAM range.
static void process_sdp_message_into_mc_messages (const uint *data, uint n_elements, bool set_write_address, uint write_address)
 sends multicast messages accordingly for an SDP message
static void create_sequence_number_bitfield (uint max_seq)
 creates a store for sequence numbers in a memory store.
static void free_sequence_number_bitfield (void)
 Frees the allocated sequence number store.
static uint calculate_sdram_address_from_seq_num (uint seq_num)
 calculates the new sdram location for a given seq num
static void set_message_length (const void *end)
 Sets the length of the outbound SDP message in my_msg.
static void process_address_data (const receive_data_to_location_msg_t *receive_data_cmd)
 handles reading the address, chips and max packets from a SDP message (command: SDP_SEND_DATA_TO_LOCATION_CMD)
static void send_finished_response (void)
 sends the finished request
static void process_missing_seq_nums_and_request_retransmission (const sdp_msg_pure_data *msg)
 searches through received sequence numbers and transmits missing ones back to host for retransmission
static uint n_elements_in_msg (const sdp_msg_pure_data *msg, const uint *data_start)
 Calculates the number of words of data in an SDP message.
static void copy_data (void *restrict target, const void *source, uint n_words)
 because spin1_memcpy() is stupid, especially for access to SDRAM
static void receive_seq_data (const sdp_msg_pure_data *msg)
 Handles receipt and parsing of a message full of sequence numbers that need to be retransmitted (command: SDP_SEND_SEQ_DATA_CMD)
static void data_in_receive_sdp_data (const sdp_msg_pure_data *msg)
 processes SDP messages for the Data In protocol
static void send_timeout (sdp_msg_t *msg, uint32_t key)
 sends the basic timeout command via multicast to the extra monitors
static void send_clear_message (sdp_msg_t *msg)
 sends the clear message to all extra monitors on this board
static void reinjection_sdp_command (sdp_msg_t *msg)
 handles the commands for the reinjector code.
static void receive_sdp_message (uint mailbox, uint port)
 processes SDP messages
static void send_data (void)
 sends data to the host via SDP (using my_msg)
static void receive_data (uint key, uint payload)
 Handles receipt of a fixed route packet with payload from the SpiNNaker network.
static void initialise (void)
 Sets up the application.
void c_main (void)
 This function is called at application start-up.


static uint32_t new_sequence_key = 0
 the key that causes data out sequence number to be processed
static uint32_t first_data_key = 0
 the key that says this is the first item of data in a data out stream
static uint32_t transaction_id_key = 0
 the key that provides a new data out transaction ID
static uint32_t end_flag_key = 0
 the key that marks the end of a data out stream
static uint32_t basic_data_key = 0
 the key that marks an ordinary word within a data out stream
static uint32_t seq_num = FIRST_SEQ_NUM
 default seq num
static uint32_t max_seq_num = 0xFFFFFFFF
 maximum sequence number
static uint32_t transaction_id = 0
 The Data In transaction ID. Used to distinguish streams of packets.
static uint32_t data_out_transaction_id = 0
 The Data Out transaction ID. Used to distinguish streams of packets.
static uint32_t data [ITEMS_PER_DATA_PACKET]
static uint32_t position_in_store = 0
 index into data
static sdp_msg_pure_data my_msg
 SDP message holder for transmissions.
static uint data_in_mc_key_map [MAX_CHIP_INDEX][MAX_CHIP_INDEX] = {{0}}
 How to find which key to use to talk to which chip on this board.
static uint chip_x = 0xFFFFFFF
 Board-relative x-coordinate of current chip being written to.
static uint chip_y = 0xFFFFFFF
 Board-relative y-coordinate of current chip being written to.
static bit_field_t received_seq_nums_store = NULL
 Records what sequence numbers we have received from host during Data In.
static uint size_of_bitfield = 0
 The size of the bitfield in received_seq_nums_store.
static bool alloc_in_sdram = false
 Whether received_seq_nums_store was allocated in SDRAM.
static uint total_received_seq_nums = 0
 Count of received sequence numbers.
static uint last_seen_seq_num = 0
 The most recently seen sequence number.
static uint start_sdram_address = 0
 Where the current stream of data started in SDRAM.
static dsupg_provenance_t prov = {0}
 The DTCM copy of the provenance.
static dsupg_provenance_tsdram_prov
 The SDRAM copy of the provenance.

Detailed Description

The implementation of the Data Speed Up Packet Gatherer.

The purpose of this application is to allow data to be streamed in and out of SpiNNaker at very high speed while other applications are not running. It is designed to only run on chips with an active Ethernet port.

Definition in file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ receive_data_to_location_msg_t

struct receive_data_to_location_msg_t

meaning of payload in first data in SDP packet

Definition at line 127 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Data Fields
uint command The meaning of the message.
uint transaction_id The transaction that the message is taking part in.
address_t address Where the stream will be writing to in memory.
ushort chip_y Board-local y coordinate of chip to do write on.
ushort chip_x Board-local x coordinate of chip to do write on.
uint max_seq_num Maximum sequence number of data stream.

◆ receive_seq_data_msg_t

struct receive_seq_data_msg_t

meaning of payload in subsequent data in SDP packets

Definition at line 137 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Data Fields
uint command The meaning of the message.
uint transaction_id The transaction that the message is taking part in.
uint seq_num The sequence number of this message.
uint data[] The payload of real data.

◆ sdp_msg_out_payload_t

struct sdp_msg_out_payload_t

SDP packet payload definition.

Definition at line 145 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Data Fields
uint command The meaning of the message.
uint transaction_id The transaction associated with the message.
uint data[ITEMS_PER_MISSING_PACKET] The payload data of the message.

◆ data_out_config_t

struct data_out_config_t

The layout of the Data Out configuration region.

Definition at line 202 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Data Fields
const uint new_seq_key The key used to indicate a new sequence/stream.
const uint first_data_key The key used to indicate the first word of a stream.
const uint transaction_id_key The key used to indicate a transaction ID.
const uint end_flag_key The key used to indicate a stream end.
const uint basic_data_key The key used to indicate a general data item in a stream.
const uint tag_id The ID of the IPtag to send the SDP packets out to host on.

Note that the host is responsible for configuring the tag.

◆ chip_key_data_t

struct chip_key_data_t

Associates a board-local coordinate with a key for talking to the extra monitor on that chip.

Definition at line 272 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t x_coord Board local x coordinate of extra monitor.
uint32_t y_coord Board local y coordinate of extra monitor.
uint32_t base_key Base key to use for talking to that chip.

◆ data_in_config_t

struct data_in_config_t

The layout of the Data In configuration region.

Definition at line 279 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Data Fields
const uint32_t n_extra_monitors The number of extra monitors that we can talk to.
const uint32_t reinjector_base_key The base key for reinjection control messages.
const struct chip_key_data_t chip_to_key[] The configuration data for routing messages to specific extra monitors.

Used to populate data_in_mc_key_map

◆ dsupg_provenance_t

struct dsupg_provenance_t

The structure of the provenance region FIXME.

Definition at line 292 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t n_sdp_sent The number of SDP messages sent.
uint32_t n_sdp_recvd The number of SDP messages received (excluding those for SARK)
uint32_t n_in_streams The number of input streams.
uint32_t n_out_streams The number of output streams (technically, output transactions)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SDP_TIMEOUT   100

timeout used in sending SDP messages

Definition at line 39 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.



the time to wait before trying again to send a message (MC, SDP) in microseconds

Definition at line 43 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.


#define FIRST_SEQ_NUM   0

first sequence number to use and reset to

Definition at line 46 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.


#define MAX_CHIP_INDEX   8

max index needed to cover the chips in either direction on a spinn-5 board

Definition at line 49 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.



threshold for SDRAM vs DTCM when allocating received_seq_nums_store

Definition at line 74 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.



flag when all seq numbers are missing

Definition at line 92 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.



mask needed by router timeout

Definition at line 95 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ sdp_port_commands

SDP port commands relating to the Data In protocol.


Data In: Received message describes where to send data.


Data In: Received message contains data to write.


Data In: Received message asks for missing sequence numbers.


Data In: Sent message contains missing sequence numbers.


Data In: Sent message indicates that everything has been received.

Definition at line 52 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ functionality_to_port_num_map

values for port numbers this core will respond to


Reinjection control messages.


Data Speed Up Inbound messages.

Definition at line 68 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ anonymous enum

Offsets into messages.


location of command IDs in SDP message


location of where the seq num is in the packet


location of the transaction id in the packet


location of the start of raw data in the packet

Definition at line 77 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ anonymous enum

Misc constants for Data In.


offset with just command transaction id and seq in bytes


offset with just command, transaction id


offset with command, transaction id, address in bytes, [x, y], max seq,


absolute maximum size of a SDP message

Definition at line 98 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ anonymous enum

Counts of items in a packet.


size of data stored in packet with command and seq

defined from calculation 

size of payload for a packet describing the batch of missing inbound seqs

Definition at line 110 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ anonymous enum

human readable definitions of each DSG region in SDRAM


Index of general configuration region.


Index of chip-to-key mapping table.


Index of provenance region.

Definition at line 192 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ anonymous enum

values for the priority for each callback


Multicast packet receive uses FIQ.


SDP receive priority standard (high)

Definition at line 220 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ key_offsets

Human readable definitions of the offsets for data in multicast key elements. These act as commands sent to the target extra monitor core.


Payload contains a write address.


Payload contains a data word.


Write stream complete. Payload irrelevant.

Definition at line 261 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Function Documentation

◆ publish_transaction_id_to_user_1()

static void publish_transaction_id_to_user_1 ( int  transaction_id)

Writes the updated transaction ID to the user1.

[in]transaction_idThe transaction ID to publish

Definition at line 315 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ send_sdp_message()

static void send_sdp_message ( void  )

sends the SDP message built in the my_msg global

Definition at line 325 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ send_mc_message()

static void send_mc_message ( key_offsets  command,
uint  payload 

sends a multicast (with payload) message to the current target chip

[in]commandthe key offset, which indicates the command being sent
[in]payloadthe argument to the command

Definition at line 338 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ sanity_check_write()

static void sanity_check_write ( uint  write_address,
uint  n_elements 

Sanity checking for writes, ensuring that they're to the buffered SDRAM range.

Note that the RTE here is good as it is better (easier to debug, easier to comprehend) than having corrupt memory actually written.

[in]write_addresswhere we are going to write.
[in]n_elementsthe number of words we are going to write.

Definition at line 353 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ process_sdp_message_into_mc_messages()

static void process_sdp_message_into_mc_messages ( const uint data,
uint  n_elements,
bool  set_write_address,
uint  write_address 

sends multicast messages accordingly for an SDP message

[in]datathe actual data from the SDP message
[in]n_elementsthe number of data items in the SDP message
[in]set_write_addressbool flag for if we should send the address where our writes will start; this is not set every time to reduce on-chip network overhead
[in]write_addressthe sdram address where this block of data is to be written to

Definition at line 374 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ create_sequence_number_bitfield()

static void create_sequence_number_bitfield ( uint  max_seq)

creates a store for sequence numbers in a memory store.

May allocate in either DTCM (preferred) or SDRAM.

[in]max_seqthe max seq num expected during this stage

Definition at line 394 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ free_sequence_number_bitfield()

static void free_sequence_number_bitfield ( void  )

Frees the allocated sequence number store.

Definition at line 424 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ calculate_sdram_address_from_seq_num()

static uint calculate_sdram_address_from_seq_num ( uint  seq_num)

calculates the new sdram location for a given seq num

[in]seq_numthe seq num to figure offset for
the new sdram location.

Definition at line 442 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ set_message_length()

static void set_message_length ( const void end)

Sets the length of the outbound SDP message in my_msg.

[in]endPoints to the first byte after the content of the message

Definition at line 449 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ process_address_data()

static void process_address_data ( const receive_data_to_location_msg_t receive_data_cmd)

handles reading the address, chips and max packets from a SDP message (command: SDP_SEND_DATA_TO_LOCATION_CMD)

[in]receive_data_cmdThe message to parse

Definition at line 459 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ send_finished_response()

static void send_finished_response ( void  )

sends the finished request

Definition at line 521 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ process_missing_seq_nums_and_request_retransmission()

static void process_missing_seq_nums_and_request_retransmission ( const sdp_msg_pure_data msg)

searches through received sequence numbers and transmits missing ones back to host for retransmission

[in]msgThe message asking for the missed seq nums

Definition at line 536 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ n_elements_in_msg()

static uint n_elements_in_msg ( const sdp_msg_pure_data msg,
const uint data_start 

Calculates the number of words of data in an SDP message.

[in]msgthe SDP message, as received from SARK
[in]data_startwhere in the message the data actually starts
the number of data words in the message

Definition at line 609 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ copy_data()

static void copy_data ( void *restrict  target,
const void source,
uint  n_words 

because spin1_memcpy() is stupid, especially for access to SDRAM

[out]targetWhere to copy to
[in]sourceWhere to copy from
[in]n_wordsThe number of words to copy

Definition at line 620 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ receive_seq_data()

static void receive_seq_data ( const sdp_msg_pure_data msg)

Handles receipt and parsing of a message full of sequence numbers that need to be retransmitted (command: SDP_SEND_SEQ_DATA_CMD)

[in]msgThe message to parse (really of type receive_seq_data_msg_t)

Definition at line 632 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ data_in_receive_sdp_data()

static void data_in_receive_sdp_data ( const sdp_msg_pure_data msg)

processes SDP messages for the Data In protocol

[in]msgthe SDP message

Definition at line 685 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ send_timeout()

static void send_timeout ( sdp_msg_t msg,
uint32_t  key 

sends the basic timeout command via multicast to the extra monitors

[in,out]msgthe request to send the timeout; will be updated with result
[in]keythe multicast key to use here

Definition at line 712 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ send_clear_message()

static void send_clear_message ( sdp_msg_t msg)

sends the clear message to all extra monitors on this board

[in,out]msgthe request to send the clear; will be updated with result

Definition at line 726 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ reinjection_sdp_command()

static void reinjection_sdp_command ( sdp_msg_t msg)

handles the commands for the reinjector code.

[in,out]msgthe message with the commands; will be updated with result

Definition at line 737 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ receive_sdp_message()

static void receive_sdp_message ( uint  mailbox,
uint  port 

processes SDP messages

[in,out]mailboxthe SDP message; will be freed by this call!
[in]portthe port associated with this SDP message

Definition at line 774 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ send_data()

static void send_data ( void  )

sends data to the host via SDP (using my_msg)

Definition at line 790 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ receive_data()

static void receive_data ( uint  key,
uint  payload 

Handles receipt of a fixed route packet with payload from the SpiNNaker network.

[in]keyThe key in the packet
[in]payloadThe payload in the packet

Definition at line 811 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ initialise()

static void initialise ( void  )

Sets up the application.

Definition at line 864 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ c_main()

void c_main ( void  )

This function is called at application start-up.

It is used to register event callbacks (delegated to initialise()) and begin the simulation.

Definition at line 937 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ new_sequence_key

uint32_t new_sequence_key = 0

the key that causes data out sequence number to be processed

Definition at line 155 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ first_data_key

uint32_t first_data_key = 0

the key that says this is the first item of data in a data out stream

Definition at line 158 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ transaction_id_key

uint32_t transaction_id_key = 0

the key that provides a new data out transaction ID

Definition at line 161 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ end_flag_key

uint32_t end_flag_key = 0

the key that marks the end of a data out stream

Definition at line 164 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ basic_data_key

uint32_t basic_data_key = 0

the key that marks an ordinary word within a data out stream

Definition at line 167 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ seq_num

uint32_t seq_num = FIRST_SEQ_NUM

default seq num

Definition at line 170 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ max_seq_num

uint32_t max_seq_num = 0xFFFFFFFF

maximum sequence number

Definition at line 173 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ transaction_id

uint32_t transaction_id = 0

The Data In transaction ID. Used to distinguish streams of packets.

Definition at line 176 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ data_out_transaction_id

uint32_t data_out_transaction_id = 0

The Data Out transaction ID. Used to distinguish streams of packets.

Definition at line 179 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ data

data holders for the SDP packet (plus 1 to protect against memory overwrites with command messages)

Definition at line 183 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ position_in_store

uint32_t position_in_store = 0

index into data

Definition at line 186 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ my_msg

sdp_msg_pure_data my_msg

SDP message holder for transmissions.

Definition at line 189 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ data_in_mc_key_map

uint data_in_mc_key_map[MAX_CHIP_INDEX][MAX_CHIP_INDEX] = {{0}}

How to find which key to use to talk to which chip on this board.

Note that these addresses are board-local chip addresses.

The keys here are base keys, and indicate the first key in a group where the LSBs (see key_offsets) indicate the meaning of the message.

Definition at line 231 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ chip_x

uint chip_x = 0xFFFFFFF

Board-relative x-coordinate of current chip being written to.

Definition at line 234 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ chip_y

uint chip_y = 0xFFFFFFF

Board-relative y-coordinate of current chip being written to.

Definition at line 237 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ received_seq_nums_store

bit_field_t received_seq_nums_store = NULL

Records what sequence numbers we have received from host during Data In.

Definition at line 240 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ size_of_bitfield

uint size_of_bitfield = 0

The size of the bitfield in received_seq_nums_store.

Definition at line 243 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ alloc_in_sdram

bool alloc_in_sdram = false

Whether received_seq_nums_store was allocated in SDRAM.

If false, the bitfield fitted in DTCM

Definition at line 248 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ total_received_seq_nums

uint total_received_seq_nums = 0

Count of received sequence numbers.

Definition at line 251 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ last_seen_seq_num

uint last_seen_seq_num = 0

The most recently seen sequence number.

Definition at line 254 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ start_sdram_address

uint start_sdram_address = 0

Where the current stream of data started in SDRAM.

Definition at line 257 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ prov

dsupg_provenance_t prov = {0}

The DTCM copy of the provenance.

Definition at line 304 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.

◆ sdram_prov

dsupg_provenance_t* sdram_prov

The SDRAM copy of the provenance.

Definition at line 307 of file data_speed_up_packet_gatherer.c.