spinnaker_tools 3.4.0
SpiNNaker API, sark, sc&mp, bmp firmware and build tools
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Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
sark.h File Reference

Spinnaker Application Runtime Kernel API. More...

#include <spinnaker.h>
#include <version.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  divmod_t
 Returned (div, mod) from divmod() More...
struct  mem_block_t
 Used in the block memory allocator (8 bytes) More...
struct  srom_data_t
 Contents of SV SROM area (32 bytes) More...
struct  rtr_entry_t
 Copy of router entry (16 bytes) More...
struct  app_data_t
 Stores info relating to AppIDs. More...
struct  sdp_msg_t
 SDP message definition. More...
struct  sdp_hdr_t
 SDP header: legacy. More...
struct  cmd_hdr_t
 Command header: legacy. More...
struct  block_t
 Heap data block. More...
struct  heap_t
 Heap root structure. More...
struct  event_vec_t
 An event_vec fits into 32 bits and contains a handler address in 16 bits and a priority and slot number, each 8 bits. More...
struct  sark_vec_t
 A struct of type sark_vec_t lives at address 0x20, that is, it is built into the code section. More...
struct  vcpu_t
 Struct containing information about each virtual processor. More...
struct  event_t
 Event structure used by "event_xxx" and "timer_xxx" routines. More...
struct  proc_queue_t
 Struct holding head and tail of a list of "event_t". More...
struct  pkt_t
 Struct holding a packet. More...
struct  event_data_t
 Struct holding data for "sark_event" and "sark_timer". More...
struct  sark_data_t
 A struct holding all of the variables maintained by SARK. More...
struct  sv_t
 Struct holding the System Variables. More...


#define SARK_EVENT   1
 Defined to link to "event".
#define NUM_SDP_MSGS   4
 Number of SDP messages for SARK.
#define SARK_SLOT   15
 VIC slot for SARK interrupt.
#define INIT_EVENTS   16
 Number of events initially allocated.
#define DEAD_WORD   0xdeaddead
 Stack fill value.
#define ntohs(t)   ((((t) & 0x00ff) << 8) | (((t) >> 8) & 0x00ff))
 Macro to convert shorts from network byte order.
#define htons(t)   ((((t) & 0x00ff) << 8) | (((t) >> 8) & 0x00ff))
 Macro to convert shorts to network byte order.
#define CHIP_ID(x, y)   (((x) << 8) + (y))
 Make a chip ID from X and Y coordinates.
#define CHIP_X(id)   ((id) >> 8)
 Extract chip X coordinate from a chip ID.
#define CHIP_Y(id)   ((id) & 255)
 Extract chip Y coordinate from a chip ID.
#define APLX_ENTRY_SIZE   16
 Bytes per table entry.
#define APLX_BUF_SIZE   64
 Size of APLX loader code.
 The APLX buffer lives at the top of ITCM, starting at 0x7fc0.
#define TAG_NONE   255
 Invalid tag/transient request.
#define TAG_HOST   0
 Reserved for host.
#define RTR_ALLOC_FIRST   1
 Must be > 0.
 Must be <= MC_TABLE_SIZE.
 Largest allowable request (1023 entries)
#define ALLOC_LOCK   1
 Lock this operation.
#define ALLOC_ID   2
 Use supplied AppID.
#define ALLOC_TAG_RETRY   4
#define A_LOCK_SEMA   5
 For "sark_alib.s" (maintain sync with enum spin_lock_e)
#define A_STATE_RTE   2
 For "sark_alib.s" (maintain sync with enum cpu_state_e)
#define EVENT_COUNT   6
 For "sark_alib.s" (maintain sync with enum event_type_e)
#define LED_ON(n)   (3 << (2 * n))
 Turn LED on.
#define LED_OFF(n)   (2 << (2 * n))
 Turn LED off.
#define LED_INV(n)   (1 << (2 * n))
 Flip state of LED.
#define LED_FLIP(n)   (1 << (2 * n))
 Flip state of LED.
#define NUM_SDP_PORTS   8
 Number of SDP ports (0-7)
#define PORT_SHIFT   5
 Port is in top 3 bits.
#define PORT_MASK   0xe0
 Port is in top 3 bits.
#define CPU_MASK   0x1f
 CPU is in bottom 5 bits.
#define PORT_ETH   255
 Special to indicate Ethernet.
#define SDP_BUF_SIZE   256
 SDP data buffer capacity.
#define VCPU_SIZE   128
 Size of vcpu_t.
#define VCPU_RT_CODE   44
 Offset of rt_code.
#define VCPU_CPU_STATE   46
 Offset of cpu_state.
#define VCPU_APP_ID   47
 Offset of app_id.
#define SARK_MSG_INT   (INT0_INT)
 Used for SARK to APP messaging.
#define SARK_SIG_INT   (INT1_INT)
 Used for SARK to APP signalling.
#define SARK_VIRT_CPU   0
 For "sark_alib.s" (maintain sync with sark_data_t))
#define SARK_RANDOM   8
 For "sark_alib.s" (maintain sync with sark_data_t))
#define SARK_CPU_CLK   48
 For "sark_alib.s" (maintain sync with sark_data_t))
#define sw_error(mode)   sw_error_fl (mode, __FILE__, __LINE__)
 sw_error calls sw_error_fl(), inserting file name and line number automatically
SARK stack defaults

The sizes below define individual sizes for three modes of four used by SARK. The sizes of individual stacks and the stack top can be modified at startup by using "sark_config". The size of the SYS mode stack is the difference between the sum of the three stack sizes given here and the overall stack length from the linker script. The default is for a stack length of 2048 and hence a SYS stack of 1152 bytes. All of these values must be a multiple of 4!

default stack top and length are specified in the linker script.
#define SVC_STACK   384
 Size in bytes of SVC stack.
#define IRQ_STACK   256
 Size in bytes of IRQ stack.
#define FIQ_STACK   256
 Size in bytes of FIQ stack.
SARK I/O stream identifiers

Used with io_printf() and io_put_char()

#define IO_STD   ((char *) 0)
 Direct I/O via SDP.
#define IO_DBG   ((char *) 1)
 Low-level debug I/O.
#define IO_BUF   ((char *) 2)
 SDRAM buffer (normal for running apps)
#define IO_NULL   ((char *) 3)
 Output > /dev/null


typedef void(* int_handler) (void)
 The basic type of an interrupt handler. Takes no arguments. Returns nothing.
typedef enum spin_lock_e spin_lock
 Typedef for enum spin_lock_e.
typedef enum rte_code_e rte_code
 Typedef for enum rte_code_e.
typedef enum cpu_state_e cpu_state
 Typedef for enum cpu_state_e.
typedef enum event_type_e event_type
 typedef for enum event_type_e
typedef enum event_state_e event_state
 typedef for enum event_state_e
typedef enum vic_slot_e vic_slot
 Typedef for enum vic_slot_e.
typedef enum event_priority_e event_priority
 Typedef for enum event_priority_e.
typedef enum sw_err_mode_e sw_err_mode
 Typedef for enum sw_err_mode_e.
typedef enum sync_bool_e sync_bool
 Typedef for enum sync_bool_e.
typedef enum shm_cmd_e shm_cmd
 Typedef for enum shm_cmd_e.
typedef enum signal_e signal
 Typedef for enum signal_e.
typedef void(* event_proc) (uint, uint)
 Generic (void) function taking two "uint" args.


enum  sark_aplx_command {
  APLX_END = 0xff
 Commands used in the APLX loader. More...
enum  spin_lock_e {
enum  app_flags_e { APP_FLAG_WAIT }
 Flags in app_flags field. More...
enum  rte_code_e {
 Run time error codes, passed as first arg to rt_error() More...
enum  sark_alib_rte_codes {
  A_RTE_RESET = 1 , A_RTE_UNDEF = 2 , A_RTE_SVC = 3 , A_RTE_PABT = 4 ,
  A_RTE_DABT = 5 , A_RTE_IRQ = 6 , A_RTE_FIQ = 7 , A_RTE_VIC = 8
 For "sark_alib.s" (maintain sync with enum rte_code_e) More...
enum  cpu_state_e {
 Runtime state of a core (limited to 16) More...
enum  event_type_e {
 Types of event. More...
enum  event_state_e { EVENT_RUN , EVENT_PAUSE , EVENT_STOP }
 State of event execution. More...
enum  vic_slot_e {
  SLOT_0 , SLOT_1 , SLOT_2 , SLOT_3 ,
  SLOT_4 , SLOT_5 , SLOT_6 , SLOT_7 ,
  SLOT_8 , SLOT_9 , SLOT_10 , SLOT_11 ,
  SLOT_12 , SLOT_13 , SLOT_14 , SLOT_15 ,
 Slots in the VIC interrupt controller. More...
enum  event_priority_e {
  PRIO_0 , PRIO_1 , PRIO_2 , PRIO_3 ,
 Event queue priorities.
enum  sw_err_mode_e { SW_OPT , SW_NEVER , SW_RTE }
 Mode for sw_error() calls to decide if rt_error() is to be called. More...
enum  sync_bool_e { SYNC_NOWAIT , SYNC_WAIT }
 Startup synchronisation bool. More...
enum  shm_cmd_e {
 Mailbox commands passed to APs. More...
enum  signal_e {
 Signals passed to applications. More...
enum  sark_scp_command_codes {
  CMD_VER = 0 , CMD_RUN = 1 , CMD_READ = 2 , CMD_WRITE = 3 ,
  CMD_APLX = 4 , CMD_FILL = 5 , CMD_COUNT = 15 , CMD_REMAP = 16 ,
  CMD_LINK_READ = 17 , CMD_LINK_WRITE = 18 , CMD_AR = 19 , CMD_NNP = 20 ,
  CMD_APP_COPY_RUN = 21 , CMD_SIG = 22 , CMD_FFD = 23 , CMD_AS = 24 ,
  CMD_LED = 25 , CMD_IPTAG = 26 , CMD_SROM = 27 , CMD_ALLOC = 28 ,
  CMD_RTR = 29 , CMD_RSVD = 30 , CMD_INFO = 31 , CMD_SYNC = 32 ,
  CMD_TUBE = 64
 SCP command codes. More...
enum  sark_scp_return_codes {
  RC_OK = 0x80 , RC_LEN = 0x81 , RC_SUM = 0x82 , RC_CMD = 0x83 ,
  RC_ARG = 0x84 , RC_PORT = 0x85 , RC_TIMEOUT = 0x86 , RC_ROUTE = 0x87 ,
  RC_CPU = 0x88 , RC_DEAD = 0x89 , RC_BUF = 0x8a , RC_P2P_NOREPLY = 0x8b ,
  RC_P2P_REJECT = 0x8c , RC_P2P_BUSY = 0x8d , RC_P2P_TIMEOUT = 0x8e , RC_PKT_TX = 0x8f
 SCP return codes. More...
enum  sark_scp_memory_size_types { TYPE_BYTE = 0 , TYPE_HALF = 1 , TYPE_WORD = 2 }
 Memory size types. More...


uint cpu_irq_enable (void)
 Enable the IRQ interrupt in the core by clearing the appropriate bit in the CPSR.
uint cpu_irq_disable (void)
 Disable the IRQ interrupt in the core by setting the appropriate bit in the CPSR.
uint cpu_fiq_enable (void)
 Enable the FIQ interrupt in the core by clearing the appropriate bit in the CPSR.
uint cpu_fiq_disable (void)
 Disable the FIQ interrupt in the core by setting the appropriate bit in the CPSR.
uint cpu_int_enable (void)
 Enable the FIQ and IRQ interrupts in the core by clearing the appropriate bits in the CPSR.
uint cpu_int_disable (void)
 Disable the FIQ and IRQ interrupts in the core by setting the appropriate bits in the CPSR.
void cpu_int_restore (uint cpsr)
 Restore the CPSR to the state provided in the argument.
uintcpu_get_sp (void)
 Returns the current value of the core's stack pointer.
uint cpu_get_cpsr (void)
 Returns the current value of the core's CPSR.
void cpu_set_cpsr (uint cpsr)
 Set the core's CPSR to the supplied value.
uint cpu_get_cp15_cr (void)
 Returns the current value of the core's CP15 Control register.
void cpu_set_cp15_cr (uint value)
 Set the core's CP15 Control Register to the supplied value.
void cpu_wfi (void)
 Puts the core into sleep mode until an interrupt occurs at which point the function will return.
void cpu_sleep (void)
 Puts the core into sleep mode until an interrupt occurs at which point the interrupt will be serviced and the core will go back to sleep.
void cpu_shutdown (void)
 Puts the core into sleep mode and disable all interrupts in the VIC.
void rt_error (uint code,...)
 Called to signal a fatal error.
void sark_mem_cpy (void *dest, const void *src, uint n)
 Copy n bytes of memory from src to dest.
void sark_str_cpy (char *dest, const char *src)
 Copies a NULL terminated string from src to dest.
uint sark_str_len (char *string)
 Counts the number of characters in a zero terminated string.
void sark_cpu_state (cpu_state state)
 Sets the CPU state field in the VCPU block for this core.
void sark_msg_cpy (sdp_msg_t *to, sdp_msg_t *from)
 Copies an SDP message from one buffer to another.
void sark_word_cpy (void *dest, const void *src, uint n)
 A fast copy for memory buffers.
void sark_word_set (void *dest, uint data, uint n)
 A fast memory setter for a block of memory.
uint sark_lock_get (spin_lock lock)
 Acquires one of the 32 built-in hardware locks provided by the chip.
void sark_lock_free (uint cpsr, spin_lock lock)
 Free a previously acquired hardware lock.
uint sark_sema_raise (uchar *sema)
 Raise (increment) an 8-bit semaphore variable which is accessed via a pointer.
uint sark_sema_lower (uchar *sema)
 Lower (decrement) an 8-bit semaphore variable which is accessed via a pointer.
uint sark_app_raise (void)
 Raise a semaphore associated with the AppID running on this core.
uint sark_app_lower (void)
 Lowers a semaphore associated with the AppID running on this core.
uint sark_app_sema (void)
 Used to get the value of the semaphore associated with the AppID running on this core.
uint sark_app_cores (void)
 Used to get the number of cores on this chip which are running the current application.
uint sark_app_lead (void)
 Returns the core ID of the lowest numbered core on this chip which is running the current application.
void sark_srand (uint seed)
 Seed the random number generator with the supplied value.
uint sark_rand (void)
 Return the next 32-bit pseudo-random number in the sequence.
divmod_t sark_div10 (uint n)
 Divide the argument by 10 and return dividend and modulus in a struct of type divmod_t which has fields "div" and "mod".
uint sark_count_bits (uint word)
 Count the number of bits set in a word.
void sark_bx (uint addr)
 Performs an ARM BX instruction to the address in addr.
void sark_aplx (uint *table, uint app_id)
 Used to unpack an APLX table whose address is provided.
uintcpu_init_mode (uint *stack, uint mode, uint size)
 Sets up stack for a given CPU mode.
uint chksum_64 (uint a, uint b)
uint chksum_32 (uint a)
 Compute 4-bit ones-complement checksum of a 32-bit quantity.
uint sark_chip_id (void)
 Returns the ID of this chip as a 16-bit number.
uint sark_core_id (void)
 Returns the virtual core number of this core.
uint sark_app_id (void)
 Returns the ID of the application running on this core.
static char * sark_app_name (void)
 Returns a pointer to the name of the application running on this core.
sdp_msg_tsark_msg_get (void)
 Get an SDP message buffer from the pool maintained by SARK.
void sark_msg_free (sdp_msg_t *msg)
 Return an SDP message buffer which was acquired by sark_msg_get() to the free buffer pool.
uint sark_msg_send (sdp_msg_t *msg, uint timeout)
 Send an SDP message.
void sark_delay_us (uint delay)
 Perform a busy-wait for the given number of microseconds.
void sw_error_fl (sw_err_mode mode, char *file, uint line)
 Generates a software error, logging the filename and line number at which the error occurs.
uint sark_cmd_ver (sdp_msg_t *msg)
 SCP handler for the Version command.
uint sark_cmd_read (sdp_msg_t *msg)
 SCP handler for the Read command which reads memory and returns the data read to the host.
uint sark_cmd_write (sdp_msg_t *msg)
 SCP handler for the Write command which writes memory with data supplied by the host.
uint sark_cmd_fill (sdp_msg_t *msg)
 SCP handler for the Fill command which fills memory with a data word.
void * sark_block_init (void *buf, uint size, uint count)
 Initialise a memory buffer into a linked list of "count" blocks of "size" bytes.
void * sark_block_get (mem_block_t *root)
 Generic call to get a buffer from a pool whose "root" is supplied.
void sark_block_free (mem_block_t *root, void *blk)
 Generic call to free a buffer into a pool whose "root" is supplied.
sdp_msg_tsark_shmsg_get (void)
 Get a free SDP message from the shared SysRAM pool.
void sark_shmsg_free (sdp_msg_t *msg)
 Return a shared memory SDP message to the shared SysRAM pool.
void sark_call_cpp_constructors (void)
 Calls the constructors for any C++ objects created at global scope.
void io_printf (char *stream, char *format,...)
 A simple "printf" routine.
void io_put_char (char *stream, uint c)
 Routine to put a character to an output stream.
void sark_io_buf_reset (void)
 Routine to reset the IOBUF for the core.
void * sark_alloc (uint count, uint size)
 Allocate a block of memory of count × size bytes from the DTCM heap. Returns either a pointer to the block on success, or NULL on failure.
void sark_free (void *ptr)
 Frees a block of memory which was previously allocated by sark_alloc() (i.e., from the DTCM heap).
void * sark_xalloc (heap_t *heap, uint size, uint tag, uint flag)
 Allocate a memory block from the specified heap.
void sark_xfree (heap_t *heap, void *ptr, uint flag)
 Free a memory block in the specified heap.
uint sark_xfree_id (heap_t *heap, uint app_id, uint flag)
 Free all allocated blocks in the specified heap which are tagged with the given "app_id".
uint sark_heap_max (heap_t *heap, uint flag)
 Search the supplied heap and return the size of the largest free block (in bytes).
heap_tsark_heap_init (uint *base, uint *top)
 Initialise an area of memory as a heap.
uint rtr_alloc (uint size)
 Allocate a block of entries in the router multicast table (and associate the caller's app_id with this block).
uint rtr_alloc_id (uint size, uint app_id)
 Allocate a block of entries in the router multicast table (and associate the supplied app_id with this block).
void rtr_free (uint entry, uint clear)
 Free a block of MC table entries which starts with the supplied entry. The relevant router registers can be optionally re-initialised.
uint rtr_free_id (uint app_id, uint clear)
 Free all allocated blocks in the router which are tagged with the given "app_id".
uint rtr_alloc_max (void)
 Return the size of the largest free block in the router multicast table (or zero if table is full).
void * sark_tag_ptr (uint tag, uint app_id)
 Get a pointer to a tagged allocation.
void sark_vic_init (void)
 Performs a full software initialisation of the VIC.
void sark_vic_set (vic_slot slot, uint interrupt, uint enable, int_handler handler)
 Initialises one of the VIC slots to set up an interrupt handler.
void sark_led_init (void)
 Initialises the hardware (GPIO port) which drives the LEDs attached to the SpiNNaker chip.
void sark_led_set (uint leds)
 Controls one or more of the LEDs attached to the SpiNNaker chip.
uint rtr_mc_clear (uint start, uint count)
 Initialises a set of the router's multicast (MC) table registers so that routing is disabled.
void rtr_mc_init (uint start)
 Initialises the router's multicast (MC) tables and sets up the data structures for allocating router entries.
uint rtr_mc_load (rtr_entry_t *e, uint count, uint offset, uint app_id)
 Load router MC table from a table in memory.
uint rtr_mc_set (uint entry, uint key, uint mask, uint route)
 Sets a given entry in the router MC table.
uint rtr_mc_get (uint entry, rtr_entry_t *r)
 Gets a given entry in the router MC table.
void rtr_fr_set (uint route)
 Sets the fixed-route register in the router.
uint rtr_fr_get (void)
 Gets the fixed-route register from the router and masks off the top 8 bits.
void rtr_p2p_init (void)
 Initialise the router point-to-point (P2P) table.
void rtr_p2p_set (uint entry, uint value)
 Sets a P2P table entry.
uint rtr_p2p_get (uint entry)
 Gets a P2P table entry.
void rtr_diag_init (const uint *table)
 Initialises the 16 diagnostic registers in the router using the supplied table (which should have 16 entries).
void rtr_init (uint monitor)
 Performs a full initialisation of the router.
uint v2p_mask (uint virt_mask)
 Given a bit mask of virtual core IDs, returns a mask of the corresponding physical core IDs.
uint pl340_init (uint mem_clk)
 Initialises the PL340 memory controller.
uint event_alloc (uint events)
 Create additional free events by calling sark_alloc().
void event_free (event_t *e)
 Free a previously allocated event.
event_tevent_new (event_proc proc, uint arg1, uint arg2)
 Allocate a new event from the free queue and intialise "proc", "arg1" and "arg2" fields.
void event_config (event_t *event, event_proc proc, uint arg1, uint arg2)
 Configure a (reusable) event that has already been allocated.
uint pkt_tx_k (uint key)
 Transmit a packet which contains only a key.
uint pkt_tx_kd (uint key, uint data)
 Transmit a packet which contains key and data fields.
uint pkt_tx_kc (uint key, uint ctrl)
 Transmit a packet which contains key and control byte (cb) fields.
uint pkt_tx_kdc (uint key, uint data, uint ctrl)
 Transmit a packet which contains key, data and control byte (cb) fields.
uint event_start (uint period, uint events, sync_bool wait)
 Start event processing.
void event_pause (uint pause)
 Used to stop (pause) event processing or resume it again.
void event_stop (uint rc)
 Used to stop event processing.
void event_wait (void)
 Wait for a signal from the monitor processor (i.e., host) before proceeding. Can be used to implement barrier waits.
uint event_queue (event_t *e, event_priority priority)
 Places an event on an event queue for execution at a later time.
uint event_queue_proc (event_proc proc, uint arg1, uint arg2, event_priority priority)
 Creates a new event and places it on an event queue for execution at a later time.
void event_run (uint restart)
 Run the event queue until it is empty.
void event_register_int (event_proc proc, event_type event, vic_slot slot)
 Register an event_proc to be called when a particular event occurs and associate that with an IRQ or FIQ interrupt.
void event_register_queue (event_proc proc, event_type event, vic_slot slot, event_priority priority)
 Register an event_proc to be placed on an event queue when a particular event occurs and associate that with an IRQ interrupt.
void event_register_pause (event_proc proc, uint arg2)
 Register an event_proc to be called when event processing is paused.
void event_enable (event_type event_num, uint enable)
 Enable or disable an event.
void event_register_timer (vic_slot slot)
 Register the use of the second timer on the core so that it can be used to provide delayed events via timer_schedule().
void event_register_pkt (uint queue_size, vic_slot slot)
 Register the use of "pkt" routines.
uint event_user (uint arg1, uint arg2)
 Used to trigger a user event if one has been registered.
void timer_schedule (event_t *e, uint time)
 Schedule an event to occur at some time in the future.
uint timer_schedule_proc (event_proc proc, uint arg1, uint arg2, uint time)
 Allocates an event, initialises it with the supplied parameters and schedules it to occur at some time in the future.
void timer_cancel (event_t *e, uint ID)
 Cancel a timer event that was previously scheduled.
void timer_cancel_init (void)
 Initialise a statically allocated event to be used in place of an event that is cancelled at the head of the timer queue.


static sark_vec_t *const sark_vec = (sark_vec_t *) 0x20
 A pointer to sark_vec at 0x20.
sark_data_t sark
 Main SARK variables.
event_data_t event
 SARK event variables.
uint build_date
 Date of build.
char build_name []
 Name of build.

System RAM definitions

SYSRAM_TOP +-------------------------------+ f5008000
| 256 bytes |
SV_SV +-------------------------------+ f5007f00
| 32 bytes |
SV_VECTORS +-------------------------------+ f5007ee0
| 64 bytes |
SV_RANDOM +-------------------------------+ f5007ea0
| 1440 bytes |
SV_SPARE +-------------------------------+ f5007900
SV_VCPU +-------------------------------+ f5007000 sv->sysram_top
| |
~ "User" SysRAM ~
| |
+-------------------------------+ f5000100 sv->sysram_base
| 256 bytes |
SYSRAM_BASE +-------------------------------+ f5000000
#define SV_VCPU
Definition sark.h:949
#define SV_SPARE
Definition sark.h:950
#define SV_RANDOM
Definition sark.h:947
#define VCPU_SIZE
Size of vcpu_t.
Definition sark.h:760
static sv_t *const sv
Definition sark.h:1080
#define SV_VECTORS
Definition sark.h:946
#define SV_SV
Definition sark.h:940
uint * sysram_base
c4 Base of user SysRAM
Definition sark.h:1053
Base address of System RAM.
Definition spinnaker.h:112
#define NUM_CPUS
Number of CPU cores per chip.
Definition spinnaker.h:64
#define SYSRAM_TOP
Top address of System RAM.
Definition spinnaker.h:120
#define SV_SSIZE   32
 SROM data size.
#define SV_USIZE   96
 Uninitialised size.
#define SV_ISIZE   128
 Initialised to 0.
#define SV_VSIZE   32
 Reset vectors.
#define SV_RSIZE   64
 Random in SysRAM.
#define SV_SIZE   0x1000
 Everything fits in this!
#define SV_SV   SV_IBASE
#define SYS_BOOT   256
 Boot space size.
 e5007000 (sysram_top)
 e5000100 (sysram_base)
 spare space size
#define SRF_PRESENT   0x8000
 SROM present.
#define SRF_HW_VER   0x00f0
 Hardware version.
#define SRF_PHY_INIT   0x0008
 Init PHY on startup.
#define SRF_PHY_RST   0x0004
 Reset PHY on startup.
#define SRF_PHY_WAIT   0x0002
 Wait for PHY up on startup.
#define SRF_ETH   0x0001
 Ethernet present.
#define SRF_NONE   0x0000
 None of the above.
static sv_t *const sv = (sv_t *) SV_SV
static vcpu_t *const sv_vcpu = (vcpu_t *) SV_VCPU
 "sv_vcpu" points to base of array of "vcpu_t"
static uint *const sv_srom = (uint *) SV_SROM
static uint *const sv_random = (uint *) SV_RANDOM
static uint *const sv_vectors = (uint *) SV_VECTORS
static uint *const sv_board_info = (uint *) SV_SPARE
 Board information.

Detailed Description

Spinnaker Application Runtime Kernel API.

Steve Temple, APT Group, School of Computer Science

Data Structure Documentation

◆ divmod_t

struct divmod_t

Returned (div, mod) from divmod()

Data Fields
uint div Dividend.
uint mod Modulus.

◆ mem_link_t

struct mem_link_t

Used in the block memory allocator (4 bytes)

Data Fields
struct mem_link * next Pointer to next free block.

◆ mem_block_t

struct mem_block_t

Used in the block memory allocator (8 bytes)

Data Fields
mem_link_t * free Pointer to first free block.
ushort count Count of blocks in use.
ushort max Maximum blocks used.

◆ srom_data_t

struct srom_data_t

Contents of SV SROM area (32 bytes)

Data Fields
ushort flags 16 bit flags
uchar mac_addr[6] MAC address.
uchar ip_addr[4] IP address.
uchar gw_addr[4] Gateway address.
uchar net_mask[4] Net mask.
ushort udp_port UDP port for SDP messages.
ushort __PAD1 Spare...
uint __PAD2 Spare...
uint __PAD3 Spare...

◆ rtr_entry_t

struct rtr_entry_t

Copy of router entry (16 bytes)

Data Fields
ushort next Index of next block.
ushort free Index of next free block (or app_id)
uint route Route word.
uint key Key word.
uint mask Mask word.

◆ app_data_t

struct app_data_t

Stores info relating to AppIDs.

The "cores" field is zero if the ID is not in use.

Data Fields
uchar cores Number of cores using this ID.
uchar clean Set if this ID has been cleaned.
uchar sema Semaphore.
uchar lead Lead core number.
uint mask Mask of cores using this ID.

◆ sdp_msg_t

struct sdp_msg_t

SDP message definition.

the length field is the number of bytes following the checksum. It will be a minimum of 8 as the SDP header should always be present.
make sure to comply with sark_block_init() requirements:
  1. size must be a non-zero multiple of 4 bytes.
  2. first field must be a pointer to same struct type.
Data Fields
struct sdp_msg * next Next in free list.
ushort length length
ushort checksum checksum (if used)
uchar flags Flag byte.
uchar tag IP tag.
uchar dest_port Destination port/CPU.
uchar srce_port Source port/CPU.
ushort dest_addr Destination address.
ushort srce_addr Source address.
ushort cmd_rc Command/Return Code.
ushort seq Sequence number.
uint arg1 Arg 1.
uint arg2 Arg 2.
uint arg3 Arg 3.
uchar data[SDP_BUF_SIZE] User data (256 bytes)
uint __PAD1 Private padding.

◆ sdp_hdr_t

struct sdp_hdr_t

SDP header: legacy.

Data Fields
uchar flags
uchar tag
uchar dest_port
uchar srce_port
ushort dest_addr
ushort srce_addr

◆ cmd_hdr_t

struct cmd_hdr_t

Command header: legacy.

Data Fields
ushort cmd_rc
ushort flags
uint arg1
uint arg2
uint arg3

◆ block_t

struct block_t

Heap data block.

One of these appears at the start of each block in the heap so each allocation of N bytes in the heap requires N+8

Data Fields
struct block * next Chains all blocks together (in address order)
struct block * free Chains free blocks together (in address order)

◆ heap_t

struct heap_t

Heap root structure.

One of these appears at the start of the heap area and maintains two lists, one containing all blocks in the heap and one containing only free blocks. The heap always contains a 'last' block, of zero size, which is used to mark the end of the heap.

Data Fields
block_t * free Root of free block chain.
block_t * first First block.
block_t * last Last block (zero size, never used for storage)
uint free_bytes Number of free bytes left.
uchar buffer[] Buffer for blocks.

◆ event_vec_t

struct event_vec_t

An event_vec fits into 32 bits and contains a handler address in 16 bits and a priority and slot number, each 8 bits.

The handler is therefore constrained to live in the bottom 64K of the address space (i.e., in ITCM)

Data Fields
ushort proc Handler address (squeezed into 16 bits!)
uchar slot VIC slot.
uchar priority Priority for queued events.

◆ sark_vec_t

struct sark_vec_t

A struct of type sark_vec_t lives at address 0x20, that is, it is built into the code section.

It contains exception vectors and start-up configuration data which can be modified at the appropriate point during start-up

Data Fields
int_handler reset_vec 0x20 Reset vector
int_handler undef_vec 0x24 Undefined instruction vector
int_handler svc_vec 0x28 SVC vector
int_handler pabt_vec 0x2c Prefetch abort vector
int_handler dabt_vec 0x30 Data abort vector
int_handler aplx_proc 0x34 Pointer to "proc_aplx"
int_handler irq_vec 0x38 IRQ vector
int_handler fiq_vec 0x3c FIQ vector
ushort svc_stack 0x40 SVC stack size (words)
ushort irq_stack 0x42 IRQ stack size (words)
ushort fiq_stack 0x44 FIQ stack size (words)
ushort stack_size 0x46 Total stack size (bytes)
uint * code_top 0x48 Points to top of code
uint * heap_base 0x4c Points to base of heap
uint * stack_top 0x50 Points to top of stacks
uint stack_fill 0x54 Stack fill word
uchar num_msgs 0x58 Number of SDP msgs buffers
uchar sark_slot 0x59 VIC slot for MP->AP interrupt
uchar num_events 0x5a Number of initial events
uchar api 0x5b API active
uchar app_id 0x5c App ID
volatile uchar app_flags 0x5d App flags
ushort __PAD 0x5e Pad
event_vec_t event[EVENT_COUNT] 0x60 Event vectors...

◆ vcpu_t

struct vcpu_t

Struct containing information about each virtual processor.

An array of NUM_CPU of these is based at SV_VCPU in System RAM and pointed to by sv_vcpu

Data Fields
uint r[8] 0 - r0-r7
uint psr 32 - cpsr
uint sp 36 - sp
uint lr 40 - lr
uchar rt_code 44 - RT error code
uchar phys_cpu 45 - Physical CPU
uchar cpu_state 46 - CPU state
uchar app_id 47 - Application ID
void * mbox_ap_msg 48 - mbox msg MP->AP
void * mbox_mp_msg 52 - mbox msg AP->MP
volatile uchar mbox_ap_cmd 56 - mbox command MP->AP
volatile uchar mbox_mp_cmd 57 - mbox command AP->MP
ushort sw_count 58 - SW error count (saturating)
char * sw_file 60 - SW source file name
uint sw_line 64 - SW source line (could be short?)
uint time 68 - Time of loading
char app_name[16] 72 - Application name
void * iobuf 88 - IO buffer in SDRAM (or 0)
uint sw_ver 92 - SW version
uint __PAD[4] 96 - (spare)
uint user0 112 - User word 0
uint user1 116 - User word 1
uint user2 120 - User word 2
uint user3 124 - User word 3

◆ event_t

struct event_t

Event structure used by "event_xxx" and "timer_xxx" routines.

When the event is invoked, the proc is called with the two supplied arguments. Queues of events are maintained either on a timer queue for events which have to occur at a particular time or on a set of priority ordered queues for events which are processed by a scheduler.

make sure to comply with sark_block_init() requirements:
  1. size must be a non-zero multiple of 4 bytes.
  2. first field must be a pointer to same struct type.
Data Fields
struct event * next Next in Q or NULL.
event_proc proc Proc to be called or NULL.
uint arg1 First arg to proc.
uint arg2 Second arg to proc.
uint time

Time (CPU ticks) until event due (or 0 if at head of Q)

uint ID Unique ID for active event (0 if inactive)
uchar reuse do not free event after queue processing
uchar __PAD1 (spare - included for correct size)
uchar __PAD2 (spare - included for correct size)
uchar __PAD3 (spare - included for correct size)

◆ proc_queue_t

struct proc_queue_t

Struct holding head and tail of a list of "event_t".

Data Fields
event_t * proc_head List of queued "proc" events.
event_t * proc_tail and tail of that list

◆ pkt_t

struct pkt_t

Struct holding a packet.

Data Fields
uint ctrl TCR in 23:16, flags in 1:0.
uint data Data (payload) field.
uint key Key (non-payload!) field.

◆ event_data_t

struct event_data_t

Struct holding data for "sark_event" and "sark_timer".

This holds all the variables needed by these two packages.

Data Fields
event_t * free List of free events.
event_t * timer_queue List of active timer events.
ushort count Number of events currently in use.
ushort max Maximum number ever used.
uint id Holds unique ID for active events.
uint failed Counts failures of event_new.
uint rc Failure codes.
volatile uchar state Stop/pauses event loop.
uchar id_rsvd number of reserved IDs
uchar wait Wait state.
uchar user Non-zero if user event pending.
uint ticks Timer tick counter.
uint arg1 Arg1 for user event.
uint arg2 Arg2 for user event.
sdp_msg_t * msg Passes msg from SARK to app.
uint signal Passes signal from SARK to app.
event_proc pause_proc Called on pause.
uint pause_arg2 Arg2 to pause_proc (arg1 is pause)
uint exit_rc Return value from "event_start".
uchar pkt_insert Insert point for packet queue.
uchar pkt_remove Remove point for packet queue.
volatile uchar pkt_count Count of items in packet queue.
uchar __PAD2 (Spare)
ushort pkt_size Size of packet queue (<= 256)
ushort pkt_max Max occupancy of packet queue.
pkt_t * pkt_queue Pointer to packet queue.
uint vic_select Builds VIC IRQ/FIQ select word.
uint vic_enable Builds VIC interrupt enable word.
uint old_select Keeps old state of vic_select.
uint old_enable Keeps old state of vic_enable.
int_handler fiq_vector New FIQ vector (or 0)
int_handler old_vector Old FIQ vector.
int_handler vic_addr[EVENT_COUNT] Record of handler for each event.
proc_queue_t proc_queue[PRIO_MAX+1]

Queues of events - one for each priority level

◆ sark_data_t

struct sark_data_t

A struct holding all of the variables maintained by SARK.

Data Fields
uint virt_cpu 00 Virtual CPU number
uint phys_cpu 04 Physical CPU number
uint random[2] 08 Random number variable
uint * stack_base 10 Bottom of stack area (& heap limit)
uint * heap_base 14 Bottom of heap area
heap_t * heap 18 Heap in DTCM
vcpu_t * vcpu 1c Pointer to VCPU block
mem_block_t msg_root 20 Control block for SDP messages
uint msg_rcvd 28 Numbers of msgs received
uint msg_sent 2c Numbers of msgs sent
ushort cpu_clk 30 CPU clock speed (MHz)
uchar sw_rte 32 Set to 1 for SW error calls rt_error
uchar __PAD1 33
void * sdram_buf 34 Pointer to SDRAM buffer
uint pkt_count 38 Count of thrown packets

◆ sv_t

struct sv_t

Struct holding the System Variables.

Placed at the top of System RAM at 0xe5007f00 (SV_SV)

Data Fields
ushort p2p_addr 00 P2P address of this chip
ushort p2p_dims 02 P2P dimensions
ushort dbg_addr 04 P2P address for debug messages
uchar p2p_up 06 Non-zero if P2P networking active
uchar last_id 07 Last ID used in NNBC
ushort eth_addr 08 P2P address of nearest Ethernet node
uchar hw_ver 0a Hardware version
uchar eth_up 0b Non-zero if Ethernet active
uchar p2pb_repeats 0c Number of times to send out P2PB packets
uchar p2p_sql 0d P2P sequence length (**)
uchar clk_div 0e Clock divisors for system & router bus
uchar tp_scale 0f Scale for router phase timer
volatile uint64 clock_ms 10 Milliseconds since boot
volatile ushort time_ms 18 Milliseconds in second (0..999)
ushort ltpc_period 1a Local Time Phase Control message interval (*10 ms)
volatile uint unix_time 1c Seconds since 1970
uint tp_timer 20 Router time phase timer
ushort cpu_clk 24 CPU clock in MHz
ushort mem_clk 26 SDRAM clock in MHz
uchar forward 28 NNBC forward parameter
uchar retry 29 NNBC retry parameter
uchar peek_time 2a Timeout for link read/write (us)
uchar led_period 2b LED flash period (* 10 ms)
uchar netinit_bc_wait 2c Minimum time after last BC during netinit (*10 ms)
uchar netinit_phase 2d Phase of boot process
ushort p2p_root 2e The P2P address from which the system was booted
uint led0 30 LED definition words (for up
uint led1 34 to 15 LEDs)
int clock_drift 38 drift of clock from boot chip clock in ticks / us
uint random 3c Random number seed
uchar root_chip 40 Set if we are the root chip
uchar num_buf 41 Number of SHM buffers
uchar boot_delay 42 Delay between boot NN pkts (us)
uchar soft_wdog 43 Soft watchdog control
uint sync_alignment 44 delay for sync0/1 alignment (us)
heap_t * sysram_heap 48 Heap in SysRAM
heap_t * sdram_heap 4c Heap in SDRAM
uint iobuf_size 50 Size of IO buffers (bytes)
uint * sdram_bufs 54 SDRAM buffers
uint sysbuf_size 58 Size of system buffers (words)
uint boot_sig 5c Boot signature word
uint mem_ptr 60 Memory pointer for NNBC memory setter
volatile uchar lock 64 Lock variable
uchar link_en 65 Bit map of enabled links
uchar last_biff_id 66 Last ID used in BIFF
uchar bt_flags 67 Board Test flags
mem_block_t shm_root 68 Control block for SHM bufs
uint utmp0 70 Four temps...
uint utmp1 74
uint utmp2 78
uint utmp3 7c
uchar status_map[20] 80 Set during SC&MP ROM boot
uchar p2v_map[20] 94 Phys to Virt core map
uchar v2p_map[20] a8 Virt to Phys core map
uchar num_cpus bc Number of good cores
uchar rom_cpus bd SC&MP ROM good cores
ushort board_addr be Position of chip on PCB
uint * sdram_base c0 Base of user SDRAM
uint * sysram_base c4 Base of user SysRAM
uint * sdram_sys c8 System SDRAM
vcpu_t * vcpu_base cc Start of VCPU blocks
heap_t * sys_heap d0 System heap in SDRAM
rtr_entry_t * rtr_copy d4 Copy of router MC tables
uint * hop_table d8 P2P hop table
block_t ** alloc_tag dc Start of alloc_tag table
ushort rtr_free e0 Start of free router entry list
ushort p2p_active e2 Count of active P2P addresses
app_data_t * app_data e4 Array of app_id structs
sdp_msg_t * shm_buf e8 SHM buffers
uint mbox_flags ec AP->MP communication flags
uchar ip_addr[4] f0 IP address (or 0)
uint fr_copy f4 (Virtual) copy of router FR reg
uint * board_info f8 Pointer to board_info area !!
uint sw_ver fc Software version number

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ALLOC_TAG_RETRY   4

This allows for a "retry" of the allocation request when an SDRAM tag is specified. If this flag is specified, and the tag in use, and the size of the allocation requested is the same as the size currently allocated, just return the address of the tag from the previous allocation. Without this flag, the previous behavior is maintained, meaning that each tag can only be allocated once, and a re-allocation request will result in a NULL being returned.

◆ sw_error

#define sw_error (   mode)    sw_error_fl (mode, __FILE__, __LINE__)

sw_error calls sw_error_fl(), inserting file name and line number automatically

modedetermines if rt_error() is called

Typedef Documentation

◆ int_handler

typedef void(* int_handler) (void)

The basic type of an interrupt handler. Takes no arguments. Returns nothing.

Defines and typedefs to rationalise ARM/GNU interrupt handlers

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ sark_aplx_command

Commands used in the APLX loader.


Absolute copy.


Relative copy.


Fill memory.




End marker (rarely used)

◆ spin_lock_e

Allocations of SysCtl Test & Set registers (locks)


Msg buffers in SysRAM.


Mailbox flag variable.


Ethernet Tx (unused...)


GPIO port (unused...)


Spin1 API.


Sema access.


Heap in System / SDRAM.



◆ app_flags_e

Flags in app_flags field.


Wait for start signal.

◆ rte_code_e

enum rte_code_e

Run time error codes, passed as first arg to rt_error()


0 No error


1 Branch through zero


2 Undefined instruction


3 Undefined SVC or no handler


4 Prefetch abort


5 Data abort


6 Unhandled IRQ


7 Unhandled FIQ


8 Unconfigured VIC vector


Generic user abort.


"malloc" failure


Divide by zero.


Event startup failure.


Fatal SW error.


Failed to allocate IO buffer.


Bad event enable.


Generic null pointer error.


Pkt startup failure.


Timer startup failure.


API startup failure.


SW version conflict.

◆ sark_alib_rte_codes

For "sark_alib.s" (maintain sync with enum rte_code_e)


Branch through zero.


Undefined instruction.


Undefined SVC or no handler.


Prefetch abort.


Data abort.


Unhandled IRQ.


Unhandled FIQ.


Unconfigured VIC vector.

◆ cpu_state_e

Runtime state of a core (limited to 16)

Held in vcpu_t::cpu_state byte of vcpu_t struct. States less than 4 are 'dead' and not expected to respond to anything


Dead core.


Powered down.


Died with Run Time Error.


Watchdog expired.


Initialising (transient)


Ready to execute.


Entered c_main.


Running (API/Event)


Waiting for sync 0.


Waiting for sync 1.


Paused in application.


Exited application.








Idle (SARK stub)

◆ event_type_e

Types of event.


Timer elapsed.


MC packet received.


SDP packet received.


User triggered event.


Signal from hosts.


DMA complete.


Maximum event number.

◆ event_state_e

State of event execution.







◆ vic_slot_e

enum vic_slot_e

Slots in the VIC interrupt controller.


Special slot for FIQ.


Index of largest ordinary slot.

◆ sw_err_mode_e

Mode for sw_error() calls to decide if rt_error() is to be called.


Optional, controlled by sark.sw_rte.


Never call rt_error.


Always call rt_error.

◆ sync_bool_e

Startup synchronisation bool.


Don't wait.


Wait for synchronisation.

◆ shm_cmd_e

enum shm_cmd_e

Mailbox commands passed to APs.


Idle state of mailbox.


Passing SDP message.


Does nothing...


Signal application.


Command to MP.

◆ signal_e

enum signal_e

Signals passed to applications.


Initialise cores.


Powerdown cores.


Stop application and clean up.


Start application if waiting.


Synchronisation barrier 0.


Synchronisation barrier 1.


Pause application.


Continue application.


Terminate application.


Trigger timer for application.


Send user signal 0.


Send user signal 1.


Send user signal 2.


Send user signal 3.

◆ sark_scp_command_codes

SCP command codes.


Return version/core info.


Run at PC (Deprecated)


Read memory.


Write memory.


Run via APLX (Deprecated)


Fill memory.


Count state of application processors.


Remap application core.


Read neighbour memory.


Write neighbour memory.


Application core reset.


Send broadcast NN packet.


Copy app from adjacent chip and reset.


Send signal to apps.


Send flood-fill data.


Application core APLX start.


Control LEDs.


Configure IPTags.


Read/write/erase serial ROM.


Memory allocation.


Router control.


Reserved (used elsewhere in software)


Get chip/core info.


Control sending of synchronization msgs.


Tube output.

◆ sark_scp_return_codes

SCP return codes.


Command completed OK.


Bad packet length.


Bad checksum.


Bad/invalid command.


Invalid arguments.


Bad port number.




No P2P route.


Bad CPU number.


SHM dest dead.


No free SHM buffers.


No reply to open.


Open rejected.


Dest busy.


Dest died?


Pkt Tx failed.

◆ sark_scp_memory_size_types

Memory size types.


Specifies byte access.


Specifies short (16-bit) access.


Specifies word (32-bit) access.

Function Documentation

◆ cpu_irq_enable()

uint cpu_irq_enable ( void  )

Enable the IRQ interrupt in the core by clearing the appropriate bit in the CPSR.

Returns the previous CPSR so that the state prior to the call can be restored.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code)

previous state of CPSR

◆ cpu_irq_disable()

uint cpu_irq_disable ( void  )

Disable the IRQ interrupt in the core by setting the appropriate bit in the CPSR.

Returns the previous CPSR so that the state prior to the call can be restored.

previous state of CPSR

◆ cpu_fiq_enable()

uint cpu_fiq_enable ( void  )

Enable the FIQ interrupt in the core by clearing the appropriate bit in the CPSR.

Returns the previous CPSR so that the state prior to the call can be restored.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code).

previous state of CPSR

◆ cpu_fiq_disable()

uint cpu_fiq_disable ( void  )

Disable the FIQ interrupt in the core by setting the appropriate bit in the CPSR.

Returns the previous CPSR so that the state prior to the call can be restored.

previous state of CPSR

◆ cpu_int_enable()

uint cpu_int_enable ( void  )

Enable the FIQ and IRQ interrupts in the core by clearing the appropriate bits in the CPSR.

Returns the previous CPSR so that the state prior to the call can be restored.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code).

previous state of CPSR

◆ cpu_int_disable()

uint cpu_int_disable ( void  )

Disable the FIQ and IRQ interrupts in the core by setting the appropriate bits in the CPSR.

Returns the previous CPSR so that the state prior to the call can be restored.

previous state of CPSR

◆ cpu_int_restore()

void cpu_int_restore ( uint  cpsr)

Restore the CPSR to the state provided in the argument.

Generally used after a call to cpu_fiq_disable(), cpu_irq_disable(), or cpu_int_disable()

cpsrvalue to be restored to CPSR

◆ cpu_get_sp()

uint * cpu_get_sp ( void  )

Returns the current value of the core's stack pointer.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code).

current SP value

◆ cpu_get_cpsr()

uint cpu_get_cpsr ( void  )

Returns the current value of the core's CPSR.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code).

current CPSR value

◆ cpu_set_cpsr()

void cpu_set_cpsr ( uint  cpsr)

Set the core's CPSR to the supplied value.

This routine always returns to the caller even if the mode changes as a result of the new CPSR value.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code)

cpsrnew value of the CPSR

◆ cpu_get_cp15_cr()

uint cpu_get_cp15_cr ( void  )

Returns the current value of the core's CP15 Control register.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code)

current CP15 control register value

◆ cpu_set_cp15_cr()

void cpu_set_cp15_cr ( uint  value)

Set the core's CP15 Control Register to the supplied value.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code)

[in]valuenew value of the CP15 control register

◆ cpu_wfi()

void cpu_wfi ( void  )

Puts the core into sleep mode until an interrupt occurs at which point the function will return.

Works regardless of whether interrupts are masked in the core or not but relies on the VIC passing the interrupt to the core so won't work if all interrupts are masked by the VIC.

◆ cpu_sleep()

void cpu_sleep ( void  )

Puts the core into sleep mode until an interrupt occurs at which point the interrupt will be serviced and the core will go back to sleep.

This means that the core will respond to interrupts but the function never returns.

◆ cpu_shutdown()

void cpu_shutdown ( void  )

Puts the core into sleep mode and disable all interrupts in the VIC.

This means that the core sleeps and cannot be woken up. Usually used when a fatal error has occurred. Application code will probably want to call rt_error() on a fatal error.

◆ rt_error()

void rt_error ( uint  code,

Called to signal a fatal error.

The error code argument is placed in a known place in the VCPU block for this core as is a dump of r0-r7, lr, sp and cpsr. Optional arguments will end up in the register dump as r1, r2, etc. Calls cpu_shutdown() when all relevant state has been dumped.

[in]codean error code (usually from enum rte_code_e)
...further (integer) arguments

◆ sark_mem_cpy()

void sark_mem_cpy ( void *  dest,
const void *  src,
uint  n 

Copy n bytes of memory from src to dest.

The memory is copied byte by byte and so will be inefficient for large values of n. Not intended for use where source and destination blocks overlap.

[in]destdestination buffer address
[in]srcsource buffer address
[in]nnumber of bytes to copy

◆ sark_str_cpy()

void sark_str_cpy ( char *  dest,
const char *  src 

Copies a NULL terminated string from src to dest.

The string is copied byte by byte and so will be inefficient for long strings. Not intended for use where source and destination strings overlap.

[in]destdestination string address; must be enough space available
[in]srcsource string address

◆ sark_str_len()

uint sark_str_len ( char *  string)

Counts the number of characters in a zero terminated string.

The terminator is not included in the count.

stringzero terminated string
number of characters

◆ sark_cpu_state()

void sark_cpu_state ( cpu_state  state)

Sets the CPU state field in the VCPU block for this core.

statethe state to set

◆ sark_msg_cpy()

void sark_msg_cpy ( sdp_msg_t to,
sdp_msg_t from 

Copies an SDP message from one buffer to another.

Quite efficient for long messages as it uses sark_word_cpy()

topointer to destination buffer
frompointer to source buffer

◆ sark_word_cpy()

void sark_word_cpy ( void *  dest,
const void *  src,
uint  n 

A fast copy for memory buffers.

The byte count "n" will be rounded up to be a multiple of word size before the copy takes place and a whole number of words will be transferred. The inner loop copies 8 words at a time for efficiency. The "src" and "dest" pointers must be word aligned. Not intended for use where source and destination blocks overlap.

[out]destdestination buffer address
[in]srcsource buffer address
[in]nnumber of bytes to copy (routine rounds up to multiple of 4)

◆ sark_word_set()

void sark_word_set ( void *  dest,
uint  data,
uint  n 

A fast memory setter for a block of memory.

The byte count "n" must be a multiple of the word size and the destination pointer must be word aligned. The inner loop fills 4 words at a time for efficiency.

[out]destdestination buffer address
[in]dataword to be used for filling
[in]nnumber of bytes to fill (must be multiple of 4)

◆ sark_lock_get()

uint sark_lock_get ( spin_lock  lock)

Acquires one of the 32 built-in hardware locks provided by the chip.

Disables all interrupts and busy-waits for the lock to become free so must be used carefully. Returns the value of the CPSR at entry so that the interrupt state can be restored by the matching "sark_lock_free" routine. Locks already defined for use by SARK are listed in the enum "sark_lock_e";

lockhardware lock number
CPSR at time of call

◆ sark_lock_free()

void sark_lock_free ( uint  cpsr,
spin_lock  lock 

Free a previously acquired hardware lock.

The supplied "cpsr" is used to restore the interrupt state that was in place when the lock was acquired.

cpsrCPSR to be reinstated after unlocking
lockhardware lock number

◆ sark_sema_raise()

uint sark_sema_raise ( uchar sema)

Raise (increment) an 8-bit semaphore variable which is accessed via a pointer.

A hardware lock is used to gain exclusive access to the variable. Returns the post-increment value. No check is made for overflow from 255.

semapointer to semaphore byte (usually in shared memory)
post-increment value of semaphore

◆ sark_sema_lower()

uint sark_sema_lower ( uchar sema)

Lower (decrement) an 8-bit semaphore variable which is accessed via a pointer.

The decrement will only take place on a non-zero variable. A hardware lock is used to gain exclusive access to the variable. Returns the pre-decrement value.

semapointer to semaphore byte (usually in shared memory)
pre-decrement value of semaphore

◆ sark_app_raise()

uint sark_app_raise ( void  )

Raise a semaphore associated with the AppID running on this core.

The semaphore is initialised to zero before the application starts. Returns the new value of the semaphore and can be used to determine when all cores running a given application have reached a given point. Also allows a single core to be differentiated from other cores by testing for value 1 returned from this function. Uses sark_sema_raise.

value of semaphore after raising

◆ sark_app_lower()

uint sark_app_lower ( void  )

Lowers a semaphore associated with the AppID running on this core.

If all cores running an application raise the semaphore when they start and lower it when they complete this can be used to determine when all cores have started (semaphore equals number of cores) and when all cores have finished (semaphore equals zero). Uses sark_sema_lower.

value of semaphore before lowering.

◆ sark_app_sema()

uint sark_app_sema ( void  )

Used to get the value of the semaphore associated with the AppID running on this core.

current value of semaphore.

◆ sark_app_cores()

uint sark_app_cores ( void  )

Used to get the number of cores on this chip which are running the current application.

number of cores with same AppID

◆ sark_app_lead()

uint sark_app_lead ( void  )

Returns the core ID of the lowest numbered core on this chip which is running the current application.

Can be used to identify a single core to do shared initialisation.

lowest numbered core running this app.

◆ sark_srand()

void sark_srand ( uint  seed)

Seed the random number generator with the supplied value.

The 33rd bit of the random value is set to zero.

seed32-bit value to seed generator

◆ sark_rand()

uint sark_rand ( void  )

Return the next 32-bit pseudo-random number in the sequence.

A 33 bit number is maintained internally and the bottom 32 bits returned by this function.

next random number in sequence

◆ sark_div10()

divmod_t sark_div10 ( uint  n)

Divide the argument by 10 and return dividend and modulus in a struct of type divmod_t which has fields "div" and "mod".

nnumber to divide by 10
a divmod_t containing dividend and modulus

◆ sark_count_bits()

uint sark_count_bits ( uint  word)

Count the number of bits set in a word.

wordwhose bits are to be counted
number of bits set

◆ sark_bx()

void sark_bx ( uint  addr)

Performs an ARM BX instruction to the address in addr.

Can be used to branch to arbitrary pieces of code.

Dangerous** and unlikely to be useful to most applications!

addraddress to branch to (bottom bit to be set for Thumb)

◆ sark_aplx()

void sark_aplx ( uint table,
uint  app_id 

Used to unpack an APLX table whose address is provided.

Where this results in the loading and execution of a new application, the second argument is the AppID.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code)

tablepointer to an APLX table
app_idAppID to be passed to new application

◆ cpu_init_mode()

uint * cpu_init_mode ( uint stack,
uint  mode,
uint  size 

Sets up stack for a given CPU mode.

Changes to the given mode, sets stack pointer then returns to original mode. Also computes base of stack which will probably be the top of an adjacent stack.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code).

stacktop of stack for given mode
modemode for which stack applies
sizesize of stack in words
base of stack (ie stack - size)

◆ chksum_64()

uint chksum_64 ( uint  a,
uint  b 

Compute 4-bit ones-complement checksum of a 64-bit quantity. (Unlikely to be needed by application code).

alow 32 bits of value to be summed
bhigh 32 bits of value to be summed
4-bit checksum in bits 31:28 - other bits zero

◆ chksum_32()

uint chksum_32 ( uint  a)

Compute 4-bit ones-complement checksum of a 32-bit quantity.

(Unlikely to be needed by application code).

avalue to be summed
4-bit checksum in bits 31:28 - other bits zero

◆ sark_chip_id()

uint sark_chip_id ( void  )

Returns the ID of this chip as a 16-bit number.

The upper 8 bits are the X coordinate of the chip and the lower 8 bits are the Y coordinate. Just a wrapper to return sv->p2p_addr.

chip ID ((X << 8) + Y)

◆ sark_core_id()

uint sark_core_id ( void  )

Returns the virtual core number of this core.

This is in the range 0 to 17 (though 0 will only be returned on the core which hosts the monitor processor). Just a wrapper to return sark.virt_cpu.

core number in the range 0..17

◆ sark_app_id()

uint sark_app_id ( void  )

Returns the ID of the application running on this core.

Just a wrapper to return sark_vec->app_id.

application ID in the range 0..255

◆ sark_app_name()

static char * sark_app_name ( void  )

Returns a pointer to the name of the application running on this core.

Implemented as an inline.

pointer to application name

◆ sark_msg_get()

sdp_msg_t * sark_msg_get ( void  )

Get an SDP message buffer from the pool maintained by SARK.

Applications typically have 4 buffers in the pool though this can be changed by setting sark_vec->num_msgs in sark_config. If there are no free buffers available, NULL is returned.

pointer to SDP buffer (or NULL)

◆ sark_msg_free()

void sark_msg_free ( sdp_msg_t msg)

Return an SDP message buffer which was acquired by sark_msg_get() to the free buffer pool.

msgpointer to SDP message

◆ sark_msg_send()

uint sark_msg_send ( sdp_msg_t msg,
uint  timeout 

Send an SDP message.

The message is sent to the monitor processor using a shared memory buffer and then sent to the appropriate place from there. A timeout in milliseconds must be supplied which applies to the transfer of the message to the monitor processor. Normally this will take less than 1ms if the monitor processor is functioning normally. A timeout of 10ms is probably appropriate in most circumstances. The call can fail either because of a timeout or if there are no shared memory SDP buffers available.

msgpointer to an SDP message buffer
timeouttime in ms before sending is abandoned
1 if successful, 0 for failure

◆ sark_delay_us()

void sark_delay_us ( uint  delay)

Perform a busy-wait for the given number of microseconds.

The core will continue to service interrupts while the delay takes place but this is otherwise a wasteful way to delay for long periods of time.

delaynumber of microseconds to delay

◆ sw_error_fl()

void sw_error_fl ( sw_err_mode  mode,
char *  file,
uint  line 

Generates a software error, logging the filename and line number at which the error occurs.

Usually used via the sw_error macro which inserts the filename and line number automatically. The mode parameter determines whether or not rt_error should be called to shut down the core. mode can be SW_RTE to always call rt_error(), SW_NEVER to always return or SW_OPT which consults sark.sw_rte to choose what to do.

modedetermines if rt_error() is called
filefile name
lineline number

◆ sark_cmd_ver()

uint sark_cmd_ver ( sdp_msg_t msg)

SCP handler for the Version command.

Copies various pieces of information into the supplied SDP message buffer. The information copied is the chip address (16 bits), virtual and physical core numbers (8 bits each), the version number of SARK (16 bits), the size of SDP message data buffers (16 bits) and the Unix time at which the application was built (32 bits). A text string is also returned which gives the base kernel name (eg SARK) and the system on which it is running (eg SpiNNaker).

(Unlikely to be called by application code).

msgSDP message buffer
size of returned message

◆ sark_cmd_read()

uint sark_cmd_read ( sdp_msg_t msg)

SCP handler for the Read command which reads memory and returns the data read to the host.

Various argument errors are trapped but if successful, data is transferred from memory into the SDP message starting at msg->arg1. If half or word alignment is specified, the address and count must be 2 or 4 byte aligned.

(Unlikely to be called by application code).

msgThe message: msg->arg1: first address to be read (suitably aligned) msg->arg2: number of bytes to read (suitably aligned) msg->arg3: mode of reading (TYPE_BYTE, TYPE_HALF or TYPE_WORD)
size of returned message

◆ sark_cmd_write()

uint sark_cmd_write ( sdp_msg_t msg)

SCP handler for the Write command which writes memory with data supplied by the host.

Various argument errors are trapped but if successful, data is transferred to memory from the SDP message starting at msg->data. If half or word alignment is specified, the address and count must be 2 or 4 byte aligned.

(Unlikely to be called by application code).

msgThe message: msg->arg1: first address to be written (suitably aligned) msg->arg2: number of bytes to write (suitably aligned) msg->arg3: mode of writing (TYPE_BYTE, TYPE_HALF or TYPE_WORD) msg->data: data to be written
size of returned message (usually 0)

◆ sark_cmd_fill()

uint sark_cmd_fill ( sdp_msg_t msg)

SCP handler for the Fill command which fills memory with a data word.

(Unlikely to be called by application code).

msgThe message msg->arg1: first address to be written (must be word aligned) msg->arg2: data word msg->arg3: byte count (must be non-zero and a multiple of 4)
size of returned message (usually 0)

◆ sark_block_init()

void * sark_block_init ( void *  buf,
uint  size,
uint  count 

Initialise a memory buffer into a linked list of "count" blocks of "size" bytes.

size needs to be at least 4 and a multiple of 4 and the memory buffer needs to be at least size * count" bytes</tt>. The first word of each block is a pointer to the next block. Returns a pointer to the last block. The buffer can be used to initialise a "root" struct of type mem_block_t.

bufbase address of memory buffer (word aligned)
sizeof each block (at least 4 and a multiple of 4)
countnumber of blocks
pointer to last block

◆ sark_block_get()

void * sark_block_get ( mem_block_t root)

Generic call to get a buffer from a pool whose "root" is supplied.

Returns pointer to buffer on success, NULL on failure.

rootpointer to a block pool held in a mem_block_t
pointer to a free block if available or NULL if not

◆ sark_block_free()

void sark_block_free ( mem_block_t root,
void *  blk 

Generic call to free a buffer into a pool whose "root" is supplied.

The block should have been allocated from the same pool previously!

rootpointer to a block pool held in a mem_block_t
blkpointer to the block to be freed.

◆ sark_shmsg_get()

sdp_msg_t * sark_shmsg_get ( void  )

Get a free SDP message from the shared SysRAM pool.

Returns pointer to message on success, NULL on failure. Because several cores may attempt to access a shared memory message concurrently, a hardware lock is used to ensure exclusive access. Interrupts are turned off while this occurs but this should be for a relatively short time (1-5us ??)

pointer to a shared memory SDP message or NULL if none available

◆ sark_shmsg_free()

void sark_shmsg_free ( sdp_msg_t msg)

Return a shared memory SDP message to the shared SysRAM pool.

Because several cores may attempt to access a shared memory message concurrently, a hardware lock is used to ensure exclusive access. Interrupts are turned off while this occurs but this should be for a relatively short time (1-5us ??)

msgpointer to the message

◆ sark_call_cpp_constructors()

void sark_call_cpp_constructors ( void  )

Calls the constructors for any C++ objects created at global scope.

Should generally be called from any user-supplied sark_pre_main() function

◆ io_printf()

void io_printf ( char *  stream,
char *  format,

A simple "printf" routine.

The first argument is a 'stream' which is either a constant (IO_BUF, IO_STD, IO_DBG, IO_NULL) or a pointer to a character array which will be filled in as in "sprintf". No checks for buffer overflow are made for this latter case! The range of formats is very limited to minimise code size. The maximum width for integer fields is 16.The maximum width for the 16.16 fixed point format is 25. Don't exceed these maxima!

The four constants provide 4 possible output streams for the output string. IO_STD will send the string as an SDP packet back to the host. IO_BUF will place the string in a buffer in SDRAM while IO_NULL will ignore the string. IO_DBG is not currently implemented.

Formats are:

  • %c - character
  • %s - string - can be eg %8s for right justification
  • %d - signed integer (also %8d, %06d, etc)
  • %u - signed integer (also %4u, %06u, etc)
  • %x - integer in hex (also %4x, %08x, etc)
  • %z - integer in hex, exactly N digits
  • %n.mf - 16.16 fixed point with width n, precision m
streamconstant (IO_BUF, IO_STD, IO_DBG, IO_NULL) or pointer to char array
formata format string
...arguments to be formatted

◆ io_put_char()

void io_put_char ( char *  stream,
uint  c 

Routine to put a character to an output stream.

Has different behaviour for four possible streams:

  • IO_STD: Streamed out to a tubotron instance via SDP.
  • IO_BUF: Stored in a buffer in memory for later retrieval by host
  • IO_NULL: Ignores the write
  • "sprintf" strings: writes into the provided buffer.

For IO_STD and IO_BUF the character is placed in a holding buffer which is flushed on buffer-full or newline or NULL.

streamconstant (IO_BUF, IO_STD, IO_NULL) or pointer to char array
ca character

◆ sark_io_buf_reset()

void sark_io_buf_reset ( void  )

Routine to reset the IOBUF for the core.

Frees additional allocated IOBUF blocks in the system heap.

◆ sark_alloc()

void * sark_alloc ( uint  count,
uint  size 

Allocate a block of memory of count × size bytes from the DTCM heap. Returns either a pointer to the block on success, or NULL on failure.

The total amount of memory available for allocation is around 62KB less all of the static variables used by the application.

[in]countnumber of sub-blocks to allocate
[in]sizesize of each sub-block
pointer to block or NULL

◆ sark_free()

void sark_free ( void *  ptr)

Frees a block of memory which was previously allocated by sark_alloc() (i.e., from the DTCM heap).

[in]ptrpointer to memory block

◆ sark_xalloc()

void * sark_xalloc ( heap_t heap,
uint  size,
uint  tag,
uint  flag 

Allocate a memory block from the specified heap.

The block will be tagged with the supplied "tag" which must be <= 255. Returns NULL on failure (not enough memory, bad tag or tag in use).

The flag parameter contains two flags in the bottom two bits. If bit 0 is set (ALLOC_LOCK), the heap manipulation is done behind a lock with interrupts disabled. If bit 1 is set (ALLOC_ID), the block is tagged with the AppID provided in bits 15:8 of the flag, otherwise the AppID of the current application is used.

The 8-bit tag is combined with the AppID and stored in the "free" field while the block is allocated. If the tag is non-zero, the block is only allocated if the tag is not in use. The tag (and AppID) is stored in the "alloc_tag" table while the block is allocated.

If this command is used to allocate for an app-id which isn't the caller's, the user should set sv->app_data[app_id].clean to 0 for the application concerned. This ensures that the memory will be cleaned up by a stop signal.

[in]heapthe heap from which the block should be allocated
[in]sizethe size of the block in bytes
[in]tag8-bit tag
[in]flagflags to control locking and AppID
pointer to allocated block or NULL on failure

◆ sark_xfree()

void sark_xfree ( heap_t heap,
void *  ptr,
uint  flag 

Free a memory block in the specified heap.

If the lock bit in the flag parameter is set, the manipulation of the heap is done behind a lock. This will turn interrupts off for some time while the heap is searched. If a NULL pointer (ptr) is passed in, a runtime error will occur. If there is an "alloc_tag" entry associated with the block it is set to NULL.

[in]heapthe heap to which the free block should be returned
[in]ptra pointer to the memory block to be freed
[in]flagbit 0 set if the heap should be locked during free

◆ sark_xfree_id()

uint sark_xfree_id ( heap_t heap,
uint  app_id,
uint  flag 

Free all allocated blocks in the specified heap which are tagged with the given "app_id".

The flag parameter specifies if locking is needed in the sark_xfree() call. Returns the number of blocks freed.

[in]heapthe heap from which blocks should be freed
[in]app_idthe AppID whose block should be freed
[in]flagcontrols locking of heap transactions
number of blocks freed

◆ sark_heap_max()

uint sark_heap_max ( heap_t heap,
uint  flag 

Search the supplied heap and return the size of the largest free block (in bytes).

The flag parameter allows the heap to be locked while the search takes place.

[in]heapthe heap to be searched
[in]flagcontrols locking of heap transactions
size of largest block

◆ sark_heap_init()

heap_t * sark_heap_init ( uint base,
uint top 

Initialise an area of memory as a heap.

Arguments are (uint) pointers to base and top of the area. Returns a pointer to the heap (same address as the base). Assumes the area is large enough to hold a minimal heap (a zero size heap needs 28 bytes).

[in]basepointer to bottom of heap memory
[in]toppointer to top of heap memory
pointer to heap

◆ rtr_alloc()

uint rtr_alloc ( uint  size)

Allocate a block of entries in the router multicast table (and associate the caller's app_id with this block).

[in]sizenumber of entries to allocate
index of first entry in block on success, zero on failure.

◆ rtr_alloc_id()

uint rtr_alloc_id ( uint  size,
uint  app_id 

Allocate a block of entries in the router multicast table (and associate the supplied app_id with this block).

If this command is used to allocate for an app-id which isn't the caller's, the user should set sv->app_data[app_id].clean to 0 for the application concerned. This ensures that the memory will be cleaned up by a stop signal.

[in]sizenumber of entries to allocate
[in]app_idAppID associated with block
index of first entry in block on success, zero on failure.

◆ rtr_free()

void rtr_free ( uint  entry,
uint  clear 

Free a block of MC table entries which starts with the supplied entry. The relevant router registers can be optionally re-initialised.

[in]entryfirst entry in the block (as returned by rtr_alloc)
[in]clearnon-zero to cause router registers to be re-initialised

◆ rtr_free_id()

uint rtr_free_id ( uint  app_id,
uint  clear 

Free all allocated blocks in the router which are tagged with the given "app_id".

The relevant router registers can be optionally re-initialised. Returns number of blocks freed.

[in]app_idAppID whose entries are to be freed
[in]clearnon-zero to cause router registers to be re-initialised
number of blocks freed

◆ rtr_alloc_max()

uint rtr_alloc_max ( void  )

Return the size of the largest free block in the router multicast table (or zero if table is full).

number of entries in largest block

◆ sark_tag_ptr()

void * sark_tag_ptr ( uint  tag,
uint  app_id 

Get a pointer to a tagged allocation.

[in]tagThe tag of the allocation to get a pointer to
[in]app_idAppID whose tagged allocation to read (or 0 to use the current core's app ID)
A pointer to the first allocation found with the given tag, or NULL if no such allocation exists.

◆ sark_vic_init()

void sark_vic_init ( void  )

Performs a full software initialisation of the VIC.

All interrupts are disabled and all vector entries are initialised to a disabled state. The default handler address is set to point to a return from interrupt instruction.

◆ sark_vic_set()

void sark_vic_set ( vic_slot  slot,
uint  interrupt,
uint  enable,
int_handler  handler 

Initialises one of the VIC slots to set up an interrupt handler.

No check is made that the slot is not already in use. The slot can be SLOT_FIQ in which case the FIQ interrupt is set up.

slotthe slot to be used
interruptthe interrupt number (0..31)
enablenon-zero if the interrupt should be enabled
handlerpointer to the handler code

◆ sark_led_init()

void sark_led_init ( void  )

Initialises the hardware (GPIO port) which drives the LEDs attached to the SpiNNaker chip.

(Unlikely to be used by application code)

◆ sark_led_set()

void sark_led_set ( uint  leds)

Controls one or more of the LEDs attached to the SpiNNaker chip.

The argument should be a sum of calls to macros LED_ON, LED_OFF, LED_INV which turn on, turn off or flip a LED. The argument to each macro is the LED number, an integer starting at zero. All SpiNNaker boards to date have at least one LED so LED_ON(0) will always work!

To turn on LED 1 and turn off LED 2 the call looks like this...

#define LED_OFF(n)
Turn LED off.
Definition sark.h:372
void sark_led_set(uint leds)
Controls one or more of the LEDs attached to the SpiNNaker chip.
Definition sark_hw.c:146
#define LED_ON(n)
Turn LED on.
Definition sark.h:371
ledsencoded value specifying LEDs and operations thereon

◆ rtr_mc_clear()

uint rtr_mc_clear ( uint  start,
uint  count 

Initialises a set of the router's multicast (MC) table registers so that routing is disabled.

Because some of the MC hardware registers are not readable, copies of these registers are kept in memory to allow them to be read back. These copies are also initialised here. The entries in the router are disabled by setting route and mask to zero and the key to all ones.

startfirst entry to be cleared
countnumber of entries to be cleared
1 if OK, 0 on failure (last entry out of range)

◆ rtr_mc_init()

void rtr_mc_init ( uint  start)

Initialises the router's multicast (MC) tables and sets up the data structures for allocating router entries.

Because some of the MC hardware registers are not readable, copies of these registers are kept in memory to allow them to be read back. These copies are also initialised here. All entries in the router are disabled (route and mask set to zero and key set to all ones). The start parameter allows some low entries to be left unchanged.

startfirst entry to clear - usually 0 or 1

◆ rtr_mc_load()

uint rtr_mc_load ( rtr_entry_t e,
uint  count,
uint  offset,
uint  app_id 

Load router MC table from a table in memory.

Within the table, which is an array of "rtr_entry_t". the "next" field holds the entry number to be loaded. If the count parameter is zero, the count is taken from the "free" field of the first entry entry in the table. The offset parameter is added to the entry number to address each router table entry. The "app_id" parameter sets the app_id in the router table copy if non-zero. Otherwise it will be taken from SARK.

[in]epointer to first entry in table
[in]countsize of table (or 0 to use count from table)
[in]offsetadded to entry numbers from table
[in]app_idsets app_id in table if non-zero
1 if successful, 0 on failure (count or entry out of range)

◆ rtr_mc_set()

uint rtr_mc_set ( uint  entry,
uint  key,
uint  mask,
uint  route 

Sets a given entry in the router MC table.

The supplied route is based on virtual core numbers and this is mapped into physical core numbers before being written to the router. Copies of all three router registers are also maintained in memory so that they can be read back even though the router hardware doesn't support reading of key and mask registers.

[in]entrythe router entry number (should be in range 0..1023)
[in]keythe key field
[in]maskthe mask field
[in]routethe route field
1 on success, 0 on failure (entry out of range)

◆ rtr_mc_get()

uint rtr_mc_get ( uint  entry,
rtr_entry_t r 

Gets a given entry in the router MC table.

The parameter r is a pointer to a rtr_entry_t structure. The router register fields in the struct are filled in from the RAM copy of the router registers which is maintained by the system.

[in]entrynumber of entry
[out]rpointer to rtr_entry_t
1 on success, 0 on failure (entry out of range)

◆ rtr_fr_set()

void rtr_fr_set ( uint  route)

Sets the fixed-route register in the router.

Only the lower 24 bits are used as the register has bits with another function in its top 8 bits.

routefixed-route mask (bottom 24 bits)

◆ rtr_fr_get()

uint rtr_fr_get ( void  )

Gets the fixed-route register from the router and masks off the top 8 bits.

Value of router FR register (bottom 24 bits only)

◆ rtr_p2p_init()

void rtr_p2p_init ( void  )

Initialise the router point-to-point (P2P) table.

All 64K entries are set to 6. (Unlikely to be used by application code).

◆ rtr_p2p_set()

void rtr_p2p_set ( uint  entry,
uint  value 

Sets a P2P table entry.

The value should be in the range 0 to 7. Values from 0 to 5 cause the packet to be routed to one of the external links while 7 causes the packet to be sent to the monitor processor. The value 6 causes the packet to be dropped. (Unlikely to be used by application code).

[in]entrythe entry number in the range 0..65535
[in]valuethe value to be written in the range 0..7

◆ rtr_p2p_get()

uint rtr_p2p_get ( uint  entry)

Gets a P2P table entry.

entrythe entry number in the range 0..65535
table entry (range 0 to 7)

◆ rtr_diag_init()

void rtr_diag_init ( const uint table)

Initialises the 16 diagnostic registers in the router using the supplied table (which should have 16 entries).

The count registers are first disabled and cleared, the new register values set and and then the counters are enabled. (Unlikely to be used by application code).

tablepointer to table of 16 initialisation words

◆ rtr_init()

void rtr_init ( uint  monitor)

Performs a full initialisation of the router.

Calls rtr_mc_init(), rtr_p2p_init() and rtr_diag_init() and also sets the router control register. The control register Wait1 field is set to 0x40 and the Wait2 field is set to 0x00. The initialisation of the diagnostic registers places 'useful' values in 12 of the registers and leaves 4 (numbers 12 to 15) free for applications. (Unlikely to be used by application code).

monitorphysical core ID of monitor processor

◆ v2p_mask()

uint v2p_mask ( uint  virt_mask)

Given a bit mask of virtual core IDs, returns a mask of the corresponding physical core IDs.

(Unlikely to be used by application code).

virt_maskvirtual core bit mask
physical core bit mask

◆ pl340_init()

uint pl340_init ( uint  mem_clk)

Initialises the PL340 memory controller.

(Extremely unlikely to be used by application code.)

[in]mem_clkmemory clock speed in MHz
0 on failure, 1 on success

◆ event_alloc()

uint event_alloc ( uint  events)

Create additional free events by calling sark_alloc().

Caller specifies number of events to allocate and they will be added to the existing free queue. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.

[in]eventsnumber of new events to allocate
0 on failure, 1 otherwise

◆ event_free()

void event_free ( event_t e)

Free a previously allocated event.

The event must not have been scheduled.

[in]ethe event to free

◆ event_new()

event_t * event_new ( event_proc  proc,
uint  arg1,
uint  arg2 

Allocate a new event from the free queue and intialise "proc", "arg1" and "arg2" fields.

The "ID", "next" and "time" fields are also set.

[in]procpointer to an event_proc
[in]arg1argument 1 to the event_proc
[in]arg2argument 2 to the event_proc
pointer to event if successful, NULL otherwise

◆ event_config()

void event_config ( event_t event,
event_proc  proc,
uint  arg1,
uint  arg2 

Configure a (reusable) event that has already been allocated.

Configure fields "proc", "arg1" and "arg2" from the parameters. Fields "next" and "time" are set to default values.

[in]eventpointer to an event (to be configured)
[in]procpointer to an event_proc
[in]arg1argument 1 to the event_proc
[in]arg2argument 2 to the event_proc

◆ pkt_tx_k()

uint pkt_tx_k ( uint  key)

Transmit a packet which contains only a key.

The packet is placed on a transmit queue and sent when it reaches the head of the queue. The transmit control register (TCR) which controls the type of packet which is sent is not modified by this routine so the previous value will be used. The routine pkt_register must be called (once) before any of the pkt_tx_XXX routines are used.

keythe key field to be placed in the packet
zero if the transmit queue is full, 1 otherwise

◆ pkt_tx_kd()

uint pkt_tx_kd ( uint  key,
uint  data 

Transmit a packet which contains key and data fields.

The packet is placed on a transmit queue and sent when it reaches the head of the queue. The transmit control register (TCR) which controls the type of packet which is sent is not modified by this routine so the previous value will be used.

key;the key field to be placed in the packet
datathe data field to be placed in the packet
zero if the transmit queue is full, 1 otherwise

◆ pkt_tx_kc()

uint pkt_tx_kc ( uint  key,
uint  ctrl 

Transmit a packet which contains key and control byte (cb) fields.

The packet is placed on a transmit queue and sent when it reaches the head of the queue. The "ctrl" field is in the bottom 8 bits of the argument and is shifted left by 16 bits when it is placed in the hardware TCR in the chip.

keythe key field to be placed in the packet
ctrlthe control byte to be placed in the packet
zero if the transmit queue is full, 1 otherwise

◆ pkt_tx_kdc()

uint pkt_tx_kdc ( uint  key,
uint  data,
uint  ctrl 

Transmit a packet which contains key, data and control byte (cb) fields.

The packet is placed on a transmit queue and sent when it reaches the head of the queue. The "ctrl" field is in the bottom 8 bits of the argument and is shifted left by 16 bits when it is placed in the hardware TCR in the chip.

keythe key field to be placed in the packet
datathe key field to be placed in the packet
ctrlthe control byte to be placed in the packet
zero if the transmit queue is full, 1 otherwise

◆ event_start()

uint event_start ( uint  period,
uint  events,
sync_bool  wait 

Start event processing.

An event scheduler runs which takes events from event queues and executes them according to priority ordering. In addition, interrupts will be serviced and any events associated with them will also be executed. This routine will exit if the application calls event_stop or if a kill signal is received from the host.

periodtimer period in microseconds (timer disabled if zero)
eventsnumber of new events to be created before processing begins
waitif non-zero causes application to wait from signal from host before processing events.
return code from event_stop routine or 255 if killed

◆ event_pause()

void event_pause ( uint  pause)

Used to stop (pause) event processing or resume it again.

If a pause handler has been registered then this will be called with "pause" as first argument and the second argument that was supplied at the time of registration. (Unlikely to be called from application code).

pausenon-zero to pause, zero to resume

◆ event_stop()

void event_stop ( uint  rc)

Used to stop event processing.

This will cause the routine event_start to terminate and the user's code after this will then execute. event_start will return the value provided in the "rc" parameter. This is an internal routine of the event processing system and unlikely to be called from an application.

rcreturn code to return from event_start

◆ event_wait()

void event_wait ( void  )

Wait for a signal from the monitor processor (i.e., host) before proceeding. Can be used to implement barrier waits.

There are two wait states which are used alternately. The first wait after event_start begins is for the signal WAIT0 and subsequent waits wait for signals WAIT1, WAIT0, WAIT1, etc.

◆ event_queue()

uint event_queue ( event_t e,
event_priority  priority 

Places an event on an event queue for execution at a later time.

There are (currently) 4 event queues numbered PRIO_0 (highest priority) to PRIO_3 (lowest). Events are taken from queue 0 until it is empty, then they are taken from queue 1 until it is empty, etc, etc.

epointer to the event to add
prioritypriority of queue to add to
zero on failure (invalid priority), 1 otherwise

◆ event_queue_proc()

uint event_queue_proc ( event_proc  proc,
uint  arg1,
uint  arg2,
event_priority  priority 

Creates a new event and places it on an event queue for execution at a later time.

Calls event_new() to create and initialise a new event and then, if that is successful, calls event_queue() to place it on an event queue.

procpointer to an event_proc
arg1argument 1 to the event_proc
arg2argument 2 to the event_proc
prioritypriority of queue to add to
zero on failure (invalid priority or failed to allocate a new event), 1 otherwise

◆ event_run()

void event_run ( uint  restart)

Run the event queue until it is empty.

Events are taken from the event queues in priority order and executed. The "restart" parameter controls whether all queues are rescanned for events when processing of a queue at a particular priority is complete. In general, this will be necessary if executing an event can cause new events to be queued.

restartnon-zero to cause queues to be rescanned

◆ event_register_int()

void event_register_int ( event_proc  proc,
event_type  event,
vic_slot  slot 

Register an event_proc to be called when a particular event occurs and associate that with an IRQ or FIQ interrupt.

A slot in the VIC to be used for the event must be provided. The pseudo-slot SLOT_FIQ is used to indicate that the FIQ interrupt should be used to ensure the fastest possible processing. Only one event can be associated with each slot and a runtime error will occur if a slot is used more than once.

procthe event_proc to call
eventthe event to associate with the event_proc
slotthe VIC slot to use (or SLOT_FIQ for FIQs)

◆ event_register_queue()

void event_register_queue ( event_proc  proc,
event_type  event,
vic_slot  slot,
event_priority  priority 

Register an event_proc to be placed on an event queue when a particular event occurs and associate that with an IRQ interrupt.

A slot in the VIC to be used for the event must be provided. Only one event can be associated with each slot and a runtime error will occur if a slot is used more than once or if an invalid queue priority is used.

procthe event_proc to call
eventthe event to associate with the event_proc
slotthe VIC slot to use
prioritythe priority of the event queue to use

◆ event_register_pause()

void event_register_pause ( event_proc  proc,
uint  arg2 

Register an event_proc to be called when event processing is paused.

The event_proc will receive the pause state (0 = resume, 1 = pause) as its first argument and the value of "arg2" as its second argument.

procthe event_proc to call
arg2the second argument to be supplied to the event_proc

◆ event_enable()

void event_enable ( event_type  event_num,
uint  enable 

Enable or disable an event.

Enabling restores its interrupt handler to one which calls the handler which was originally registered with the event. Disabling changes its interrupt handler to one which receives and acknowledges the interrupt but which doesn't call the handler which was originally registered with the event. It is expected that disable will be called before enable in all cases

event_numthe event to enable
enablenon-zero to enable, zero to disable

◆ event_register_timer()

void event_register_timer ( vic_slot  slot)

Register the use of the second timer on the core so that it can be used to provide delayed events via timer_schedule().

A runtime error will occur if the VIC slot is already in use.

slotthe VIC slot to use for the timer interrupt

◆ event_register_pkt()

void event_register_pkt ( uint  queue_size,
vic_slot  slot 

Register the use of "pkt" routines.

An interrupt handler needs to be installed and assigned to a VIC slot. In addition, the size of the transmit packet queue must be specified. It should be a power of two no larger than 256 and refers to the number of packets in the queue. A run time error will occur if the queue size is invalid, the VIC slot is in use or memory for the packet queue could not be allocated. This routine also initialises the Transmit Control Register to send multicast packets.

queue_sizenumber of packets in the transmit queue
slotthe VIC slot to use for the packet transmit interrupt

◆ event_user()

uint event_user ( uint  arg1,
uint  arg2 

Used to trigger a user event if one has been registered.

The two arguments will be provided to the event_proc() when it is called. Only one user event can be outstanding at any given time.

arg1first argument to event_proc
arg2second argument to event_proc
zero if a user event is already pending, 1 otherwise

◆ timer_schedule()

void timer_schedule ( event_t e,
uint  time 

Schedule an event to occur at some time in the future.

Requires that (hardware) TIMER2 has been set up by a call to timer_register()

this procedure assumes the following event conditions on entry:
e->next == NULL
e->time == 0
eevent to execute
timedelay in microseconds (non-zero)

◆ timer_schedule_proc()

uint timer_schedule_proc ( event_proc  proc,
uint  arg1,
uint  arg2,
uint  time 

Allocates an event, initialises it with the supplied parameters and schedules it to occur at some time in the future.

Requires that the second timer has been set up by a call to timer_register()

procpointer to an event_proc
arg1argument 1 to the event_proc
arg2argument 2 to the event_proc
timedelay in microseconds (non-zero)
zero: if allocation of new event failed, one otherwise

◆ timer_cancel()

void timer_cancel ( event_t e,
uint  ID 

Cancel a timer event that was previously scheduled.

The ID that was allocated when the timer was created must be given in case the timer has already executed and the event has possibly been recycled. This means that a timer event which may be cancelled must be allocated by event_new(), the ID noted and the event then scheduled with timer_schedule().

It is potentially quite difficult to cancel a timer at the head of the timer queue so in that case the timer is replaced with a placeholder with "proc" set to NULL and the placeholder is left to terminate on the timer interrupt.

eevent to cancel
IDID of event to cancel

◆ timer_cancel_init()

void timer_cancel_init ( void  )

Initialise a statically allocated event to be used in place of an event that is cancelled at the head of the timer queue.

It is potentially quite difficult to cancel a timer at the head of the timer queue so in that case the timer is replaced with a placeholder with "proc" set to NULL and the placeholder is left to terminate on the timer interrupt.

Variable Documentation

◆ sv

sv_t* const sv = (sv_t *) SV_SV

"sv" points to SV struct at top of sys RAM