SpiNNFrontEndCommon 7.2.2
Common support code for user-facing front end systems.
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Data Structures | Macros
spinn_extra.h File Reference

Extra definitions of things on SpiNNaker chips that aren't already mentioned in spinnaker.h, or where the description is miserable. More...

#include <spinnaker.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

union  vic_mask_t
 Mask describing interrupts that can be selected. More...
struct  vic_mask_t::interrupt_bits
 See datasheet section 5.4 Interrupt sources More...
struct  vic_control_t
 VIC registers. More...
struct  vic_vector_control_t
 VIC individual vector control. More...
struct  timer_control_t
 Timer control register. More...
struct  timer_interrupt_status_t
 Timer interrupt status flag. More...
struct  timer_controller_t
 Timer controller registers. More...
struct  dma_description_t
 DMA descriptor. More...
struct  dma_control_t
 DMA control register. More...
struct  dma_status_t
 DMA status register. More...
struct  dma_global_control_t
 DMA global control register. More...
struct  dma_timeout_t
 DMA timeout register. More...
struct  dma_stats_control_t
 DMA statistics control register. More...
struct  dma_t
 DMA controller registers. More...
union  spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t
 The control byte of a SpiNNaker packet. More...
struct  spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::common
 Common fields. More...
struct  spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::mc
 Multicast packet only fields. More...
struct  spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::p2p
 Peer-to-peer packet only fields. More...
struct  spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::nn
 Nearest-neighbour packet only fields. More...
struct  spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::fr
 Fixed-route packet only fields. More...
struct  comms_tx_control_t
 Controls packet transmission. More...
struct  comms_rx_status_t
 Indicates packet reception status. More...
struct  comms_source_addr_t
 P2P source address. More...
struct  comms_ctl_t
 SpiNNaker communications controller registers. More...
struct  router_control_t
 Router control register. More...
struct  router_status_t
 Router status. More...
union  router_packet_header_t
 Router error/dump header. More...
struct  router_packet_header_t::flags
 Fields in router_packet_header_t. More...
struct  router_packet_header_t::control_field_bits
 Critical fields in router_packet_header_t::flags::control. More...
struct  router_error_status_t
 Router error status. More...
struct  router_dump_outputs_t
 Router dump outputs. More...
struct  router_dump_status_t
 Router dump status. More...
struct  router_diagnostic_counter_ctrl_t
 Router diagnostic counter enable/reset. More...
struct  router_timing_counter_ctrl_t
 Router timing counter controls. More...
struct  router_diversion_t
 Router diversion rules, used to handle default-routed packets. More...
struct  router_fixed_route_routing_t
 Fixed route and nearest neighbour packet routing control. More...
struct  router_t
 SpiNNaker router controller registers. More...
struct  router_t::error
 Error-related registers. More...
struct  router_t::dump
 Packet-dump-related registers. More...
struct  router_diagnostic_filter_t
 SpiNNaker router diagnostic filter. More...
union  router_multicast_route_t
 SpiNNaker router multicast route. More...
struct  router_multicast_route_t::routes
 Where to route a matching entry to. More...
union  router_p2p_table_entry_t
 A packed word in the P2P routing table. More...
struct  router_p2p_table_entry_t::routes
 The eight individual routes making up a P2P table entry. More...
struct  sdram_status_t
 Memory controller status. More...
struct  sdram_command_t
 Memory controller command. More...
struct  sdram_direct_command_t
 Memory controller direct command. More...
struct  sdram_ram_config_t
 Memory configuration. More...
struct  sdram_refresh_t
 Memory refresh period. More...
struct  sdram_cas_latency_t
 Memory CAS latency. More...
struct  sdram_timing_config_t
 Memory timimg configuration. More...
struct  sdram_controller_t
 Memory controller registers. More...
struct  sdram_qos_t
 Memory QoS settings. More...
struct  sdram_chip_t
 Memory chip configuration. More...
struct  sdram_dll_status_t
 Memory delay-locked-loop (DLL) test and status inputs. More...
struct  sdram_dll_user_config0_t
 Memory delay-locked-loop (DLL) test and control outputs. More...
union  sdram_dll_user_config1_t
 Memory delay-locked-loop (DLL) fine-tune control. More...
struct  sdram_dll_user_config1_t::tuning
 Tuning fields. More...
struct  sdram_dll_t
 SDRAM delay-locked-loop (DLL) control registers. More...
struct  sc_magic_proc_map_t
 System controller processor select. More...
struct  sc_magic_subsystem_map_t
 System controller subsystem reset target select. More...
struct  sc_reset_code_t
 System controller last reset status. More...
struct  sc_monitor_id_t
 System controller monitor election control. More...
struct  sc_misc_control_t
 System controller miscellaneous control. More...
union  sc_io_t
 System controller general chip I/O pin access. More...
struct  sc_io_t::io_bits
 Control over I/O pins used for non-GPIO purposes. More...
struct  sc_pll_control_t
 System controller phase-locked-loop control. More...
struct  sc_clock_mux_t
 System controller clock multiplexing control. More...
struct  sc_sleep_status_t
 System controller sleep status. More...
struct  sc_temperature_t
 System controller temperature status/control. More...
struct  sc_mutex_bit_t
 System controller mutex/interlock. More...
struct  system_controller_t
 System controller registers. More...
struct  ethernet_general_command_t
 Ethernet general command. More...
struct  ethernet_general_status_t
 Ethernet general status. More...
struct  ethernet_tx_length_t
 Ethernet frame transmit length. More...
struct  ethernet_phy_control_t
 Ethernet PHY (physical layer) control. More...
struct  ethernet_interrupt_clear_t
 Ethernet interrupt clear register. More...
struct  ethernet_receive_pointer_t
 Ethernet receive data pointer. More...
struct  ethernet_receive_descriptor_pointer_t
 Ethernet receive descriptor pointer. More...
struct  ethernet_controller_t
 Ethernet controller registers. More...
struct  ethernet_receive_descriptor_t
 Ethernet received message descriptor. More...
struct  watchdog_control_t
 Watchdog timer control register. More...
struct  watchdog_status_t
 Watchdog timer status registers. More...
union  watchdog_lock_t
 Watchdog timer lock register. More...
struct  watchdog_lock_t::fields
 The fields in the lock register. More...
struct  watchdog_controller_t
 Watchdog timer control registers. More...


#define ASSERT_WORD_SIZED(type_ident)
 Generates valid code if the named type is one word long, and invalid code otherwise.

6. Counter/Timer

Every core has a pair of counters/timers.

The counter/timers use the standard AMBA peripheral device described on page 4-24 of the AMBA Design Kit Technical Reference Manual ARM DDI 0243A, February 2003. The peripheral has been modified only in that the APB interface of the original has been replaced by an AHB interface for direct connection to the ARM968 AHB bus.

enum  timer_pre_divide { TIMER_PRE_DIVIDE_1 = 0 , TIMER_PRE_DIVIDE_16 = 1 , TIMER_PRE_DIVIDE_256 = 2 }
 Values for timer_control_t::pre_divide. More...
static volatile timer_controller_t *const timer1_control
 Timer 1 control registers.
static volatile timer_controller_t *const timer2_control
 Timer 2 control registers.

7. DMA Controller

Each ARM968 processing subsystem includes a DMA controller.

The DMA controller is primarily used for transferring inter-neural connection data from the SDRAM in large blocks in response to an input event arriving at a fascicle processor, and for returning updated connection data during learning. In addition, the DMA controller can transfer data to/from other targets on the System NoC such as the System RAM and Boot ROM.

As a secondary function the DMA controller incorporates a ‘Bridge’ across which its host ARM968 has direct read and write access to System NoC devices, including the SDRAM. The ARM968 can use the Bridge whether or not DMA transfers are active.

enum  dma_direction_t { DMA_DIRECTION_READ , DMA_DIRECTION_WRITE }
 DMA transfer direction, see dma_description_t::direction. More...
enum  dma_transfer_unit_t { DMA_TRANSFER_WORD , DMA_TRANSFER_DOUBLE_WORD }
 DMA burst width, see dma_description_t::width. More...
static volatile dma_t *const dma_control = (dma_t *) DMA_BASE
 DMA control registers.

8. Communications controller

Each processor node on SpiNNaker includes a communications controller which is responsible for generating and receiving packets to and from the communications network.

 SpiNNaker packet type codes. More...
static volatile comms_ctl_t *const comms_control = (comms_ctl_t *) CC_BASE
 Communications controller registers.

10. SpiNNaker Router

The Router is responsible for routing all packets that arrive at its input to one or more of its outputs.

It is responsible for routing multicast neural event packets, which it does through an associative multicast router subsystem, point-to-point packets (for which it uses a look-up table), nearest-neighbour packets (using a simple algorithmic process), fixed-route packet routing (defined in a register), default routing (when a multicast packet does not match any entry in the multicast router) and emergency routing (when an output link is blocked due to congestion or hardware failure).

Various error conditions are identified and handled by the Router, for example packet parity errors, time-out, and output link failure.

 Stages in router_status_t::output_stage. More...
 Diversion rules for the fields of router_diversion_t. More...
enum  router_p2p_route {
 The possible values of a P2P route. More...
static volatile router_t *const router_control = (router_t *) RTR_BASE
 Router controller registers.
static volatile router_diagnostic_filter_t *const router_diagnostic_filter
 Router diagnostic filters.
static volatile uint *const router_diagnostic_counter
 Router diagnostic counters.
static volatile router_multicast_route_t *const router_multicast_table
 Router multicast route table.
static volatile uint *const router_key_table = (uint *) RTR_MCKEY_BASE
 Router multicast key table (write only!)
static volatile uint *const router_mask_table = (uint *) RTR_MCMASK_BASE
 Router multicast mask table (write only!)
static volatile router_p2p_table_entry_t *const router_p2p_route_table
 Router peer-to-peer route table.

13. SDRAM interface

The SDRAM interface connects the System NoC to an off-chip SDRAM device. It is the ARM PL340, described in ARM document DDI 0331D.

Only meaningfully usable by the monitor core when initialising the overall chip. Use at other times is very much not recommended.

Do not use these without talking to Luis first!
enum  sdram_command {
 Memory controller commands, for sdram_command_t::command. More...
 Memory direct commands, for sdram_direct_command_t::cmd. More...
enum  sdram_register_maxima { SDRAM_QOS_MAX = 15 , SDRAM_CHIP_MAX = 3 }
 Maximum register IDs. More...
static volatile sdram_controller_t *const sdram_control
 SDRAM interface control registers.
static volatile sdram_qos_t *const sdram_qos_control
 SDRAM QoS control registers.
static volatile sdram_chip_t *const sdram_chip_control
 SDRAM chip control registers.
static volatile sdram_dll_t *const sdram_dll_control
 SDRAM delay-locked-loop control registers.

14. System Controller

The System Controller incorporates a number of functions for system start-up, fault-tolerance testing (invoking, detecting and resetting faults), general performance monitoring, etc.


  • 'Arbiter' read-sensitive register bit to determine Monitor Processor ID at start-up.
  • 32 test-and-set registers for general software use, e.g. to enforce mutually exclusive access to critical data structures.
  • individual interrupt, reset and enable controls and 'processor OK' status bits for each processor.
  • sundry parallel IO and test and control registers.
  • PLL and clock management registers.
    All processor IDs should be physical processor IDs.
enum  sc_reset_codes {
 System controller chip reset reasons. More...
enum  sc_frequency_range { FREQ_25_50 , FREQ_50_100 , FREQ_100_200 , FREQ_200_400 }
 Frequency range constants for sc_pll_control_t::freq_range. More...
enum  sc_clock_source { CLOCK_SRC_EXT , CLOCK_SRC_PLL1 , CLOCK_SRC_PLL2 , CLOCK_SRC_EXT4 }
 System controller clock sources. More...
enum  sc_magic { SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x5ec }
 System controller magic numbers. More...
static volatile system_controller_t *const system_control
 System controller registers.

15. Ethernet Media-independent interface (MII)

The SpiNNaker system connects to a host machine via Ethernet links.

Each SpiNNaker chip includes an Ethernet MII interface, although only a few of the chips are expected to use this interface. These chips will require an external PHY.

The implementation does not provide support for half-duplex operation (as required by a CSMA/CD MAC algorithm), jumbo or VLAN frames.
enum  ethernet_tx_length_limits { ETHERNET_TX_LENGTH_MIN = 60 , ETHERNET_TX_LENGTH_MAX = 1514 }
 Limits of ethernet_tx_length_t::tx_length. More...
static volatile uchar *const ethernet_tx_buffer = (uchar *) ETH_TX_BASE
 Ethernet transmit buffer.
static volatile uchar *const ethernet_rx_buffer = (uchar *) ETH_RX_BASE
 Ethernet receive buffer.
static volatile ethernet_receive_descriptor_t *const ethernet_desc_buffer
 Ethernet receive descriptor buffer.
static volatile ethernet_controller_t *const ethernet_control
 Ethernet MII controller registers.

16. Watchdog timer

The watchdog timer is an ARM PrimeCell component (ARM part SP805, documented in ARM DDI 0270B) that is responsible for applying a system reset when a failure condition is detected.

Normally, the Monitor Processor will be responsible for resetting the watchdog periodically to indicate that all is well. If the Monitor Processor should crash, or fail to reset the watchdog during a pre-determined period of time, the watchdog will trigger.

enum  watchdog_lock_codes { WATCHDOG_LOCK_RESET = 0 , WATCHDOG_LOCK_MAGIC = WD_CODE }
 Watchdog timer lock codes, for watchdog_lock_t::whole_value. More...
static volatile watchdog_controller_t *const watchdog_control
 Watchdog timer controller registers.

5. Vectored Interrupt Controller

The VIC is used to enable and disable interrupts from various sources, and to wake the processor from sleep mode when required.

Each processor node on an SpiNNaker chip has a vectored interrupt controller (VIC) that is used to enable and disable interrupts from various sources, and to wake the processor from sleep mode when required. The interrupt controller provides centralised management of IRQ and FIQ sources, and offers an efficient indication of the active sources for IRQ vectoring purposes.

The VIC is the ARM PL190, described in ARM DDI 0181E.

typedef void(* vic_interrupt_handler_t) (void)
 The type of an interrupt handler.
static volatile vic_control_t *const vic_control
 VIC registers.
static volatile vic_interrupt_handler_t *const vic_interrupt_vector
 VIC interrupt handlers. Array of 32 elements.
static volatile vic_vector_control_t *const vic_interrupt_control
 VIC individual interrupt control. Array of 32 elements.

Detailed Description

Extra definitions of things on SpiNNaker chips that aren't already mentioned in spinnaker.h, or where the description is miserable.

This models data structures described in the SpiNNaker datasheet. Before using anything in this file, you should read the relevant section of the datasheet so as you can understand the correct usage patterns for the underlying hardware.

Definition in file spinn_extra.h.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ vic_mask_t

union vic_mask_t

Mask describing interrupts that can be selected.

Definition at line 105 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint value Whole mask as integer.

◆ vic_mask_t::interrupt_bits

struct vic_mask_t::interrupt_bits

See datasheet section 5.4 Interrupt sources

Definition at line 107 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint watchdog: 1 Watchdog timer interrupt.
uint software: 1 Local software interrupt generation.
uint comm_rx: 1 Debug communications receiver interrupt.
uint comm_tx: 1 Debug communications transmitter interrupt.
uint timer1: 1 Counter/timer interrupt 1.
uint timer2: 1 Counter/timer interrupt 2.
uint cc_rx_ready: 1 Comms controller packet received.
uint cc_rx_parity_error: 1 Comms controller received packet parity error.
uint cc_rx_framing_error: 1 Comms controller received packet framing error.
uint cc_tx_full: 1 Comms controller transmit buffer full.
uint cc_tx_overflow: 1 Comms controller transmit buffer overflow.
uint cc_tx_empty: 1 Comms controller transmit buffer empty.
uint dma_done: 1 DMA controller transfer complete.
uint dma_error: 1 DMA controller error.
uint dma_timeout: 1 DMA controller transfer timed out.
uint router_diagnostic: 1 Router diagnostic counter event has occurred.
uint router_dump: 1 Router packet dumped - indicates failed delivery.
uint router_error: 1 Router error - packet parity, framing, or time stamp error.
uint cpu: 1 System Controller interrupt bit set for this processor.
uint ethernet_tx: 1 Ethernet transmit frame interrupt.
uint ethernet_rx: 1 Ethernet receive frame interrupt.
uint ethernet_phy: 1 Ethernet PHY/external interrupt.
uint slow_clock: 1 System-wide slow (nominally 32 KHz) timer interrupt.
uint cc_tx_not_full: 1 Comms controller can accept new Tx packet.
uint cc_rx_mc: 1 Comms controller multicast packet received.
uint cc_rx_p2p: 1 Comms controller point-to-point packet received.
uint cc_rx_nn: 1 Comms controller nearest neighbour packet received.
uint cc_rx_fr: 1 Comms controller fixed route packet received.
uint int0: 1 External interrupt request 0.
uint int1: 1 External interrupt request 1.
uint gpio8: 1 Signal on GPIO[8].
uint gpio9: 1 Signal on GPIO[9].

◆ vic_control_t

struct vic_control_t

VIC registers.

Definition at line 178 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
const vic_mask_t irq_status IRQ status register.
const vic_mask_t fiq_status FIQ status register.
const vic_mask_t raw_status raw interrupt status register
vic_mask_t int_select interrupt select register
vic_mask_t int_enable interrupt enable set register
vic_mask_t int_disable interrupt enable clear register
vic_mask_t soft_int_enable soft interrupt set register
vic_mask_t soft_int_disable soft interrupt clear register
bool protection protection register
vic_interrupt_handler_t vector_address current vector address register
vic_interrupt_handler_t default_vector_address default vector address register

◆ vic_vector_control_t

struct vic_vector_control_t

VIC individual vector control.

Definition at line 206 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint source: 5 interrupt source
uint enable: 1 interrupt enable

◆ timer_control_t

struct timer_control_t

Timer control register.

Definition at line 244 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint one_shot: 1 0 = wrapping mode, 1 = one shot
uint size: 1 0 = 16 bit, 1 = 32 bit
uint pre_divide: 2 divide input clock (see timer_pre_divide)
uint interrupt_enable: 1 enable interrupt (1 = enabled)
uint periodic_mode: 1 0 = free-running; 1 = periodic
uint enable: 1 enable counter/timer (1 = enabled)

◆ timer_interrupt_status_t

struct timer_interrupt_status_t

Timer interrupt status flag.

Definition at line 274 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint status: 1 The flag bit.

◆ timer_controller_t

struct timer_controller_t

Timer controller registers.

Definition at line 282 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint load_value Load value for Timer.
const uint current_value Current value of Timer.
timer_control_t control Timer control register.
uint interrupt_clear Interrupt clear (any value may be written)
const timer_interrupt_status_t raw_interrupt_status Timer raw interrupt status.
const timer_interrupt_status_t masked_interrupt_status Timer masked interrupt status.
uint background_load_value Background load value for Timer.

◆ dma_description_t

struct dma_description_t

DMA descriptor.

Definition at line 330 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint length_words: 15 length of the DMA transfer, in words
uint direction: 1 read from or write to system bus, see dma_direction_t
uint crc: 1 check (read) or generate (write) CRC
uint burst: 3 burst length = 2B×Width, B = 0..4 (i.e max 16)
uint width: 1 transfer width, see dma_transfer_unit_t
uint privilege: 1 DMA transfer mode is user (0) or privileged (1)
uint transfer_id: 6 software defined transfer ID

◆ dma_control_t

struct dma_control_t

DMA control register.

Definition at line 368 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint uncommit: 1 setting this bit uncommits a queued transfer
uint abort: 1 end current transfer and discard data
uint restart: 1 resume transfer (clears DMA errors)
uint clear_done_int: 1 clear Done interrupt request
uint clear_timeout_int: 1 clear Timeout interrupt request
uint clear_write_buffer_int: 1 clear Write Buffer interrupt request

◆ dma_status_t

struct dma_status_t

DMA status register.

Definition at line 386 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint transferring: 1 DMA transfer in progress.
uint paused: 1 DMA transfer is PAUSED.
uint queued: 1 DMA transfer is queued - registers are full.
uint write_buffer_full: 1 write buffer is full
uint write_buffer_active: 1 write buffer is not empty
uint transfer_done: 1 a DMA transfer has completed without error
uint transfer2_done: 1 2nd DMA transfer has completed without error
uint timeout: 1 a burst transfer has not completed in time
uint crc_error: 1 the calculated and received CRCs differ
uint tcm_error: 1 the TCM AHB interface has signalled an error
uint axi_error: 1 the AXI interface (SDRAM) has signalled a transfer error
uint user_abort: 1 the user has aborted the transfer (via dma_control_t::abort)
uint soft_reset: 1 a soft reset of the DMA controller has happened
uint write_buffer_error: 1 a buffered write transfer has failed
uint processor_id: 8 hardwired processor ID identifies CPU on chip

◆ dma_global_control_t

struct dma_global_control_t

DMA global control register.

Definition at line 426 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint bridge_buffer_enable: 1 enable Bridge write buffer
uint transfer_done_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::transfer_done set
uint transfer2_done_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::transfer2_done set
uint timeout_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::timeout set
uint crc_error_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::crc_error set
uint tcm_error_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::tcm_error set
uint axi_error_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::axi_error set
uint user_abort_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::user_abort set
uint soft_reset_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::soft_reset set
uint write_buffer_error_interrupt: 1 interrupt if dma_status_t::write_buffer_error set
uint timer: 1 system-wide slow timer status and clear

◆ dma_timeout_t

struct dma_timeout_t

DMA timeout register.

Definition at line 458 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint value: 5 The timeout.

◆ dma_stats_control_t

struct dma_stats_control_t

DMA statistics control register.

Definition at line 468 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint enable: 1 Enable collecting DMA statistics.
uint clear: 1 Clear the statistics registers (if 1)

◆ dma_t

struct dma_t

DMA controller registers.

Definition at line 478 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
void * sdram_address DMA address on the system interface.
void * tcm_address DMA address on the TCM interface.
dma_description_t description DMA transfer descriptor; note that setting this commits a DMA.
dma_control_t control Control DMA transfer.
const dma_status_t status Status of DMA and other transfers.
dma_global_control_t global_control Control of the DMA device.
const uint crcc CRC value calculated by CRC block.
const uint crcr CRC value in received block.
dma_timeout_t timeout Timeout value.
dma_stats_control_t statistics_control Statistics counters control.
const uint statistics[8] Statistics counters.
const void * current_sdram_address Active system address.
const void * current_tcm_address Active TCM address.
const dma_description_t current_description Active transfer description.
uint crc_polynomial[32] CRC polynomial matrix.

◆ spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t

union spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t

The control byte of a SpiNNaker packet.

Definition at line 539 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
struct mc mc
struct p2p p2p
struct nn nn
struct fr fr
uchar value

◆ spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::common

struct spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::common

Common fields.

Definition at line 541 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uchar parity: 1 Packet parity.
uchar payload: 1 Payload-word-present flag.
uchar timestamp: 2 Timestamp (not used for NN packets)
uchar type: 2 Should be one of spinnaker_packet_type_t.

◆ spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::mc

struct spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::mc

Multicast packet only fields.

Definition at line 554 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uchar emergency_routing: 2 Emergency routing control.

◆ spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::p2p

struct spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::p2p

Peer-to-peer packet only fields.

Definition at line 563 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uchar seq_code: 2 Sequence code.

◆ spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::nn

struct spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::nn

Nearest-neighbour packet only fields.

Definition at line 572 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uchar route: 3 Routing information.
uchar mem_or_normal: 1 Type indicator.

◆ spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::fr

struct spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t::fr

Fixed-route packet only fields.

Definition at line 583 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uchar emergency_routing: 2 Emergency routing control.

◆ comms_tx_control_t

struct comms_tx_control_t

Controls packet transmission.

Definition at line 607 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint control_byte: 8 control byte of next sent packet
uint not_full: 1 Tx buffer not full, so it is safe to send a packet.
uint overrun: 1 Tx buffer overrun (sticky)
uint full: 1 Tx buffer full (sticky)
uint empty: 1 Tx buffer empty.

◆ comms_rx_status_t

struct comms_rx_status_t

Indicates packet reception status.

Definition at line 625 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint multicast: 1 error-free multicast packet received
uint point_to_point: 1 error-free point-to-point packet received
uint nearest_neighbour: 1 error-free nearest-neighbour packet received
uint fixed_route: 1 error-free fixed-route packet received
uint control_byte: 8 Control byte of last Rx packet.
uint route: 3 Rx route field from packet.
uint error_free: 1 Rx packet received without error.
uint framing_error: 1 Rx packet framing error (sticky)
uint parity_error: 1 Rx packet parity error (sticky)
uint received: 1 Rx packet received.

◆ comms_source_addr_t

struct comms_source_addr_t

P2P source address.

Definition at line 653 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint p2p_source_id: 16 16-bit chip source ID for P2P packets
uint route: 3 Set 'fake' route in packet.

◆ comms_ctl_t

struct comms_ctl_t

SpiNNaker communications controller registers.

Definition at line 665 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
comms_tx_control_t tx_control Controls packet transmission.
uint tx_data 32-bit data for transmission
uint tx_key Send MC key/P2P dest ID & seq code; writing this commits a send.
comms_rx_status_t rx_status Indicates packet reception status.
const uint rx_data 32-bit received data
const uint rx_key Received MC key/P2P source ID & seq code; reading this clears the received packet.
comms_source_addr_t source_addr P2P source address.

◆ router_control_t

struct router_control_t

Router control register.

Definition at line 717 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint route_packets_enable: 1 enable packet routing
uint error_interrupt_enable: 1 enable error packet interrupt
uint dump_interrupt_enable: 1 enable dump packet interrupt
uint count_timestamp_errors: 1 enable count of packet time stamp errors
uint count_framing_errors: 1 enable count of packet framing errors
uint count_parity_errors: 1 enable count of packet parity errors
uint time_phase: 2 time phase (c.f. packet time stamps)
uint monitor_processor: 5 Monitor Processor ID number.
uint reinit_wait_counters: 1 re-initialise wait counters
uint begin_emergency_wait_time: 8 wait1; wait time before emergency routing
uint drop_wait_time: 8 wait2; wait time before dropping packet after entering emergency routing

◆ router_status_t

struct router_status_t

Router status.

Definition at line 745 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint interrupt_active_for_diagnostic_counter: 16 diagnostic counter interrupt active
uint busy: 1 busy - active packet(s) in Router pipeline
uint output_stage: 2 Router output stage status (see router_output_stage)
uint interrupt_active_dump: 1 dump packet interrupt active
uint interrupt_active_error: 1 error packet interrupt active
uint interrupt_active: 1 combined Router interrupt request

◆ router_packet_header_t

union router_packet_header_t

Router error/dump header.

Definition at line 777 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint word as a whole word

◆ router_packet_header_t::flags

struct router_packet_header_t::flags

Fields in router_packet_header_t.

Definition at line 779 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint time_phase: 2 time phase when packet received/dumped
uint control: 8 control byte; really a spinnaker_packet_control_byte_t
uint route: 3 Rx route field of packet.
uint time_phase_error: 1 packet time stamp error (error only)
uint framing_error: 1 packet framing error (error only)
uint parity_error: 1 packet parity error (error only)

◆ router_packet_header_t::control_field_bits

struct router_packet_header_t::control_field_bits

Critical fields in router_packet_header_t::flags::control.

Definition at line 800 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint payload: 1 payload-present field from control byte
uint type: 2 packet-type field from control byte

◆ router_error_status_t

struct router_error_status_t

Router error status.

Definition at line 815 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint error_count: 16 16-bit saturating error count
uint time_phase_error: 1 packet time stamp error (sticky)
uint framing_error: 1 packet framing error (sticky)
uint parity_error: 1 packet parity error (sticky)
uint overflow: 1 more than one error packet detected
uint error: 1 error packet detected

◆ router_dump_outputs_t

struct router_dump_outputs_t

Router dump outputs.

Definition at line 833 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint link: NUM_LINKS Tx link transmit error caused packet dump.
uint processor: NUM_CPUS Fascicle Processor link error caused dump.

◆ router_dump_status_t

struct router_dump_status_t

Router dump status.

Definition at line 843 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint link: NUM_LINKS Tx link error caused dump (sticky)
uint processor: NUM_CPUS Fascicle Proc link error caused dump (sticky)
uint overflow: 1 more than one packet dumped
uint dumped: 1 packet dumped

◆ router_diagnostic_counter_ctrl_t

struct router_diagnostic_counter_ctrl_t

Router diagnostic counter enable/reset.

Definition at line 857 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
ushort enable enable diagnostic counter 15..0
ushort reset write a 1 to reset diagnostic counter 15..0

◆ router_timing_counter_ctrl_t

struct router_timing_counter_ctrl_t

Router timing counter controls.

Definition at line 865 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint enable_cycle_count: 1 enable cycle counter
uint enable_emergency_active_count: 1 enable emergency router active cycle counter
uint enable_histogram: 1 enable histogram
uint reset_cycle_count: 1 reset cycle counter
uint reset_emergency_active_count: 1 reset emergency router active cycle counter
uint reset_histogram: 1 reset histogram

◆ router_diversion_t

struct router_diversion_t

Router diversion rules, used to handle default-routed packets.

Definition at line 885 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint L0: 2 Diversion rule for link 0.
uint L1: 2 Diversion rule for link 1.
uint L2: 2 Diversion rule for link 2.
uint L3: 2 Diversion rule for link 3.
uint L4: 2 Diversion rule for link 4.
uint L5: 2 Diversion rule for link 5.

◆ router_fixed_route_routing_t

struct router_fixed_route_routing_t

Fixed route and nearest neighbour packet routing control.

Definition at line 913 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint fr_links: NUM_LINKS The links to route FR packets along.
uint fr_processors: NUM_CPUS The physical processors to route FR packets to.
uint nn_broadcast_links: NUM_LINKS Nearest-neighbour broadcast link vector.

◆ router_t

struct router_t

SpiNNaker router controller registers.

Definition at line 925 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
router_control_t control Router control register.
const router_status_t status Router status.
struct error error
struct dump dump
router_diagnostic_counter_ctrl_t diagnostic_counter_control diagnostic counter enables
router_timing_counter_ctrl_t timing_counter_control timing counter controls
const uint cycle_count counts Router clock cycles
const uint emergency_active_cycle_count counts emergency router active cycles
const uint unblocked_count counts packets that do not wait to be issued
const uint delay_histogram[16] packet delay histogram counters
router_diversion_t diversion divert default packets
router_fixed_route_routing_t fixed_route fixed-route packet routing vector

◆ router_t::error

struct router_t::error

Error-related registers.

Definition at line 931 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
const router_packet_header_t header error packet control byte and flags
const uint key error packet routing word
const uint payload error packet data payload
const router_error_status_t status error packet status

◆ router_t::dump

struct router_t::dump

Packet-dump-related registers.

Definition at line 942 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
const router_packet_header_t header dumped packet control byte and flags
const uint key dumped packet routing word
const uint payload dumped packet data payload
const router_dump_outputs_t outputs dumped packet intended destinations
const router_dump_status_t status dumped packet status

◆ router_diagnostic_filter_t

struct router_diagnostic_filter_t

SpiNNaker router diagnostic filter.

Definition at line 973 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint type: 4 packet type: fr, nn, p2p, mc
uint emergency_routing: 4 Emergency Routing field = 3, 2, 1 or 0.
uint emergency_routing_mode: 1 Emergency Routing mode.
uint pattern_default: 2 default [x1]/non-default [1x] routed packets
uint pattern_payload: 2 packets with [x1]/without [1x] payload
uint pattern_local: 2 local [x1]/non-local[1x] packet source
uint pattern_destination: 9 packet dest (Tx link[5:0], MP, local ¬MP, dump)
uint counter_event_occurred: 1 counter event has occurred (sticky)
uint enable_counter_event_interrupt: 1 enable interrupt on counter event
uint counter_event_interrupt_active: 1 counter interrupt active: I = E AND C

◆ router_multicast_route_t

union router_multicast_route_t

SpiNNaker router multicast route.

Definition at line 1001 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint value Overall entry packed as number.

◆ router_multicast_route_t::routes

struct router_multicast_route_t::routes

Where to route a matching entry to.

Definition at line 1003 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint links: NUM_LINKS The links to route along.
uint processors: NUM_CPUS The physical processors to route to.

◆ router_p2p_table_entry_t

union router_p2p_table_entry_t

A packed word in the P2P routing table.

Definition at line 1035 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint value Overall entry packed as number.

◆ router_p2p_table_entry_t::routes

struct router_p2p_table_entry_t::routes

The eight individual routes making up a P2P table entry.

Definition at line 1037 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
router_p2p_route route1: 3 First packed route.
router_p2p_route route2: 3 Second packed route.
router_p2p_route route3: 3 Third packed route.
router_p2p_route route4: 3 Fourth packed route.
router_p2p_route route5: 3 Fifth packed route.
router_p2p_route route6: 3 Sixth packed route.
router_p2p_route route7: 3 Seventh packed route.
router_p2p_route route8: 3 Eighth packed route.

◆ sdram_status_t

struct sdram_status_t

Memory controller status.

Definition at line 1113 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint status: 2 Config, ready, paused, low-power.
uint width: 2 Width of external memory: 2’b01 = 32 bits.
uint ddr: 3 DDR type: 3b’011 = Mobile DDR.
uint chips: 2 Number of different chip selects (1, 2, 3, 4)
uint banks: 1 Fixed at 1’b01 = 4 banks on a chip.
uint monitors: 2 Number of exclusive access monitors (0, 1, 2, 4)

◆ sdram_command_t

struct sdram_command_t

Memory controller command.

Definition at line 1131 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint command: 3 one of sdram_command

◆ sdram_direct_command_t

struct sdram_direct_command_t

Memory controller direct command.

Used to pass a command directly to a memory device attached to the PL340.

Definition at line 1156 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint address: 14 address passed to memory device
uint bank: 2 bank passed to memory device
uint cmd: 2 command passed to memory device
uint chip: 2 chip number

◆ sdram_ram_config_t

struct sdram_ram_config_t

Memory configuration.

Definition at line 1185 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint column: 3 number of column address bits (8-12)
uint row: 3 number of row address bits (11-16)
uint auto_precharge_position: 1 position of auto-pre-charge bit (10/8)
uint power_down_delay: 6 number of memory cycles before auto-power-down
uint auto_power_down: 1 auto-power-down memory when inactive
uint stop_clock: 1 stop memory clock when no access
uint burst: 3 burst length (1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
uint qos: 3 selects the 4-bit QoS field from the AXI ARID
uint active: 2 active chips: number for refresh generation

◆ sdram_refresh_t

struct sdram_refresh_t

Memory refresh period.

Definition at line 1209 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint period: 15 memory refresh period in memory clock cycles

◆ sdram_cas_latency_t

struct sdram_cas_latency_t

Memory CAS latency.

Definition at line 1217 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint half_cycle: 1 CAS half cycle - must be set to 1’b0.
uint cas_lat: 3 CAS latency in memory clock cycles.

◆ sdram_timing_config_t

struct sdram_timing_config_t

Memory timimg configuration.

See datasheet for meanings

Definition at line 1228 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint t_dqss write to DQS time
uint t_mrd mode register command time
uint t_ras RAS to precharge delay.
uint t_rc active bank x to active bank x delay
uint t_rcd RAS to CAS minimum delay.
uint t_rfc auto-refresh command time
uint t_rp precharge to RAS delay
uint t_rrd active bank x to active bank y delay
uint t_wr write to precharge delay
uint t_wtr write to read delay
uint t_xp exit power-down command time
uint t_xsr exit self-refresh command time
uint t_esr self-refresh command time

◆ sdram_controller_t

struct sdram_controller_t

Memory controller registers.

Definition at line 1258 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
const sdram_status_t status memory controller status
sdram_command_t command PL340 command.
sdram_direct_command_t direct direct command
sdram_ram_config_t mem_config memory configuration
sdram_refresh_t refresh refresh period
sdram_cas_latency_t cas_latency CAS latency.
sdram_timing_config_t timing_config timing configuration

◆ sdram_qos_t

struct sdram_qos_t

Memory QoS settings.

Definition at line 1276 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint enable: 1 QoS enable.
uint minimum: 1 minimum QoS
uint maximum: 8 maximum QoS

◆ sdram_chip_t

struct sdram_chip_t

Memory chip configuration.

Definition at line 1288 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint mask: 8 address mask
uint match: 8 address match
uint orientation: 1 bank-row-column/row-bank-column

◆ sdram_dll_status_t

struct sdram_dll_status_t

Memory delay-locked-loop (DLL) test and status inputs.

Definition at line 1308 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint meter: 7 Current position of bar-code output.
uint s0: 1 Strobe 0 faster than Clock.
uint c0: 1 Clock faster than strobe 0.
uint s1: 1 Strobe 1 faster than Clock.
uint c1: 1 Clock faster than strobe 1.
uint s2: 1 Strobe 2 faster than Clock.
uint c2: 1 Clock faster than strobe 2.
uint s3: 1 Strobe 3 faster than Clock.
uint c3: 1 Clock faster than strobe 3.
uint decing: 1 Phase comparator is reducing delay.
uint incing: 1 Phase comparator is increasing delay.
uint locked: 1 Phase comparator is locked.
uint R: 1 3-phase bar-code control output
uint M: 1 3-phase bar-code control output
uint L: 1 3-phase bar-code control output

◆ sdram_dll_user_config0_t

struct sdram_dll_user_config0_t

Memory delay-locked-loop (DLL) test and control outputs.

Definition at line 1348 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint s0: 2 Input select for delay line 0 {def, alt, 0, 1}.
uint s1: 2 Input select for delay line 1 {def, alt, 0, 1}.
uint s2: 2 Input select for delay line 2 {def, alt, 0, 1}.
uint s3: 2 Input select for delay line 3 {def, alt, 0, 1}.
uint s4: 2 Input select for delay line 4 {def, alt, 0, 1}.
uint s5: 2 Input select for delay line 5 {def, alt, 0, 1}.
uint test_decing: 1 Force Decing (if ID = 1)
uint test_incing: 1 Force Incing (if ID = 1)
uint enable_force_inc_dec: 1 Enable forcing of Incing and Decing.
uint test_5: 1 Substitute delay line 5 for 4 for testing.
uint R: 1 Force 3-phase bar-code control inputs.
uint M: 1 Force 3-phase bar-code control inputs.
uint L: 1 Force 3-phase bar-code control inputs.
uint enable_force_lmr: 1 Enable forcing of L, M, R.
uint enable: 1 Enable DLL (0 = reset DLL)

◆ sdram_dll_user_config1_t

union sdram_dll_user_config1_t

Memory delay-locked-loop (DLL) fine-tune control.

Definition at line 1386 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint word Tuning control word.

◆ sdram_dll_user_config1_t::tuning

struct sdram_dll_user_config1_t::tuning

Tuning fields.

Definition at line 1388 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint tune_0: 4 Fine tuning control on delay line 0.
uint tune_1: 4 Fine tuning control on delay line 1.
uint tune_2: 4 Fine tuning control on delay line 2.
uint tune_3: 4 Fine tuning control on delay line 3.
uint tune_4: 4 Fine tuning control on delay line 4.
uint tune_5: 4 Fine tuning control on delay line 5.

◆ sdram_dll_t

struct sdram_dll_t

SDRAM delay-locked-loop (DLL) control registers.

Definition at line 1409 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
const sdram_dll_status_t status Status.
sdram_dll_user_config0_t config0 Test: control.
sdram_dll_user_config1_t config1 Test: fine tune.

◆ sc_magic_proc_map_t

struct sc_magic_proc_map_t

System controller processor select.

Definition at line 1464 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint select: NUM_CPUS Bit-map for selecting a processor.
uint security_code: 12 SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_MAGIC_NUMBER to enable write

◆ sc_magic_subsystem_map_t

struct sc_magic_subsystem_map_t

System controller subsystem reset target select.

Definition at line 1474 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint router: 1 Router.
uint sdram: 1 PL340 SDRAM controller.
uint system_noc: 1 System NoC.
uint comms_noc: 1 Communications NoC.
uint tx_links: NUM_LINKS Tx link 0-5.
uint rx_links: NUM_LINKS Rx link 0-5.
uint clock_gen: 1 System AHB & Clock Gen (pulse reset only)
uint entire_chip: 1 Entire chip (pulse reset only)
uint security_code: 12 SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_MAGIC_NUMBER to enable write

◆ sc_reset_code_t

struct sc_reset_code_t

System controller last reset status.

Definition at line 1498 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint reset_code: 3 One of sc_reset_codes.

◆ sc_monitor_id_t

struct sc_monitor_id_t

System controller monitor election control.

Definition at line 1520 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint monitor_id: 5 Monitor processor identifier.
uint arbitrate_request: 1 Write 1 to set MP arbitration bit (see system_controller_t::monitor_arbiter)
uint reset_on_watchdog: 1 Reset Monitor Processor on Watchdog interrupt.
uint security_code: 12 SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_MAGIC_NUMBER to enable write

◆ sc_misc_control_t

struct sc_misc_control_t

System controller miscellaneous control.

Definition at line 1538 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint boot_area_map: 1 map System ROM (0) or RAM (1) to Boot area
uint jtag_on_chip: 1 select on-chip (1) or off-chip (0) control of JTAG pins
uint test: 1 read value on Test pin
uint ethermux: 1 read value on Ethermux pin
uint clk32: 1 read value on Clk32 pin
uint jtag_tdo: 1 read value on JTAG_TDO pin
uint jtag_rtck: 1 read value on JTAG_RTCK pin

◆ sc_io_t

union sc_io_t

System controller general chip I/O pin access.

Definition at line 1560 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint gpio GPIO pins.

◆ sc_io_t::io_bits

struct sc_io_t::io_bits

Control over I/O pins used for non-GPIO purposes.

Definition at line 1562 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint ethernet_receive: 4 Ethernet MII RxD port.
uint ethernet_transmit: 4 Ethernet MII TxD port.
uint jtag: 4 JTAG interface.
uint sdram: 3 On-package SDRAM control.

◆ sc_pll_control_t

struct sc_pll_control_t

System controller phase-locked-loop control.

Definition at line 1581 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint input_multiplier: 6 input clock multiplier
uint output_divider: 6 output clock divider
uint freq_range: 2 frequency range (see sc_frequency_range)
uint power_up: 1 Power UP.

◆ sc_clock_mux_t

struct sc_clock_mux_t

System controller clock multiplexing control.

Definition at line 1615 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint pa: 2 clock selector for A CPUs (1 2 4 7 8 11 13 14 16); see sc_clock_source
uint adiv: 2 divide CPU clock A by Adiv+1 (= 1-4)
uint pb: 2 clock selector for B CPUs (0 3 5 6 9 10 12 15 17); see sc_clock_source
uint bdiv: 2 divide CPU clock B by Bdiv+1 (= 1-4)
uint mem: 2 clock selector for SDRAM; see sc_clock_source
uint mdiv: 2 divide SDRAM clock by Mdiv+1 (= 1-4)
uint rtr: 2 clock selector for Router; see sc_clock_source
uint rdiv: 2 divide Router clock by Rdiv+1 (= 1-4)
uint sys: 2 clock selector for System AHB components; see sc_clock_source
uint sdiv: 2 divide System AHB clock by Sdiv+1 (= 1-4)
uint invert_b: 1 invert CPU clock B

◆ sc_sleep_status_t

struct sc_sleep_status_t

System controller sleep status.

Definition at line 1665 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint status: NUM_CPUS ARM968 STANDBYWFI signal for each core.

◆ sc_temperature_t

struct sc_temperature_t

System controller temperature status/control.

Definition at line 1673 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint temperature: 24 temperature sensor reading
uint sample_finished: 1 temperature measurement finished
uint start: 1 start temperature measurement

◆ sc_mutex_bit_t

struct sc_mutex_bit_t

System controller mutex/interlock.

Definition at line 1685 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint bit: 1 The only relevant bit in the word.

◆ sc_link_disable_t

struct sc_link_disable_t

System controller link and router control.

Definition at line 1693 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint rx_disable: NUM_LINKS disables the corresponding link receiver
uint tx_disable: NUM_LINKS disables the corresponding link transmitter
uint parity_control: 1 Router parity control.
uint security_code: 12 SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_MAGIC_NUMBER to enable write

◆ system_controller_t

struct system_controller_t

System controller registers.

Definition at line 1715 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
const uint chip_id Chip ID register (hardwired)
sc_magic_proc_map_t processor_disable Each bit disables a processor.
sc_magic_proc_map_t set_cpu_irq Writing a 1 sets a processor’s interrupt line.
sc_magic_proc_map_t clear_cpu_irq Writing a 1 clears a processor’s interrupt line.
uint set_cpu_ok Writing a 1 sets a CPU OK bit.
uint clear_cpu_ok Writing a 1 clears a CPU OK bit.
sc_magic_proc_map_t cpu_soft_reset_level Level control of CPU resets.
sc_magic_proc_map_t cpu_hard_reset_level Level control of CPU node resets.
sc_magic_subsystem_map_t subsystem_reset_level Level control of subsystem resets.
sc_magic_proc_map_t cpu_soft_reset_pulse Pulse control of CPU resets.
sc_magic_proc_map_t cpu_hard_reset_pulse Pulse control of CPU node resets.
sc_magic_subsystem_map_t subsystem_reset_pulse Pulse control of subsystem resets.
const sc_reset_code_t reset_code Indicates cause of last chip reset.
sc_monitor_id_t monitor_id ID of Monitor Processor.
sc_misc_control_t misc_control Miscellaneous control bits.
sc_io_t gpio_pull_up_down_enable General-purpose IO pull up/down enable.
sc_io_t io_port I/O pin output register.
sc_io_t io_direction External I/O pin is input (1) or output (0)
sc_io_t io_set Writing a 1 sets IO register bit.
sc_io_t io_clear Writing a 1 clears IO register bit.
sc_pll_control_t pll1_freq_control PLL1 frequency control.
sc_pll_control_t pll2_freq_control PLL2 frequency control.
uint set_flags Set flags register.
uint reset_flags Reset flags register.
sc_clock_mux_t clock_mux_control Clock multiplexer controls.
const sc_sleep_status_t cpu_sleep CPU sleep (awaiting interrupt) status.
sc_temperature_t temperature[_NUM_TEMPS] Temperature sensor registers [2:0].
const sc_mutex_bit_t monitor_arbiter[_NUM_ARBITERS] Read sensitive semaphores to determine MP.
const sc_mutex_bit_t test_and_set[_NUM_LOCK_REGISTERS] Test & Set registers for general software use.
const sc_mutex_bit_t test_and_clear[_NUM_LOCK_REGISTERS] Test & Clear registers for general software use.
sc_link_disable_t link_disable Disables for Tx and Rx link interfaces.

◆ ethernet_general_command_t

struct ethernet_general_command_t

Ethernet general command.

Definition at line 1818 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint transmit: 1 Transmit system enable.
uint receive: 1 Receive system enable.
uint loopback: 1 Loopback enable.
uint receive_error_filter: 1 Receive error filter enable.
uint receive_unicast: 1 Receive unicast packets enable.
uint receive_multicast: 1 Receive multicast packets enable.
uint receive_broadcast: 1 Receive broadcast packets enable.
uint receive_promiscuous: 1 Receive promiscuous packets enable.
uint receive_vlan: 1 Receive VLAN enable.
uint reset_drop_counter: 1 Reset receive dropped frame count (ethernet_general_status_t::drop_counter)
uint hardware_byte_reorder_disable: 1 Disable hardware byte reordering.

◆ ethernet_general_status_t

struct ethernet_general_status_t

Ethernet general status.

Definition at line 1846 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint transmit_active: 1 Transmit MII interface active.
uint unread_counter: 6 Received unread frame count.
uint drop_counter: 16 Receive dropped frame count.

◆ ethernet_tx_length_t

struct ethernet_tx_length_t

Ethernet frame transmit length.

Definition at line 1858 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint tx_length: 11 Length of transmit frame (60 - 1514 bytes)

◆ ethernet_phy_control_t

struct ethernet_phy_control_t

Ethernet PHY (physical layer) control.

Definition at line 1872 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint reset: 1 PHY reset (active low)
uint smi_input: 1 SMI data input.
uint smi_output: 1 SMI data output.
uint smi_out_enable: 1 SMI data output enable.
uint smi_clock: 1 SMI clock (active rising)
uint irq_invert_disable: 1 PHY IRQn invert disable.

◆ ethernet_interrupt_clear_t

struct ethernet_interrupt_clear_t

Ethernet interrupt clear register.

Definition at line 1890 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint transmit: 1 Clear transmit interrupt request.
uint receive: 1 Clear receive interrupt request.

◆ ethernet_receive_pointer_t

struct ethernet_receive_pointer_t

Ethernet receive data pointer.

Definition at line 1902 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint ptr: 12 Receive frame buffer read pointer.
uint rollover: 1 Rollover bit - toggles on address wrap-around.

◆ ethernet_receive_descriptor_pointer_t

struct ethernet_receive_descriptor_pointer_t

Ethernet receive descriptor pointer.

Definition at line 1912 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint ptr: 6 Receive descriptor read pointer.
uint rollover: 1 Rollover bit - toggles on address wrap-around.

◆ ethernet_controller_t

struct ethernet_controller_t

Ethernet controller registers.

Definition at line 1922 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
ethernet_general_command_t command General command.
const ethernet_general_status_t status General status.
ethernet_tx_length_t transmit_length Transmit frame length.
uint transmit_command Transmit command; any value commits transmit.
uint receive_command Receive command; any value completes receive.
uint64 mac_address MAC address; low 48 bits only.
ethernet_phy_control_t phy_control PHY control.
ethernet_interrupt_clear_t interrupt_clear Interrupt clear.
const ethernet_receive_pointer_t receive_read Receive frame buffer read pointer.
const ethernet_receive_pointer_t receive_write Receive frame buffer write pointer.
const ethernet_receive_descriptor_pointer_t receive_desc_read Receive descriptor read pointer.
const ethernet_receive_descriptor_pointer_t receive_desc_write Receive descriptor write pointer.

◆ ethernet_receive_descriptor_t

struct ethernet_receive_descriptor_t

Ethernet received message descriptor.

Cannot find description of rest of this structure; SCAMP only uses one field. Datasheet refers document that appears to be lost.

Definition at line 1954 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint length: 11 Received packet length.

◆ watchdog_control_t

struct watchdog_control_t

Watchdog timer control register.

Definition at line 1995 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint interrupt_enable: 1 Enable Watchdog counter and interrupt (1)
uint reset_enable: 1 Enable the Watchdog reset output (1)

◆ watchdog_status_t

struct watchdog_status_t

Watchdog timer status registers.

Definition at line 2005 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint interrupted: 1 True if interrupt asserted.

◆ watchdog_lock_t

union watchdog_lock_t

Watchdog timer lock register.

Definition at line 2013 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint whole_value Whole value of lock; see watchdog_lock_codes.

◆ watchdog_lock_t::fields

struct watchdog_lock_t::fields

The fields in the lock register.

Definition at line 2015 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint lock: 1 Write access enabled (0) or disabled (1)
uint magic: 31 Access control code.

◆ watchdog_controller_t

struct watchdog_controller_t

Watchdog timer control registers.

Definition at line 2034 of file spinn_extra.h.

Data Fields
uint load Count load register.
const uint value Current count value.
watchdog_control_t control Control register.
uint interrupt_clear Interrupt clear register; any written value will do.
const watchdog_status_t raw_status Raw interrupt status register.
const watchdog_status_t masked_status Masked interrupt status register.
watchdog_lock_t lock Lock register.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ASSERT_WORD_SIZED (   type_ident)
static inline void __static_word_sized_assert_ ## type_ident (void) { \
_Static_assert(sizeof(type_ident) == sizeof(uint), \
#type_ident " must be the same size as a word"); \
static uint32_t packets_sent
The number of packets sent so far this timestamp.
unsigned int uint

Generates valid code if the named type is one word long, and invalid code otherwise.

type_identThe name of the type that we are asserting is one word long. This macro assumes that it's a name, and not just any old type.

Definition at line 60 of file spinn_extra.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ vic_interrupt_handler_t

typedef void(* vic_interrupt_handler_t) (void)

The type of an interrupt handler.

Definition at line 102 of file spinn_extra.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ timer_pre_divide

Values for timer_control_t::pre_divide.


Divide by 1.


Divide by 16.


Divide by 256.

Definition at line 264 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ dma_direction_t

DMA transfer direction, see dma_description_t::direction.


read from system bus (SDRAM)


write to system bus (SDRAM)

Definition at line 352 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ dma_transfer_unit_t

DMA burst width, see dma_description_t::width.


Transfer in words.


Transfer in double-words.

Definition at line 360 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ spinnaker_packet_type_t

SpiNNaker packet type codes.


Multicast packet.


Peer-to-peer packet.


Nearest-neighbour packet.


Fixed-route packet.

Definition at line 595 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_output_stage

Stages in router_status_t::output_stage.


output stage is empty


output stage is full but unblocked


output stage is blocked in wait1


output stage is blocked in wait2

Definition at line 765 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_diversion_rule_t

Diversion rules for the fields of router_diversion_t.


Send on default route.


Divert to local monitor.


Destroy default-routed packets.

Definition at line 903 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_p2p_route

The possible values of a P2P route.


Route east.


Route north-east.


Route north.


Route west.


Route south-west.


Route south.


Drop packet.


Send to monitor (as determined by router_control_t::monitor_processor)

Definition at line 1014 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sdram_command

Memory controller commands, for sdram_command_t::command.












Active Pause.

Definition at line 1138 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sdram_direct_command

Memory direct commands, for sdram_direct_command_t::cmd.

Codes from SARK (sark_hw.c, pl340_init)






Mode Register.



Definition at line 1173 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sdram_register_maxima

Maximum register IDs.


Maximum memory QoS register.


Maximum memory chip configuration register.

Definition at line 1300 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sc_reset_codes

System controller chip reset reasons.


Power-on reset.


Watchdog reset.


User reset.


Reset entire chip (sc_magic_subsystem_map_t::entire_chip)


Watchdog interrupt.

Definition at line 1506 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sc_frequency_range

Frequency range constants for sc_pll_control_t::freq_range.


25-50 MHz


50-100 MHz


100-200 MHz


200-400 MHz

Definition at line 1603 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sc_clock_source

System controller clock sources.

Used for sc_clock_mux_t::pa, sc_clock_mux_t::pb, sc_clock_mux_t::mem, sc_clock_mux_t::rtr, sc_clock_mux_t::sys


external 10MHz clock input






external 10MHz clock divided by 4

Definition at line 1653 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sc_magic

System controller magic numbers.


Magic number for enabling writing to critical fields.

Definition at line 1783 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ ethernet_tx_length_limits

Limits of ethernet_tx_length_t::tx_length.


Minimum length of an ethernet frame.


Maximum length of an ethernet frame.

Definition at line 1864 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ watchdog_lock_codes

Watchdog timer lock codes, for watchdog_lock_t::whole_value.


Put the watchdog timer into normal mode.


Unlock the watchdog timer for configuration.

Definition at line 2026 of file spinn_extra.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ vic_control

volatile vic_control_t* const vic_control
Initial value:
(vic_control_t *) VIC_BASE_UNBUF
VIC registers.

VIC registers.

Definition at line 220 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ vic_interrupt_vector

volatile vic_interrupt_handler_t* const vic_interrupt_vector
Initial value:
(vic_interrupt_handler_t *) (VIC_BASE + 0x100)
void(* vic_interrupt_handler_t)(void)
The type of an interrupt handler.

VIC interrupt handlers. Array of 32 elements.

Definition at line 224 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ vic_interrupt_control

volatile vic_vector_control_t* const vic_interrupt_control
Initial value:
(vic_vector_control_t *) (VIC_BASE + 0x200)
VIC individual vector control.

VIC individual interrupt control. Array of 32 elements.

Definition at line 227 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ timer1_control

volatile timer_controller_t* const timer1_control
Initial value:
(timer_controller_t *) TIMER1_BASE
Timer controller registers.

Timer 1 control registers.

Definition at line 305 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ timer2_control

volatile timer_controller_t* const timer2_control
Initial value:
(timer_controller_t *) TIMER2_BASE

Timer 2 control registers.

Definition at line 308 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ dma_control

volatile dma_t* const dma_control = (dma_t *) DMA_BASE

DMA control registers.

Definition at line 527 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ comms_control

volatile comms_ctl_t* const comms_control = (comms_ctl_t *) CC_BASE

Communications controller registers.

Definition at line 690 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_control

volatile router_t* const router_control = (router_t *) RTR_BASE

Router controller registers.

Definition at line 1073 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_diagnostic_filter

volatile router_diagnostic_filter_t* const router_diagnostic_filter
Initial value:
(router_diagnostic_filter_t *) (RTR_BASE + 0x200)
SpiNNaker router diagnostic filter.

Router diagnostic filters.

Definition at line 1075 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_diagnostic_counter

volatile uint* const router_diagnostic_counter
Initial value:
(uint *) (RTR_BASE + 0x300)

Router diagnostic counters.

Definition at line 1078 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_multicast_table

volatile router_multicast_route_t* const router_multicast_table
Initial value:
(router_multicast_route_t *) RTR_MCRAM_BASE
SpiNNaker router multicast route.

Router multicast route table.

Definition at line 1081 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_key_table

volatile uint* const router_key_table = (uint *) RTR_MCKEY_BASE

Router multicast key table (write only!)

Definition at line 1084 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_mask_table

volatile uint* const router_mask_table = (uint *) RTR_MCMASK_BASE

Router multicast mask table (write only!)

Definition at line 1086 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ router_p2p_route_table

volatile router_p2p_table_entry_t* const router_p2p_route_table
Initial value:
(router_p2p_table_entry_t *) RTR_P2P_BASE
A packed word in the P2P routing table.

Router peer-to-peer route table.

Definition at line 1088 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sdram_control

volatile sdram_controller_t* const sdram_control
Initial value:
(sdram_controller_t *) PL340_BASE
Memory controller registers.

SDRAM interface control registers.

Definition at line 1431 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sdram_qos_control

volatile sdram_qos_t* const sdram_qos_control
Initial value:
(sdram_qos_t *) (PL340_BASE + 0x100)
Memory QoS settings.

SDRAM QoS control registers.

Definition at line 1434 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sdram_chip_control

volatile sdram_chip_t* const sdram_chip_control
Initial value:
(sdram_chip_t *) (PL340_BASE + 0x200)
Memory chip configuration.

SDRAM chip control registers.

Definition at line 1437 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ sdram_dll_control

volatile sdram_dll_t* const sdram_dll_control
Initial value:
(sdram_dll_t *) (PL340_BASE + 0x300)
SDRAM delay-locked-loop (DLL) control registers.

SDRAM delay-locked-loop control registers.

Definition at line 1440 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ system_control

volatile system_controller_t* const system_control
Initial value:
(system_controller_t *) SYSCTL_BASE
System controller registers.

System controller registers.

Definition at line 1801 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ ethernet_tx_buffer

volatile uchar* const ethernet_tx_buffer = (uchar *) ETH_TX_BASE

Ethernet transmit buffer.

Definition at line 1971 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ ethernet_rx_buffer

volatile uchar* const ethernet_rx_buffer = (uchar *) ETH_RX_BASE

Ethernet receive buffer.

Definition at line 1973 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ ethernet_desc_buffer

volatile ethernet_receive_descriptor_t* const ethernet_desc_buffer
Initial value:
(ethernet_receive_descriptor_t *) ETH_RX_DESC_RAM
Ethernet received message descriptor.

Ethernet receive descriptor buffer.

Definition at line 1975 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ ethernet_control

volatile ethernet_controller_t* const ethernet_control
Initial value:
(ethernet_controller_t *) ETH_REGS
Ethernet controller registers.

Ethernet MII controller registers.

Definition at line 1978 of file spinn_extra.h.

◆ watchdog_control

volatile watchdog_controller_t* const watchdog_control
Initial value:
(watchdog_controller_t *) WDOG_BASE
Watchdog timer control registers.

Watchdog timer controller registers.

Definition at line 2058 of file spinn_extra.h.