spinn_common 7.2.2
Support code for SpiNNaker applications.
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random.c File Reference

pseudo-random number generators More...

#include "random.h"
#include "normal.h"
#include "stdfix-full-iso.h"
#include "stdfix-exp.h"


#define R   32
 Size of the global WELL1024a state vector.


void init_WELL1024a_simp (void)
 The initialiser function that MUST BE CALLED ONCE before WELLRNG1024a_simp() is used. Global WELL1024a seed is randomised each time it is called.
uint32_t WELL1024a_simp (void)
 The WELL generator itself.
void validate_WELL1024a_seed (WELL1024a_seed_t seed)
 MUST USE THIS before passing the seed to WELL1024a_seed() the first time.
uint32_t WELL1024a_seed (WELL1024a_seed_t STATE)
 The WELL 1024a RNG with custom seed.
uint32_t mars_kiss32 (void)
 Marsaglia 32-bit KISS generator using no multiplication instructions.
uint32_t mars_kiss64_simp (void)
 Implementation of Marsaglia JKISS RNG uses 64-bit value and 2x multiplies.
uint32_t mars_kiss64_seed (mars_kiss64_seed_t seed)
 The Marsaglia KISS 64 RNG with custom seed.
void validate_mars_kiss64_seed (mars_kiss64_seed_t seed)
 Validate seed for Marsaglia KISS 64.
s1615 exponential_dist_variate (uniform_rng uni_rng, uint32_t *seed_arg)
 Von Neuman's exponential distribution generator.
s1615 gaussian_dist_variate (uniform_rng uni_rng, uint32_t *seed_arg)
 Returns standard Gaussian deviate.
uint32_t poisson_dist_variate (uniform_rng uni_rng, uint32_t *seed_arg, s1615 lambda)
 A poisson distributed random variable, given \( \exp(-\lambda) \).
uint32_t poisson_dist_variate_exp_minus_lambda (uniform_rng uni_rng, uint32_t *seed_arg, u032 exp_minus_lambda)
 Use this version for Poisson with pre-calculated exp(-λ) for speed gain.


static uint32_t STATE [R]
 The global state vector for WELL1024a_simp()

Detailed Description

pseudo-random number generators

Michael Hopkins
February 2014

For all of these, to get a high resolution fixed-point number in (0,1) that uses the entire generator space use ulrbits() around return value to give a 32-bit unsigned long fract

Also other options to get a 16-bit unsigned fract by taking 16 MSBs of result and urbits()

If floating point is available then multiply by 2.32830643653869628906e-10

spin1_rand() takes 134.9 nanosecs (i.e. 27 ticks) per call

WELL 1024a long cycle generator (2^1024 - 1) from L'Ecuyer & Panneton

Better equi-distribution and warm-up performance than Mersenne Twister, and faster

294.9 nanosecs (i.e. 59 ticks) per call

Function Documentation

◆ WELL1024a_simp()

uint32_t WELL1024a_simp ( void  )

The WELL generator itself.

A uniformly randomly distributed 32-bit value.

◆ validate_WELL1024a_seed()

void validate_WELL1024a_seed ( WELL1024a_seed_t  seed)

MUST USE THIS before passing the seed to WELL1024a_seed() the first time.

[in]seedThe seed to validate

◆ WELL1024a_seed()

uint32_t WELL1024a_seed ( WELL1024a_seed_t  seed)

The WELL 1024a RNG with custom seed.

[in]seedThe RNG state, including seed value.
A uniformly randomly distributed 32-bit value.

◆ mars_kiss32()

uint32_t mars_kiss32 ( void  )

Marsaglia 32-bit KISS generator using no multiplication instructions.

Only available in simple form. Very good for single stream of PRNs.

A pseudo-random unsigned 32-bit integer.

◆ mars_kiss64_simp()

uint32_t mars_kiss64_simp ( void  )

Implementation of Marsaglia JKISS RNG uses 64-bit value and 2x multiplies.

The best general purpose trade-off between speed, equidistribution and cycle length.

A normally distributed 32-bit unsigned integer.

◆ mars_kiss64_seed()

uint32_t mars_kiss64_seed ( mars_kiss64_seed_t  seed)

The Marsaglia KISS 64 RNG with custom seed.

[in]seedThe RNG state, including seed value.
A uniformly randomly distributed 32-bit value.

◆ validate_mars_kiss64_seed()

void validate_mars_kiss64_seed ( mars_kiss64_seed_t  seed)

Validate seed for Marsaglia KISS 64.

MUST USE THIS before passing the seed to mars_kiss64_seed() the first time.
[in]seedThe seed to validate

◆ exponential_dist_variate()

s1615 exponential_dist_variate ( uniform_rng  uni_rng,
uint32_t *  seed_arg 

Von Neuman's exponential distribution generator.

from Ripley p.230 and adapted for our types

Mean number of U(0,1) per call = 5.2
[in]uni_rngThe uniform random number generator
[in]seed_argThe seed argument to the uniform RNG.
Exponentially distributed random number.

◆ gaussian_dist_variate()

s1615 gaussian_dist_variate ( uniform_rng  uni_rng,
uint32_t *  seed_arg 

Returns standard Gaussian deviate.

translation of NR in C version of Box-Muller

[in]uni_rngThe uniform random number generator
[in]seed_argThe seed argument to the uniform RNG.
Gaussian-distributed random number.

◆ poisson_dist_variate()

uint32_t poisson_dist_variate ( uniform_rng  uni_rng,
uint32_t *  seed_arg,
s1615  lambda 

A poisson distributed random variable, given \( \exp(-\lambda) \).

This is Knuth's method, and is \( O(n) \), so don't use for large \( \lambda \)

[in]uni_rngThe uniform random number generator
[in]seed_argThe seed argument to the uniform RNG.
[in]lambdaThe shape parameter of the distribution, \( \lambda \)
Poisson-distributed random number.
DRL thinks the cast (from s16.15 to u0.32) might be wasteful.

◆ poisson_dist_variate_exp_minus_lambda()

uint32_t poisson_dist_variate_exp_minus_lambda ( uniform_rng  uni_rng,
uint32_t *  seed_arg,
u032  exp_minus_lambda 

Use this version for Poisson with pre-calculated exp(-λ) for speed gain.

[in]uni_rngThe uniform random number generator
[in]seed_argThe seed argument to the uniform RNG.
[in]exp_minus_lambdaThe shape parameter of the distribution, \( \exp(-\lambda) \).
Poisson-distributed random number.
DRL thinks this can be simplified to the following code:
while (p > exp_minus_lambda) {
    p *= ulrbits(uni_rng(seed_arg));

return k;