sPyNNaker neural_modelling 7.3.1
Cac_source_t | |
Cadditional_input_params_t | The additional input is due to calcium ions |
Cadditional_input_t | The additional input is due to calcium ions |
Cadditive_one_term_config_t | How the configuration data for additive_one_term is laid out in SDRAM. The layout is an array of these |
Cadditive_two_term_config_t | How the configuration data for additive_two_term is laid out in SDRAM. The layout is an array of these |
Caddress_list_entry | A packed address and row length (note: same size as extra info) |
Call_but_me | The parameters to be passed around for this connector |
Call_but_me_conf | The parameters to be passed around for this connector |
Call_to_all | The parameters to be passed around for this connector |
Calpha_params_t | Parameters of an alpha synaptic input |
Calpha_state_t | Internal structure of an alpha-shaped synaptic input |
Cbitfield_info_t | A struct for information on a bitfield recording |
Cbitfield_recording_t | |
Cbitfield_values_t | A struct for bitfield data |
Cchange_params | |
Ccombined_provenance | The combined provenance from synapses and neurons |
Ccommon_priorities | The callback priorities used by all simulation cores |
Ccommon_regions | The identifiers of the regions used by all simulation cores |
Cconnection_builder_config_t | The configuration of the connection builder |
Cconnection_generator_info | A "class" for connection generators |
Cconnection_generator_t | The data for a connection generator |
Cconnector | |
Cconv_config | |
Ccs_id_index_t | |
Ccurrent_state_t | Struct representing the current state of rewiring |
Cdc_source_t | |
Cdelay_extension_provenance | Structure of the provenance data |
Cdelay_parameters | Delay configuration, as read from SDRAM where it was placed by DSG or by on-chip generation |
Cdelay_value | A converted final delay value and delay stage |
Cdiv_const | Structure for constants for precise constant integer division (see div_by_const) |
Cdma_buffer | |
Cdual_fsm_config_t | How the configuration data for dual_fsm is laid out in SDRAM |
Celimination_params_t | Configuration of synapse elimination rule |
Cexp_params_t | The type of exponential decay parameters |
Cexp_state_t | The type of exponential decay state |
Cfixed_post | The state of this connection generator |
Cfixed_post_params | The parameters that can be copied from SDRAM |
Cfixed_pre | The data to be passed around |
Cfixed_pre_params | The parameters that can be copied from SDRAM |
Cfixed_prob | The data structure to be passed around for this connector |
Cfixed_prob_params | The parameters that can be copied in from SDRAM |
Cfixed_stdp_synapse | |
Cfixed_total | The data to be passed around |
Cfixed_total_params | The parameters that can be copied from SDRAM |
Cformation_params_t | Configuration of synapse formation rule |
Cglobal_parameters | Parameters of the SpikeSourcePoisson |
Cinput_type_params_t | Conductance input parameters |
Cinput_type_t | Conductance state |
Cint16_lut | Lookup Table of 16-bit integers |
Ckernel | The parameters to be passed around for this connector |
Ckey_atom_info_t | Information per atom |
Ckey_config | |
Ckey_info | |
Clc_coord_t | A coordinate in terms of rows and columns (y and x) |
Clc_shape_t | A shape in terms of height and width |
Climits | |
Clocal_only_config | |
Clocal_only_provenance | |
Cmaster_population_table_entry | An entry in the master population table |
Cmatrix_generator_info | A "class" for matrix generators |
Cmatrix_generator_neuromodulation | |
Cmatrix_generator_neuromodulation.__unnamed19__ | |
Cmatrix_generator_stdp_data_t | Data for the generator |
Cmatrix_generator_stdp_data_t.__unnamed25__ | |
Cmatrix_generator_stdp_data_t.__unnamed27__ | |
Cmatrix_generator_t | The data for a matrix generator |
Cmatrix_generator_weight_changer | |
Cmatrix_generator_weight_changer.__unnamed29__ | |
Cmatrix_genetator_static_data_t | The stored data used to generate rows |
Cmatrix_genetator_static_data_t.__unnamed21__ | |
Cmatrix_genetator_static_data_t.__unnamed23__ | |
Cmotor_control_config_t | The structure of our configuration region in SDRAM |
Cmulticast_packet | Description of multicast packet to send as part of Munich protocol |
Cmultiplicative_config_t | How the configuration data for multiplicative is laid out in SDRAM. The layout is an array of these |
Cmunich_key_bitfields_t | The format of Munich device protocol keys |
Cmunich_key_t | Keys are really uint32_t, but contain bitfields within them |
Cneuromodulated_synapse_t | |
Cneuromodulation_data_t | |
Cneuron_core_parameters | Parameters that reside in the neuron_parameter_data_region |
Cneuron_current_source_t | |
Cneuron_impl_t | Definition of neuron state |
Cneuron_param_item_t | |
Cneuron_param_t | |
Cneuron_params_struct_t | The configuration of a struct |
Cneuron_params_t | Definition of neuron parameters |
Cneuron_provenance | The provenance information provided by neurons |
Cneuron_recording_header_t | The heading of the neuron recording region |
Cneuron_regions | The region IDs used by the neuron processing |
Cneuron_t | Definition for LIF neuron state |
Cneurons_provenance | Provenance for this specific core |
Cnm_final_state_t | |
Cnm_params_t | |
Cnm_post_trace_t | |
Cnm_update_state_t | |
Cnoisy_current_source_t | |
Cnormal_clipped_boundary_params | The parameters that can be copied in from SDRAM |
Cnormal_clipped_params | The parameters that can be copied in from SDRAM |
Cnormal_params | The parameters that can be copied in from SDRAM |
Cone_to_one_offset | The parameters to be passed around for this connector |
Cpacket_firing_data_t | The definition of the threshold |
Cparam_generator_constant | The data for the constant value generation |
Cparam_generator_exponential | The data structure to be passed around for this generator. This includes the parameters and an RNG |
Cparam_generator_exponential_clipped | The data structure to be passed around for this generator. This includes the parameters and an RNG |
Cparam_generator_exponential_clipped_params | The parameters that can be copied in from SDRAM |
Cparam_generator_exponential_params | The parameters that can be copied in from SDRAM |
Cparam_generator_info | A "class" for parameter generators |
Cparam_generator_normal | The data structure to be passed around for this generator. This includes the parameters and an RNG |
Cparam_generator_normal_clipped | The data structure to be passed around for this generator. This includes the parameters and an RNG |
Cparam_generator_normal_clipped_boundary | The data structure to be passed around for this generator. This includes the parameters and an RNG |
Cparam_generator_t | The data for a parameter generator |
Cparam_generator_uniform | The data structure to be passed around for this generator. This includes the parameters and an RNG |
Cplastic_synapse_t | Plastic synapse contains normal 16-bit weight and an accumulator |
Cplasticity_trace_region_data_t | Configuration information about plasticity traces |
Cplasticity_weight_region_data_t | The configuration of the rule |
Cpoisson_extension_provenance | Structure of the provenance data |
Cpop_table_config_t | The memory layout in SDRAM of the first part of the population table configuration. Address list data (array of ::address_and_row_length) is packed on the end |
Cpop_table_lookup_result_t | A structure to hold a response to a population table lookup |
Cpost_event_history_t | Trace history of post-synaptic events |
Cpost_event_window_t | Post event window description |
Cpost_to_pre_entry | Entry of map from post-connection to pre-connection neural indices |
Cpost_trace_t | The type of post-spike traces |
Cpre_event_history_t | The type of history data of pre-events |
Cpre_info_t | Individual pre-synaptic sub-population information |
Cpre_pop_info_table_t | Table of individual pre-synaptic information |
Cpre_stochastic_config_t | How the configuration data for pre_stochastic is laid out in SDRAM |
Cpre_trace_t | The type of pre-spike traces |
Cprovenance_data | Provenance data region layout |
Crecording_index_t | |
Crecording_info_t | A struct for information for a non-bitfield recording |
Crecording_params_t | |
Crecording_values_t | A struct of the different types of recorded data |
Crewiring_data_t | Parameters of the synaptic rewiring model |
Crng_seed_t | An RNG seed of 4 words |
Crng_t | The Random number generator parameters |
Crobot_motor_control_provenance | The provenance information written on application shutdown |
Crow_changer_fixed_t | The layout of the fixed synapse region of the row; the fixed-fixed region is empty |
Crow_changer_plastic_t | The layout of the initial plastic synapse part of the row |
Crow_fixed_t | The layout of the fixed synapse region of the row; the fixed-fixed region is empty |
Crow_nm_fixed_t | The layout of the fixed synapse region of the row; the fixed-fixed region is empty |
Crow_nm_plastic_t | The layout of the initial plastic synapse part of the row |
Crow_plastic_t | The layout of the initial plastic synapse part of the row |
Csdram_bitfield_recording_data_t | |
Csdram_config | A region of SDRAM used to transfer synapses |
Csdram_variable_recording_data_t | |
Csource_dim | |
Csource_expand_details | |
Csource_expand_region | |
Csource_info | Collection of rates to apply over time to a particular spike source |
Cspike_processing_fast_provenance | Provenance for spike processing |
Cspike_processing_provenance | Provenance for spike processing |
Cspike_source_t | Data structure for Poisson sources |
Cstatic_row_t | The layout of a purely static row of a synaptic matrix |
Cstdp_params | The type of configuration parameters in SDRAM (written by host) |
Cstep_current_source_amps_t | |
Cstep_current_source_times_t | |
Cstructural_recording_values_t | Struct for structural recording data |
Csynapse_params | The layout of the synapse parameters region |
Csynapse_provenance | The provenance information for synaptic processing |
Csynapse_regions | The region IDs used by synapse processing |
Csynapse_row_fixed_part_t | The type of the fixed part of the row. The fixed-plastic part follows |
Csynapse_row_plastic_data_t | The format of the plastic data region of a synaptic row |
Csynapse_row_plastic_data_t.__unnamed10__ | |
Csynapse_row_plastic_data_t.__unnamed10__.__unnamed12__ | |
Csynapse_row_plastic_part_t | The type of the plastic-plastic part of the row |
Csynapse_types_params_t | |
Csynapse_types_t | Delta synapses support just a single excitatory and inhibitory input each |
Cthreshold_type_params_t | Stochastic threshold parameters |
Cthreshold_type_t | Stochastic threshold configuration |
Ctimed_out_spikes | Data structure for recording spikes |
Ctype_info | |
Cuniform_params | The parameters that can be copied in from SDRAM |
Cupdatable_synapse_t | |
Cupdate_post_trace_t | |
Cupdate_state_t | |
Cvariable_recording_t | |
Cvogels_2011_config_t | How the configuration data for vogels_2011 is laid out in SDRAM |
Cweight_state_t | The current state data for the rule |