Uses of Package
Package | Description |
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Administrative interfaces for spalloc server.
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The core allocation system.
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The BMP control subsystem.
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Spalloc v1 compatibility interface.
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Miscellaneous model classes for spalloc.
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The user-facing web interface to the new spalloc service.
Classes in used by Class Description BoardIssueReport A report of an issue with a board.BoardRecord Model of a board, for configuration purposes.BoardTemperatures A board temperature.Direction Represents link directions of a board.GroupRecord The description and model of a group.GroupRecord.GroupType The type of a group.MachineTagging Describes a tagging of a machine.MemberRecord Description of the membership of one user in one group.PasswordChangeRecord Describes basic information about a user that they'd use to change their password.TagList Validates that a string looks like a comma-separated tag list.UserRecord The description and model of a user. -
Classes in used by Class Description BoardCoords Basic coordinates of a board.ConnectionInfo Describes a connection by its chip and hostname.DownLink Describes a link that is disabled.JobDescription Descriptive detail for a job.JobListEntryRecord Entry in a table of machines.JobState All the possible states that a job may be in.MachineDescription Descriptive detail for a machine.MachineListEntryRecord Entry in a table of machines.PowerState The state of the boards or links of a machine, or what they should be switched to. -
Classes in used by Class Description Direction Represents link directions of a board.Prototype -
Classes in used by Class Description PowerState The state of the boards or links of a machine, or what they should be switched to. -
Classes in used by Class Description BMPAndMachine A Machine and a BMP.BoardCoords Basic coordinates of a board.BoardIssueReport A report of an issue with a board.Direction Represents link directions of a board.DownLink.End Describes one end of a link that is disabled.GroupRecord.GroupType The type of a group.JobState All the possible states that a job may be in.MachineDescription.JobInfo Information about a single job.PowerState The state of the boards or links of a machine, or what they should be switched to.UserRecord The description and model of a user. -
Classes in used by Class Description BoardCoords Basic coordinates of a board.ConnectionInfo Describes a connection by its chip and hostname.DownLink Describes a link that is disabled.JobState All the possible states that a job may be in.PasswordChangeRecord Describes basic information about a user that they'd use to change their password.PowerState The state of the boards or links of a machine, or what they should be switched to.