Class FloodFillData

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FloodFillData
extends SCPRequest<EmptyResponse>
A request to flood fill some data. There is no response payload.

Handled by cmd_ffd() in scamp-cmd.c (which sends many messages to actually move the data, handled by nn_cmd_fbs(), nn_cmd_fbd() and nn_cmd_fbe() on their receiving cores).

See Also:
FloodFillStart, FloodFillEnd
  • Constructor Details

    • FloodFillData

      public FloodFillData​(byte nearestNeighbourID, int blockNumber, MemoryLocation baseAddress, byte[] data)
      nearestNeighbourID - The ID of the packet, between 0 and 127
      blockNumber - Which block this block is, between 0 and 255
      baseAddress - The base address where the data is to be loaded
      data - The data to load, between 4 and 256 bytes and the size must be divisible by 4.
    • FloodFillData

      public FloodFillData​(byte nearestNeighbourID, int blockNumber, MemoryLocation baseAddress, byte[] data, int offset, int length)
      nearestNeighbourID - The ID of the packet, between 0 and 127
      blockNumber - Which block this block is, between 0 and 255
      baseAddress - The base address where the data is to be loaded
      data - The data to load, between 4 and 256 bytes and the size must be divisible by 4
      offset - Where in the array the data starts at.
      length - The length of the data; must be divisible by 4.
    • FloodFillData

      public FloodFillData​(byte nearestNeighbourID, int blockNumber, MemoryLocation baseAddress, ByteBuffer data)
      nearestNeighbourID - The ID of the packet, between 0 and 127
      blockNumber - Which block this block is, between 0 and 255
      baseAddress - The base address where the data is to be loaded
      data - The data to load, starting at the position and going to the limit. Must be between 4 and 256 bytes and the size must be divisible by 4. The position and limit of the buffer will not be updated by this constructor.
  • Method Details