sPyNNaker neural_modelling 7.2.2
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
25// Eclipse does *NOT* like this type!
26typedef unsigned long fract probability_t;
30 uint32_t allow_self_connections;
31 probability_t probability;
39struct fixed_prob {
50 // Allocate memory for the data
51 struct fixed_prob *obj = spin1_malloc(sizeof(struct fixed_prob));
53 // Copy the parameters in
54 struct fixed_prob_params *params_sdram = *region;
55 obj->params = *params_sdram;
56 *region = &params_sdram[1];
58 log_debug("Fixed Probability Connector, allow self connections = %u, "
59 "probability = %k",
60 obj->params.allow_self_connections, (accum) obj->params.probability);
61 return obj;
68static void connection_generator_fixed_prob_free(void *generator) {
69 sark_free(generator);
92 void *generator, uint32_t pre_lo, uint32_t pre_hi,
93 uint32_t post_lo, uint32_t post_hi, UNUSED uint32_t post_index,
94 uint32_t post_slice_start, uint32_t post_slice_count,
95 unsigned long accum weight_scale, accum timestep_per_delay,
96 param_generator_t weight_generator, param_generator_t delay_generator,
97 matrix_generator_t matrix_generator) {
98 struct fixed_prob *obj = generator;
100 // Get the actual ranges to generate within
101 uint32_t post_start = max(post_slice_start, post_lo);
102 uint32_t post_end = min(post_slice_start + post_slice_count - 1, post_hi);
104 for (uint32_t pre = pre_lo; pre <= pre_hi; pre++) {
105 for (uint32_t post = post_start; post <= post_end; post++) {
106 if (pre == post && !obj->params.allow_self_connections) {
107 continue;
108 }
110 // Generate a random number
111 probability_t value = ulrbits(rng_generator(core_rng));
113 // If less than our probability, generate a connection
114 if (value < obj->params.probability) {
115 uint32_t local_post = post - post_slice_start;
116 accum weight = param_generator_generate(weight_generator);
117 uint16_t delay = rescale_delay(
118 param_generator_generate(delay_generator), timestep_per_delay);
120 weight, delay, weight_scale)) {
121 // Retry not useful here
122 log_warning("Could not add to matrix!");
123 }
124 }
125 }
126 }
127 return true;
static void * connection_generator_fixed_prob_initialise(void **region)
Initialise the fixed-probability connection generator.
static bool connection_generator_fixed_prob_generate(void *generator, uint32_t pre_lo, uint32_t pre_hi, uint32_t post_lo, uint32_t post_hi, uint32_t post_index, uint32_t post_slice_start, uint32_t post_slice_count, unsigned long accum weight_scale, accum timestep_per_delay, param_generator_t weight_generator, param_generator_t delay_generator, matrix_generator_t matrix_generator)
Generate connections with the fixed-probability connection generator.
static void connection_generator_fixed_prob_free(void *generator)
Free the fixed-probability connection generator.
The data structure to be passed around for this connector.
The parameters that can be copied in from SDRAM.
void log_warning(const char *message,...)
void log_debug(const char *message,...)
General types associated with generators.
static uint16_t rescale_delay(accum delay, accum timestep_per_delay)
Rescales a delay to account for timesteps and type-converts it.
bool matrix_generator_write_synapse(matrix_generator_t generator, uint32_t pre_index, uint16_t post_index, accum weight, uint16_t delay, unsigned long accum weight_scale)
Write a synapse with a matrix generator.
The data for a matrix generator.
rng_t * core_rng
An RNG that is local to the current core.
accum param_generator_generate(param_generator_t generator)
Generate value with a parameter generator.
uint32_t rng_generator(rng_t *rng)
Generate a uniformly-distributed random number.
Definition rng.c:26
Random number generator interface.
void sark_free(void *ptr)
spike source array region IDs in human readable form
#define min(a, b)
static stdp_params params
Configuration parameters.