Uses of Class
Package | Description |
---|---| |
Administrative interfaces for spalloc server.
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Spalloc v1 compatibility interface.
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The user-facing web interface to the new spalloc service.
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Classes relating to boards in a SpiNNaker machine.
Uses of ValidCabinetNumber in
Method parameters in with annotations of type ValidCabinetNumber Modifier and Type Method Description default boolean
AdminAPI. getBoardState(@NotBlank(message="machine name is required") String machineName, @ValidTriadX Integer x, @ValidTriadY Integer y, @ValidTriadZ Integer z, @ValidCabinetNumber Integer c, @ValidFrameNumber Integer f, @ValidBoardNumber Integer b, @IPAddress(nullOK=true) String address)
Describe the enable state of a board.boolean
AdminAPI. getBoardStateCFB(String name, int c, int f, int b)
Find board by physical coordinates and return its state.default boolean
AdminAPI. setBoardState(@NotBlank(message="machine name is required") String machineName, @ValidTriadX Integer x, @ValidTriadY Integer y, @ValidTriadZ Integer z, @ValidCabinetNumber Integer c, @ValidFrameNumber Integer f, @ValidBoardNumber Integer b, @IPAddress(nullOK=true) String address, boolean enabled)
Enable or disable a board.boolean
AdminAPI. setBoardStateCFB(@NotBlank String name, @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull, int c, @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull, int f, @javax.validation.constraints.NotNull, int b, boolean enabled)
Enable or disable a board. -
Uses of ValidCabinetNumber in
Method parameters in with annotations of type ValidCabinetNumber Modifier and Type Method Description protected abstract BoardCoordinates
V1CompatTask. getBoardAtPhysicalPosition(@NotBlank String machineName, int cabinet, int frame, int board)
Get the coordinates of a board at a physical location.protected abstract WhereIs
V1CompatTask. whereIsMachinePhysicalBoard(String machineName, int cabinet, int frame, int board)
Describe where a board is within a machine. -
Uses of ValidCabinetNumber in
Fields in with annotations of type ValidCabinetNumber Modifier and Type Field Description @ValidCabinetNumber Integer
CreateJobRequest.SpecificBoard. cabinet
The physical cabinet number of the board.@ValidCabinetNumber Integer
IssueReportRequest.ReportedBoard. cabinet
The physical cabinet number of the board.Method parameters in with annotations of type ValidCabinetNumber Modifier and Type Method Description WhereIsResponse
SpallocServiceAPI.MachineAPI. whereIsPhysicalPosition( int cabinet, int frame, int board)
Get the location description of a board given its physical coords. -
Uses of ValidCabinetNumber in
Fields in with annotations of type ValidCabinetNumber Modifier and Type Field Description int
PhysicalCoords. c
Cabinet int
BMPCoords. cabinet
The ID of the cabinet that contains the frame that contains the BMPs.Methods in with annotations of type ValidCabinetNumber Modifier and Type Method Description int
HasBMPLocation. getCabinet()