▼ src | |
▼ common | |
in_spikes.h | Functions for immediate handling of incoming spikes |
maths-util.h | Maths-util.h - first created 7/10/2013 version 0.1 |
munich_protocol.h | Description of the Munich robot device protocol |
neuron-typedefs.h | Data type definitions for SpiNNaker Neuron-modelling |
send_mc.h | |
▼ delay_extension | Delay Extension Process |
delay_extension.c | Implementation of delay extensions |
delay_extension.h | Declarations for delay extensions |
▼ neuron | Implementation of simulator for a single neural population on a SpiNNaker CPU core. Or rather of a slice of a population |
► additional_inputs | Additional inputs to neuron models |
additional_input.h | API for additional inputs |
additional_input_ca2_adaptive_impl.h | Implementation of adaptive calcium ion additional input |
additional_input_none_impl.h | Implementation of "no-such-input" additional input |
► current_sources | Current source implementations |
current_source.h | General API of a current source implementation |
current_source_ac.h | Functions called for an alternating current source |
current_source_ac_only_impl.h | General API of a current source implementation |
current_source_dc.h | Functions called for a DirectCurrentSource |
current_source_dc_only_impl.h | Only implement Direct Current source |
current_source_impl.h | Implement all current sources |
current_source_noisy.h | Functions called for a noisy current source |
current_source_noisy_only_impl.h | Only implement Noisy current source |
current_source_step.h | Functions called for a noisy current source |
current_source_step_only_impl.h | Only implement step current source |
current_source_stepnoisy_impl.h | Implement both step current source and noisy current source |
► implementations | Neuron implementations |
neuron_impl.h | General API of a neuron implementation |
neuron_impl_external_devices.h | Inlined neuron implementation following standard component model |
neuron_impl_standard.h | Inlined neuron implementation following standard component model |
neuron_impl_stoc_exp.h | Stochastic neuron implementation with exponential probability |
neuron_impl_stoc_exp_stable.h | Stochastic neuron implementation with exponential probability |
neuron_impl_stoc_sigma.h | Stochastic neuron implementation with sigma shaped probability |
stoc_exp_common.h | Stochastic common code |
► input_types | Synaptic inputs |
input_type.h | API for synaptic inputs (see also src/neuron/synapse_types) |
input_type_conductance.h | Input type is standard conductance-based model |
input_type_current.h | Input type is standard current-based model |
input_type_delta.h | Input type shaped as Dirac delta |
input_type_none.h | The no-input input type |
► local_only | |
local_only_2d_common.h | |
local_only_conv_impl.c | |
local_only_impl.h | |
local_only_pool_dense_impl.c | |
► models | Neuronal Soma Models |
neuron_model.h | The API for neuron models themselves |
neuron_model_if_trunc.h | Truncated Non-leaky Integrate and Fire neuron type |
neuron_model_izh_impl.h | Izhekevich neuron type |
neuron_model_lif_impl.h | Leaky Integrate and Fire neuron type |
► plasticity | Dynamic synapses |
► stdp | Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) |
► synapse_structure | Synaptic state management |
synapse_structure.h | API for synaptic state |
synapse_structure_weight_accumulator_impl.h | Synapses made of weight and accumulator |
synapse_structure_weight_impl.h | Synapses just hold weight |
synapse_structure_weight_state_accumulator_impl.h | Synapse made of weight, accumulator, and other state |
synapse_structure_weight_state_accumulator_window_impl.h | Synapses made of weight, accumulator, other state, and window |
► timing_dependence | STDP timing dependence rules |
random_util.h | Utility function for random number generation |
timing.h | API for timing rules |
timing_nearest_pair_impl.c | Initialisation for timing_nearest_pair_impl.h |
timing_nearest_pair_impl.h | Timing rule using msot recent spike pair |
timing_pair_impl.c | Initialisation for timing_pair_impl.h |
timing_pair_impl.h | Timing rule using spike pairs |
timing_pfister_triplet_impl.c | Initialisation for timing_pfister_triplet_impl.h |
timing_pfister_triplet_impl.h | Timing rule using spike triplets |
timing_recurrent_common.h | Common code for recurrent timing rules |
timing_recurrent_dual_fsm_impl.c | Initialisation for timing_recurrent_dual_fsm_impl.h |
timing_recurrent_dual_fsm_impl.h | Recurrent timing rule using finite state machine |
timing_recurrent_pre_stochastic_impl.c | Initialisation & state for timing_recurrent_pre_stochastic_impl.h |
timing_recurrent_pre_stochastic_impl.h | Recurrent stochastic timing rule |
timing_vogels_2011_impl.c | Initialisation for timing_vogels_2011_impl.h |
timing_vogels_2011_impl.h | Timing rule from Vogels 2011 |
► weight_dependence | STDP weight dependence rules |
weight.h | Interface for different weight implementations for the weight half of a STDP rule |
weight_additive_one_term_impl.c | Support code for weight_additive_one_term_impl.h |
weight_additive_one_term_impl.h | Additive single-term weight dependence rule |
weight_additive_two_term_impl.c | Support code for weight_additive_two_term_impl.h |
weight_additive_two_term_impl.h | Additive dual-term weight dependence rule |
weight_multiplicative_impl.c | Support code for weight_multiplicative_impl.h |
weight_multiplicative_impl.h | Multiplicative single-term weight dependence rule |
weight_one_term.h | API for single-term weight dependence rules |
weight_two_term.h | API for dual-term weight dependence rules |
maths.h | Support functions for STDP |
post_events.h | Post-synaptic events |
post_events_with_da.h | Post-synaptic events |
stdp_typedefs.h | Basic definitions for STDP |
synapse_dynamics_stdp_common.h | STDP core implementation |
synapse_dynamics_stdp_izhikevich_neuromodulation.c | STDP-with-neuromodulation implementation |
synapse_dynamics_stdp_mad_impl.c | STDP core implementation |
► weight_change | |
post_events_with_weight_change.h | Post-synaptic events |
synapse_dynamics_external_weight_change.c | Allow weight change |
synapse_dynamics.h | API for synapse dynamics |
synapse_dynamics_remote.c | |
synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c | This file contains the main interface for structural plasticity and some shared code. For the main implementation, see topographic_map_impl.c |
► population_table | Master population tables |
population_table.h | Master pop(ulation) table API |
population_table_binary_search_impl.c | Master population table implementation that uses binary search |
► structural_plasticity | Structural plasticity interface and algorithms |
► synaptogenesis | Structural plasticity through formation and elimination of synapses |
► elimination | Synapse elimination algorithms |
elimination.h | API for synapse elimination |
elimination_random_by_weight_impl.c | Support code for elimination_random_by_weight_impl.h |
elimination_random_by_weight_impl.h | Synapse elimination by weighted random selection |
► formation | Synapse formation algorithms |
formation.h | API for synapse formation |
formation_distance_dependent_impl.c | Support code for formation_distance_dependent_impl.h |
formation_distance_dependent_impl.h | Synapse formation using a distance-dependent rule |
► partner_selection | Partner selection rule |
last_neuron_selection_impl.c | Support code for last_neuron_selection_impl.h |
last_neuron_selection_impl.h | Recently spiked partners selection rule |
partner.h | Partner selection rule common API |
random_selection_impl.c | Support code for random_selection_impl.h |
random_selection_impl.h | Random partner selection rule |
sp_structs.h | Miscellaneous structures |
topographic_map_impl.c | This file contains the main functions for probabilistic synaptogenesis |
synaptogenesis_dynamics.h | This file contains the main interface for structural plasticity |
synaptogenesis_dynamics_static_impl.c | This file contains the static (non-)implementation of synaptogenesis |
► synapse_types | Synaptic behaviour types |
exp_synapse_utils.h | Utilities for synapse types with exponential decays |
synapse_types.h | API for synaptic behaviour types (see also src/neuron/input_types) |
synapse_types_alpha_impl.h | Implementation of synapse_types.h for an alpha synapse behaviour |
synapse_types_delta_impl.h | Implementation of synapse_types.h for a delta decay to synapses |
synapse_types_dual_excitatory_exponential_impl.h | Implementation of synapse_types.h for a simple duel exponential decay to synapses |
synapse_types_exponential_impl.h | Implementation of synapse_types.h for Exponential shaping |
synapse_types_semd_impl.h | Implementation of synapse_types.h for sEMD synapses |
► threshold_types | Neuron firing thresholds |
threshold_type.h | API for threshold types |
threshold_type_fixed_prob.h | Stochastic threshold with fixed probability when over a fixed voltage |
threshold_type_maass_stochastic.h | Stochastic threshold, due to Wolfgang Maass et al. |
threshold_type_none.h | Threshold that never fires |
threshold_type_static.h | Threshold that fires at a fixed level |
c_main.c | This file contains the main function of the application framework, which the application programmer uses to configure and run applications |
c_main_common.h | |
c_main_local_only.c | |
c_main_neuron_common.h | |
c_main_neurons.c | This file contains the main function of the application framework, which the application programmer uses to configure and run applications |
c_main_synapse_common.h | |
c_main_synapses.c | This file contains the main function of the application framework, which the application programmer uses to configure and run applications |
decay.h | Utility method for decaying a value by a given amount |
dma_common.h | |
local_only.c | Implements the "local-only" handling of synapses, that is the processing of spikes without the use of transfers from SDRAM |
local_only.h | Defines the "local-only" processing of spikes, that is, the processing of spikes without using transfers from SDRAM |
neuron.c | Implementation of the neuron.h interface |
neuron.h | Interface for neurons |
neuron_recording.h | Recording of the state of a neuron (spiking, voltage, etc.) |
profile_tags.h | Profiler tags |
regions.h | Standard layout of DSG regions in neuron code |
send_spike.h | |
spike_processing.c | Implementation of non-inlined API in spike_processing.h |
spike_processing.h | Spike processing API |
spike_processing_fast.c | |
spike_processing_fast.h | Spike processing fast API |
synapse_row.h | Implementation for handling the processing of synapse rows |
synapses.c | Implementation of non-inlined API in synapses.h |
synapses.h | Operations on synapses |
▼ robot_motor_control | Robot motor controller pseudo-neuron implementation |
robot_motor_control.c | Implementation of Robot Motor Control model |
▼ spike_source | |
► poisson | Implementation of the Poisson spike source |
profile_tags.h | Tags for profiling of the spike source poisson |
spike_source_poisson.c | This file contains the main functions for a Poisson spike generator |
▼ synapse_expander | Implementation of the synapse expander and delay expander |
► connection_generators | Connection generators |
connection_generator_all_but_me.h | All But Me connection generator implementation |
connection_generator_all_to_all.h | All-to-All connection generator implementation |
connection_generator_fixed_post.h | Fixed-Number-Post (fan-out) Connection generator implementation |
connection_generator_fixed_pre.h | Fixed-Number-Pre (fan-in) Connection generator implementation |
connection_generator_fixed_prob.h | Fixed-Probability Connection generator implementation |
connection_generator_fixed_total.h | Fixed-Total-Number (Multapse) Connection generator implementation |
connection_generator_kernel.h | Kernel connection generator implementation |
connection_generator_one_to_one.h | One-to-One Connection generator implementation |
connection_generator_one_to_one_offset.h | One_to_one_offset Connection generator implementation |
► matrix_generators | Synaptic matrix generators |
matrix_generator_common.h | Common functions for matrix generation |
matrix_generator_neuromodulation.h | Neuromodulation synaptic matrix implementation |
matrix_generator_static.h | Static synaptic matrix implementation |
matrix_generator_stdp.h | STDP synaptic matrix implementation |
matrix_generator_weight_changer.h | Weight-changer synaptic matrix implementation |
► param_generators | Parameter generators |
param_generator_constant.h | Constant value parameter generator implementation |
param_generator_exponential.h | Exponentially distributed random parameter generator implementation |
param_generator_exponential_clipped.h | Exponentially distributed random parameter generator implementation |
param_generator_normal.h | Normally distributed random parameter generator implementation |
param_generator_normal_clipped.h | Normally distributed random, redrawn if out of boundary, parameter generator implementation |
param_generator_normal_clipped_to_boundary.h | Normally distributed random set to boundary parameter generator implementation |
param_generator_uniform.h | Uniformly distributed random set to boundary parameter generator implementation |
bit_field_expander.h | Expands bitfields on SpiNNaker to reduce data transfer times |
common_kernel.c | Common functions for kernel generation |
common_kernel.h | Common functions for kernel generation |
common_mem.h | Utility functions for working with memory |
connection_generator.c | The implementation of the functions in connection_generator.h |
connection_generator.h | Connection Generator interface |
generator_types.h | General types associated with generators |
matrix_generator.c | The implementation of the matrix generator |
matrix_generator.h | Interface for matrix generation |
neuron_expander.c | The synapse expander for neuron cores |
param_generator.c | The implementation of a parameter generator |
param_generator.h | Interface for parameter generator |
rng.c | An implementation of random number generation |
rng.h | Random number generator interface |
synapse_expander.c | The synapse expander for neuron cores |
type_writers.h | The type converters for parameter generation |